dr.ing. H.W. van Zeijl
Electronic Components, Technology and Materials (ECTM), Department of Microelectronics
Dr. ing. H.W. van Zeijl was born in Wateringen, the Netherlands in 1958. He studied technical physics at the Technical College in Rijswijk where he received the engineer's diploma in 1981. In that year he joined the Interuniversity reactor institute in Delft where he worked in the field of neutron diffraction and instrumental neutron activation analysis.
In 1986 he joined the Delft Institute of Microelectronics and Submicron technology (DIMES). From 1989 till 1998 he was responsible for the mask fabrication and lithography in the DIMES IC process research sector. He developed several technology courses, a full week training for engineers from relevant fields in the industry and academia. These courses are held for more than forty times and are also given at Universities in China (Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu) and at companies (CNS, SHTP) in Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh city). Besides these educational activities he cooperated in different research project related to Lithography, MEMs, 3D integration, Packaging and Solid State Lighting integration.
In 2005 he received a PhD degree from Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, based on research on bipolar transistors with self-aligned emitter-base metallization and back-wafer-aligned collector contacts. Since august 2017 Henk is a staff member at the laboratory of electonic components materials and technology (ECTM). He is a (co-) author of more than 80 technical papers and several patents.
ET4289 Integrated circuits and MEMS technology
introduction in the fabrication technologies used for Integrated Circuits and MEMS
ET4391 Advanced microelectronics packaging
Basics and state-of-the-art of semiconductor device packaging and system integration.
Next-generation chip assembly processes
Developing technology for ultra-high throughput and sustainable chip assembly processes.
Projects history
Internet of Things (IoT) security through machine learning and data sharing
High Performance Vehicle Computer and Communication System for Autonomous Driving
Multifuntional LED Integration and Miniaturization
3D Smart Wafer Level Package for LEDs
Fast qualification of solder reliability in solid state lighting application
Solid State Lighting reliability for automotive application
The use of SiPs in all kinds of applications is only possible if its reliability can be qualified
- Transient thermal measurement on nano-metallic sintered die-attach joints using a thermal test chip
R. Sattari; Dong Hu; Xu Liu; H. van Zeijl; S. Vollebregt; GuoQi Zhang;
Applied Thermal Engineering,
Volume 221, pp. 119503, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2022.119503 - Microfabricated albedo insensitive sun position sensor system in silicon carbide with integrated 3D optics and CMOS electronics
Joost Romijn; Sten Vollebregt; Vincent G. de Bie; Luke M. Middelburg; Brahim El Mansouri; Henk W. van Zeijl; Alexander May; Tobias Erlbacher; Johan Leijtens; Guoqi Zhang; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 354, pp. 114268, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2023.114268 - Manufacturing of an In-Package Relative Humidity Sensor for Epoxy Molding Compound Packages
Romina Sattari; Henk van Zeijl; GuoQi Zhang;
In 24th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE),
2023. DOI: 10.1109/EuroSimE56861.2023.10100771 - Low Temperature Fine Pitch All-Copper Interconnects Combining Photopatternable Underfill Films
Xinrui Ji; Henk Van Zeijl; Weiping Jiao; Shan He; Leiming Du; Guoqi Zhang;
In Proc. of Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC),
2023. - A Thin-Film Reconfigurable SiC Thermal Test Chip for Reliability Monitoring in Harsh Environments
Romina Sattari; Henk van Zeijl; GuoQi Zhang;
In Proc. of Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC),
2023. - Design And Fabrication Of A Smart Vaporasing Liquid
Microthruster For Cubesat Applications
Georgios Spernovasilis; Henk W. van Zeijl; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In 22nd International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2023),
