
Opening Makersspace

Festive opening ceremony Johanna Manders Makersspace

On March 26th at 12:00 the Johanna Manders Makerspace will be oficially opend.. You can find further details regarding the naming of the makerspace in an article featured in TU Delta, commemorating the International Women’s Day.

The ceremony will be graced by the presence of Professor Annoesjka Cabo, the Director of Education at EEMCS, along with members of the Manders Brada Stichting executive board, J.W.R. (Jasper) Stimm and R. (Roel) Klooster. Following the opening, a workshop conducted by the vrouwencommissie FEE of ETV will take place in the makerspace. During the workshop, students will craft jewelry using electronic components, such as capacitor earrings, PCB necklaces, and more. The workshop will conclude at 14:00. You are welcome to join the festivities any time between 12:00 and 14:00.

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