
Welcome to the website of the Department of Microelectronics at TU Delft.

With a staff of about 30 fte faculty and over 180 fte scientific staff, the Department of Microelectronics combines the expertise of 7 research groups in Electrical Engineering. The complete field of electronics is covered, including signal processing, radar, and telecommunication.

Microelectronics is fundamentally a multi-disciplinary field of research, exploring the physics, materials and chemistry required to make devices work. It is also multidisciplinary with regard to its wide variety of applications, as it plays a crucial role in all fields of innovation, ranging from advanced health care to telecommunications and smart grids. The ever-increasing demand for processing power, sensing capabilities and miniaturisation makes microelectronics a highly innovative research field.

The Department is involved in several MSc tracks: MSc Wireless Communication and Sensing, MSc Signals and Systems, MSc Microelectronics.

Research at the Department of Microelectronics spans all major aspects of electronic engineering including the design and development of silicon-based devices, analogue and digital circuits for smart sensors, biomedical implants and wireless communication systems, signal-processing algorithms for communication and biomedical signals, as well as microwave and terahertz systems for remote sensing and radio astronomy.

ME’s research is a major contributor to a number of EEMCS themes:

  • Health and Wellbeing - from materials to systems, with specific expertise in:
    • diagnostic technology : visualization and tumor detection, high-Tesla MRI, ultrasound arrays and other sensors
    • monitoring with low power wireless technology and implantable stimulators, such as cochlear implants and neural stimulators for treatment of tinnitus;
  • XG - Next Generation Sensing and communication - from devices to systems:
    • energy-efficient electronics
    • scaling of frequencies from GHz to THz - with the promise of Gb/s wireless networks
    • advanced signal processing , such as 'cognitive radio ', use of large antenna arrays
    • communication for localization and control
    • underwater RF and acoustic communication
  • Safety and Security - from material to systems:
    • microwave vision
    • distributed sensor systems for environment monitoring
    • large sensor arrays and applications in security and radio astronomy
    • resource management in distributed sensing systems

The Department provides expertise for each of these research areas, throughout the whole system chain, from the technology layer to the sub -system and component layer and to the system layer, with a direct link to the challenges facing today's society.

Episode 1 Up Close and Personal

Episode 2 New Frontiers

Episode 3 Connected Worlds


Microelectronics colloquium

Sten Vollebregt

A SiC-carbon nanotube composite for MEMS

Silicon carbide (SiC) is a promising material for MEMS devices, especially for those aiming at harsh environment applications. However, the lack of a proper bulk fabrication process is a factor that impedes the development of SiC MEMS.

PhD Thesis Defence

Tworit Dash

On Doppler Processing for Fast Scanning Weather Radars

PhD Thesis Defence

Xinrui Ji

Metallic Nanoparticles Sintering​ for High Density Interconnects​


Justin Dauwels

AI for applications in psychiatry

PhD Thesis Defence

Gandhika Wardhana

Microtechnology for in-vitro ultrasound neuromodulation studies

PhD Thesis Defence

Henry Martin

Prognostics and Thermal Management of Power Electronic Packages

PhD Thesis Defence

Nicolas Kruse

Radar-based Classification of Continuous Sequences of Human Activities

PhD Thesis Defence

Romina Sattari

Multi-domain reliability monitoring of semiconductor packaging in harsh environments

PhD Thesis Defence

Bruno Buijtendorp

Low-loss deposited dielectrics for superconducting integrated circuits