2023. - Silicon Carbide-on-Insulator Thermal-Piezoresistive Resonator for Harsh Environment Application
Baoyun Sun; Jiarui Mo; Hemin Zhang; Henk W. van Zeijl; Willem D. van Driel; GuoQi Zhang;
In IEEE 36th Intl. Conf. on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS2023),
2023. DOI: 10.1109/MEMS49605.2023.10052401 - Integrated Digital and Analog Circuit Blocks in a Scalable Silicon Carbide CMOS Technology
Joost Romijn; Sten Vollebregt; Luke M. Middelburg; Brahim El Mansouri; Henk W. van Zeijl; Alexander May; Tobias Erlbacher; Guoqi Zhang; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
Volume 69, Issue 1, pp. 4-10, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2021.3125279 - Integrated 64 pixel UV image sensor and readout in a silicon carbide CMOS technology
Joost Romijn; Sten Vollebregt; Luke M. Middelburg; Brahim El Mansouri; Henk W. van Zeijl; Alexander May; Tobias Erlbacher; Johan Leijtens; Guoqi Zhang; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
Nature Microsystems & Nanoengineering,
Volume 8, pp. 114, 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41378-022-00446-3 - Patterning of Fine-Features in Nanoporous Films Synthesized by Spark Ablation
Xinrui Ji; Joost van Ginkel; Dong Hu; Andreas Schmidt-Ott; Henk van Zeijl; Sten Vollebregt; GuoQi Zhang;
In Proc. IEEE Nano,
pp. 238-241, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/NANO54668.2022.9928705 - Visible Blind Quadrant Sun Position Sensor in a Silicon Carbide Technology
Joost Romijn; Sten Vollebregt; Alexander May; Tobias Erlbacher; Henk W. van Zeijl; Johan Leijtens; GuoQi Zhang; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In 35th Intl. Conf. on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2022),
2022. DOI: 10.1109/MEMS51670.2022.9699533 - In-situ reliability monitoring of power packages using a Thermal Test Chip
H. A. Martin; R. Sattari; E. C. P. Smits; H. W. van Zeijl; W. D. van Driel; GuoQi Zhang;
In 23rd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE),
2022. DOI: 10.1109/EuroSimE54907.2022.9758913 - Surface-micromachined Silicon Carbide Pirani Gauges for Harsh Environments
Jiarui Mo; Luke Middelburg; Bruno Morana; H.W. Van Zeijl; Sten Vollebregt; GuoQi Zhang;
IEEE Sensors Letters,
Volume 21, Issue 2, pp. 1350-1358, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.3019711 - Monolithic Integration of a Smart Temperature Sensor on a Modular Silicon-based Organ-on-a-chip Device
Ronaldo Martins da Ponte; Nikolas Gaio; Henk van Zeijl; Sten Vollebregt; Paul Dijkstra; Ronald Dekker; Wouter A. Serdijn; Vasiliki Giagka;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 317, pp. 112439, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2020.112439
document - Towards a Scalable Sun Position Sensor with Monolithic Integration of the 3d Optics for Miniaturized Satellite Attitude Control
J. Romijn; S. Vollebregt; H. W. van Zeijl; G. Zhang; J. Leijtens; P. M. Sarro;
In 2021 IEEE 34th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS),
pp. 642-645, Jan 2021. DOI: 10.1109/MEMS51782.2021.9375434 - Resistive and PTAT Temperature Sensors in a Silicon Carbide CMOS Technology
Joost Romijn; Luke M. Middelburg; Sten Vollebregt; Brahim El Mansouri; Henk W. van Zeijl; Alexander May; Tobias Erlbacher; Guoqi Zhang; and Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In Proc. of IEEE Sensors,
2021. - Design and Fabrication of a Multi-Functional Programmable Thermal Test Chip
R. Sattari; H. van Zeijl; GuoQi Zhang;
In 23rd European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference & Exhibition (EMPC),
2021. DOI: 10.23919/EMPC53418.2021.9584984 - Monolithic Integration of a Smart Temperature Sensor on a Modular Silicon-based Organ-on-a-Chip Device
Martins da Ponte, Ronaldo; Nikolas Gaio; Henk van Zeijl; Sten Vollebregt; Paul Dijkstra; Ronald Dekker; Wouter A. Serdijn; Vasiliki Giagka;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Nov. 21 2020. ISSN 0924-4247.
Keywords: ...
Organs-on-a-chip; Smart temperature sensor; Time-mode domain signal processing; MEMS; CMOS Monolithic Integration; MEMS-Electronics co-fabrication.
Abstract: ...
One of the many applications of organ-on-a-chip (OOC) technology is the study of biological processes in human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) during pharmacological drug screening. It is of paramount importance to construct OOCs equipped with highly compact in situ sensors that can accurately monitor, in real time, the extracellular fluid environment and anticipate any vital physiological changes of the culture. In this paper, we report the co-fabrication of a CMOS smart sensor on the same substrate as our silicon-based OOC for real-time in situ temperature measurement of the cell culture. The proposed CMOS circuit is developed to provide the first monolithically integrated in situ smart temperature-sensing system on a micromachined silicon-based OOC device. Measurement results on wafer reveal a resolution of less than ±0.2 °C and a nonlinearity error of less than 0.05% across a temperature range from 30 °C to 40 °C. The sensor's time response is more than 10 times faster than the time constant of the convection-cooling mechanism found for a medium containing 0.4 ml of PBS solution. All in all, this work is the first step towards realising OOCs with seamless integrated CMOS-based sensors capable to measure, in real time, multiple physical quantities found in cell culture experiments. It is expected that the use of commercial foundry CMOS processes may enable OOCs with very large scale of multi-sensing integration and actuation in a closed-loop system manner.
document - Toward a Self-Sensing Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor for all-SiC Monolithic Integration
L.M. Middelburg; H.W. van Zeijl; S. Vollebregt; B. Morana; GuoQi Zhang;
IEEE Sensors,
Volume 20, Issue 19, pp. 11265-11274, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2998915 - Wafer Scale Flexible Interconnect Transfer for Hetrogeneous Integration
Pan Liu; Jian Li; Henk van Zeijl; GuoQi Zhang;
In 2020 IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC),
United States, IEEE, pp. 817--823, 06 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ECTC32862.2020.00133 - High-resolution MEMS inertial sensor combining large-displacement buckling behaviour with integrated capacitive readout
Brahim El Mansouri; Luke M. Middelburg; Rene H. Poelma; GuoQi Zhang; Henk W. van Zeijl; Jia Wei; Hui Jiang; Johan G. Vogel; Willem D. van Driel;
Microsystems & Nanoengineering,
Volume 5, 2019.
document - MEMS Enabled Fast Time-Resolved X-Ray Diffraction Characterization Platform for Copper Nanoparticle Sintering in Heterogeneous Integration Applications
Boyao Zhang; Jia Wei; Bottger, A. J.; van Zeijl, H. W.; Sarro, P. M.; GuoQi Zhang;
In 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII): Proceedings. Danvers: IEEE,
2019. DOI: 10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2019.8808192 - Wafer-scale integration of CVD graphene on CMOS devices using a transfer-free approach
Sten Vollebregt; Joost Romijn; Henk W. van Zeijl; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In Graphene Week,
2019. - A wafer-scale process for the monolithic integration of CVD graphene and CMOS logic for smart MEMS/NEMS sensors
Joost Romijn; Sten Vollebregt; Henk W. van Zeijl; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In IEEE 32nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). Piscataway: IEEE,
2019. DOI: 10.1109/MEMSYS.2019.8870741 - Carbon Nanotube Array: Scaffolding Material for Opto, Electro, Thermo, and Mechanical Systems
Amir M. Gheytaghi; H. van Zeijl; S. Vollebregt; R.H. Poelma; C. Silvestri; R. Ishihara; G. Q. Zhang; P. M. Sarro;
Innovative Materials,
Volume 3, pp. 22-25, 2018. - Wafer-Scale Integration for Semi-Flexible Neural Implant Miniaturization
Marta Kluba; Bruno Morana; Angel Savov; Henk Van Zeijl; Gregory Pandraud; Ronald Dekker;
In Proceedings Eurosensors,
pp. 941, 2018. DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2130941 - Designing a 100 [aF/nm] capacitive transducer
L. M. Middelburg; B. El Mansouri; R. H. Poelma; H. W. van Zeijl; Jia Wei; GuoQi Zhang; W. D. van Driel;
In 19th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE),
2018. - Non-Linear Bulk Micromachined Accelerometer for High Sensitivity Applications
Middelburg, L. M.; Mansouri, B. E.; Poelma, R.; GuoQi Zhang; Van Zeijl, H.; Wei, J.;
In Proc. IEEE Sensors,
2018. DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2018.8589630 - Three dimensional thermoacoustic device composed of nanoporous material and the method to fabricate such a device
Poelma, R.; GuoQi Zhang, G. Q.; Yi, H.; van Zeijl, H.;
Patent, NL 2017268, 2018. IPC No. H04R, Priority date 1 Aug 2016, Priority No. NL 2017268. - Effect of droplet shrinking on surface acoustic wave response in microfluidic applications
Thu Hang Bui; Van Nguyen; Sten Vollebregt; Bruno Morana; Henk van Zeijl; Trinh Chu Duc; P.M. Sarro;
Applied Surface Science,
Volume 426, pp. 253-261, 2017.
document - Silicon-based multi-functional wafer-level-package for LEDs in 7-mask BiCMOS process
Zahra Kolahdouz; T Ma; H Abdy; M Kolahdouz; H van Zeijl; GuoQi Zhang;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 263, pp. 622-632, 2017. - Monolithically integrated light feedback control circuit for blue/UV LED smart package
Zahra K Esfahani; M Tohidian; H van Zeijl; M Kolahdouz; GuoQi Zhang;
IEEE Photonics Journal,
Volume 9, Issue 2, pp. 1-13, 2017. - High aspect ratio spiral resonators for process variation investigation and MEMS applications
L. Middelburg; B. El Mansouri; H. van Zeijl; GuoQi Zhang; R. H. Poelma;
In Proc. IEEE Sensors,
2017. - Smart Systems Integration in the era of Solid State Lighting
GuoQi Zhang; H. van Zeijl; W.D. van Driel; R. Poelma; Z.K. Esfahani; M.R. Venkatesh; L. Middelburg; B. El Mansouri;
In Smart System Integration conference (SSI),
2017. - Output blue light evaluation for phosphor based smart white LED wafer level packages
Z. Kolahdouz; A. Rostamian; M. Kolahdouz; T. Ma; H. van Zeijl; GuoQi Zhang;
Optics Express,
Volume 24, Issue 4, pp. 174-177, 2016. - Effects of Nanostructure and Coating on the Mechanics of Carbon Nanotube Arrays
R. H. Poelma; X. J. Fan; Z. Y. Hu; G. van Tendeloo; H.W. van Zeijl; GuoQi Zhang;
Advanced Functional Materials,
Volume 26, Issue 8, pp. 1233-1242, 2016. - A transfer-free wafer-scale CVD graphene fabrication process for MEMS/NEMS sensors
S. Vollebregt; B. Alfano; F. Ricciardella; A.J.M. Giesbers; Y. Grachova; H.W. van Zeijl; T. Polichetti; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. of the 29th IEEE International Conference of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems,
pp. 17-20, 2016. - Design and fabrication of a foldable 3D silicon based package for solid state lighting applications
R. Sokolovskij; Pan Liu; H.W. van Zeijl; B. Mimoun; GuoQi Zhang;
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,
Volume 25, Issue 5, pp. 055017, 2015. - Micromachined cochlear implant
P.J. French; N. Lawand; L. Pakula; H. van Zeijl; J.H.M. Frijns; J. Braire;
In Proceeding Smart Systems Integration,
Copenhagen, Denmark, mesago, pp. 265-271, March 2015. - Fabrication and application of temperature triggered MEMS switch for active cooling control in solid state lighting system
Huaiyu Ye; Jai Wei; van Zeijl, HW; Sarro, PM; GuoQi Zhang;
Microelectronics Reliability,
Volume 54, Issue 6-7, pp. 1338-1343, 2014. - Electrical-thermal-luminous-chromatic model of phosphor-converted white light-emitting diodes
Huaiyu Ye; Sau Wee Koh; Cadmus Yuan; Henk van Zeijl; Alexander W.J. Gielen; Shi-Wei Ricky Lee; GuoQi Zhang;
Applied Thermal Engineering,
Volume 63, Issue 2, pp. 588-597, 2014. - Self-healing thermally conductive adhesives
Lafont, UL; Moreno Belle, C.; Zeijl, HW van; Zwaag, S van der;
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,
Volume 25, Issue 1, pp. 67-74, 2014. - Tailoring the Mechanical Properties of High-Aspect-Ratio Carbon Nanotube Arrays using Amorphous Silicon Carbide Coatings
Poelma, RH; Morana, Bruno; Vollebregt, Sten; Schlangen, Erik; van Zeijl, HW; Fan, Xuejun; Zhang, GuoQi;
Advanced Functional Materials,
Volume 24, Issue 36, pp. 5737-5744, 2014.
document - A polymer based miniature loop heat pipe with silicon substrate and temperature sensors for high brightness light-emitting
Huaiyu Ye; Sokolovskij, R; van Zeijl, HW; Gielen, AWJ; GuoQi Zhang;
Microelectronics Reliability,
Volume 54, Issue 6-7, pp. 1355-1362, 2014. - Design of connected array loaded with artificial dielectric at 60 GHz
W. H. Syed; D. Cavallo; A. Neto; P. van Zeijl;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Memphis, TN, USA, pp. 931-932, July 2014. DOI: 10.1109/APS.2014.6904794 - Artificial dielectric based connected array of slots at 60 GHz
W. H. Syed; A. Neto; D. Cavallo; P. van Zeijl;
In 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
The Hague, Netherlands, April 2014. - Modeling and simulation of monolithic integration of rectifiers for solid state lighting applications
Venkatesh, MR; Liu, P; van Zeijl, HW; GuoQi Zhang;
In Proceedings - 15th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems,
pp. 1-6, 2014. - High aspect ratio lithography for litho-defined wire bonding
Esfahani, ZK; van Zeijl, HW; GuoQi Zhang;
In Proceedings - 64th Electronic Components and Technology Conference,
pp. 1556-1561, 2014. - Through-polymer via (TPV) and method to manufacture such a via
H.W. van Zeijl; R.H. Poelma; GuoQi Zhang;
Dutch patent, 2014. - Fully back-end TSV process by Cu electro-less plating for 3D smart sensor systems
F. Santagata; C. Farriciello; G. Fiorentino; H.W. van Zeijl; C. Silvestri; GuoQi Zhang; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,
2013. - Titanium nitride (TiN) as a gate material in BiCMOS devices for biomedical implants
N.S. Lawand; H.W. van Zeijl; P.J. French; JJ. Briaire; J.H.M. Frijns;
In IEEE Sensors,
Baltimore, USA, IEEE, Nov 2013. - An approach to �Design for Reliability� in solid state lighting systems at high temperatures
S. Tarashioon; A. Baiano; H. van Zeijl; C. Guo; S.W. Koh; W.D. van Driel; GuoQi Zhang;
Microelectronics Reliability,
Volume 52, Issue 5, pp. 783-793, May 2012. DOI 10.1016/j.microrel.2011.06.029. - High accuracy dual side overlay with wet anisotropic etching for HAR MEMS
H.W. van Zeijl; K. Best; P.M. Sarro;
In Technical Proceedings of the 2012 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo (NSTI-Nanotech 2012),
pp. 180-183, 2012. ISBN 978-1-4665-6275-2. - Single-mask fabrication of temperature triggered MEMS switch for cooling control in SSL system
J. Wei; H. Ye; H.W. van Zeijl; P.M Sarro; GuoQi Zhang;
In R. Walczak; J. Dziuban (Ed.), Proc. Eurosensors XXVI,
Krakow, Poland, Procedia Engineering, pp. 849-852, Sep 2012. DOI 10.1016/j.proeng.2012.09.280. - Simulation and qualification of a system-in-package (SiP) based solid state lighting (SSL) module
D.M. Farley; F. Boschman; J.E. Bullema; A.W.J. Gielen; P. Hesen; J.P.H.M. Krugers; F. Swartjes; H.W. van Zeijl; GuoQi Zhang;
In Proc. 13th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE 2012),
Cascais, Portugal, pp. 1-3, Apr 2012. ISBN 978-1-4673-1511-1; DOI 10.1109/ESimE.2012.6191780. - Dynamic thermal simulation of high brightness LEDs with unsteady driver power output
H. Ye; S. Koh; J. Wei; H.W. van Zeijl; GuoQi Zhang;
In 13th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE 2012),
Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 2012. DOI 10.1109/ESimE.2012.6191768. - Enhancing the wettability of high aspect-ratio through-silicon vias lined with LPCVD silicon nitride or PE-ALD titanium nitride for void-free bottom-up copper electroplating
M. Saadaoui; H. van Zeijl; W.H.A. Wien; H.T.M. Pham; C. Kwakernaak; H.C.M. Knoops; W.M.M. Erwin Kessels; R.M.C.M. van de Sanden; F.C. Voogt; F. Roozeboom; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology,
Volume 1, Issue 11, pp. 1728-1738, 2011. DOI 10.1109/TCPMT.2011.2167969. - Stretchable array of ISFET devices for applications in biomedical imagers.
T. Zoumpoulidis; T. Prodomakis; K. Michelakis; H.W. van Zeijl; M. Bartek; C. Toumazou; R. Dekker;
In S.C. Mukhopadhyay (Ed.), Proc. IEEE Sensors 2009 Conference,
Christchurch, New Zealand, IEEE, pp. 7-12, 2009. ISBN 978-1-4244-5335-1). - Alignment and Overlay Characterization for 3D Integration and Advanced Packaging
H.W. van Zeijl; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. of 11th Electronic packaging and Technology conference 2009 (EPTC 2009),
Singapore, IEEE, 2009. ISBN 978-1-4244-5100-5. - Oxidized ALD-deposited titanium nitride films as a low-temperature alternative for enhancing the wettability of through-silicon vias
M. Saadaoui; H.W. van Zeijl; H.T.M. Pham; H.C. Knoops; W.M.M. Kessels; M.C.M. van de Sanden; F. Roozeboom; Y. Lamy; K.B. Jinesh; W. Besling; P.M. Sarro;
In MRS Proceedings Volume 1112, Materials and Technologies for 3-D Integration,
Warrendale, PA, pp. 1-8, 2009. - Through Silicon Interconnect Using grayscale Lithography for MEMS Applications.
H.W. van Zeijl; D. Liu; P.M. Sarro;
In J. Brugger; D. Briand (Ed.), Eurosensors XXIII,
Lausanne, Switzerland, Elsevier, pp. 1543-1546, 2009.
document - Design and characterization of a novel icp plasma tool for high speed and high accuracy drie processing
N. Launay; H. W. van Zeijl; P. M. Sarro;
In Proc. IEEE MEMS 2008,
Tucson, Arizona, USA, pp. 311-314, Jan. 2008. - A dual-side fabrication method for silicon plate springs with high out-of plane stiffness
S.L.Paalvast; H.W. van Zeijl; J.Su; P.M. Sarro; J. van Eijk;
J. Micromech. and Microeng.,
Volume 17, Issue 7, pp. 197-203, 2007. - Fabrication and characterization of high aspect ratio silicon plate springs with high out-of plane stiffness
H.W. van Zeijl; S.L. Paalvast; J. Su; J. van Eijk; P.M. Sarro;
In G. Delapierre; R. Puers (Ed.), Proc. Transducers 2007 Conference,
Lyon, France, IEEE, pp. 1605-1608, Jun. 2007. - Oxide to oxide wafer bonding for three dimensional (3D) IC integration technologies
M. Cannavo; H.W. van Zeijl; G. Pandraud; J. V. Driel; T. Alan; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc SAFE & Prorisc 2004,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 509-512, Nov. 2007. - Improvement of wettability of silicon nitride in PECVD environment for copper electrodeposition in HAR vias
M. Saadaoui; W. Wien; H. van Zeijl; A. van den Bogaard; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc SAFE & Prorisc 2004,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 543-546, Nov. 2007. - A novel dual-side fabrication method for silicon plate springs with high out-of plane stiffness
H.W. van Zeijl; J. Su; S.L. Paalvast; P.M. Sarro; J. van Eijk;
In H. Morgan (Ed.), Proc. 17th MicroMechanics Europe (MME 2006),
Southampton, UK, pp. 209-212, Sept. 2006.
document - Low-Temperature Solid-Phase Epitaxy of Defect-Free Aluminum p+-doped Silicon for Nanoscale Device Applications
Y. Civale; L.K. Nanver; P. Hadley; H.W. van Zeijl; E.J.G. Goudena; H. Schellevis;
In Material Research Society Symposium Proc.,
San Francisco, CA, 2006.
document - Lithographic alignment offset compensation for substrate transfer processes
H. W. van Zeijl; J. Su; J. Slabbekoorn; F. G. C Bijnen;
In Proc. STW/SAFE,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 121-126, 2005.
document - Base-contact proximity effects in bipolar transistors with nitride-spacer technology
H. W. van Zeijl; L. K. Nanver;
In Proc. of the 35th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC),
Grenoble, France, pp. 461-464, Sep. 2005.
document - 3D align overlay verification using glass wafers
E. M. J. Smeets; F. G. C. Bijnen; J. Slabbekoorn; H. W. van Zeijl;
In Proc. SPIE,
pp. 152-162, 2005. - Front-to back-side overlay optimization after wafer bonding for 3D integration
L. Marinier; W. van Noort; R. Pellens; B. Sutedja; R. Dekker; H. W. van Zeijl;
In Proc. 31st International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering 2005,
Vienna, Austria, Sep. 2005.
document - LPCVD silicon nitride-on-silicon spacer technology
H. W. van Zeijl; L. K. Nanver;
In Proc. 20th International Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices,
Florianapolis, Brazil, Sep. 2005.
document - Bipolar transistors with self-aligned emitter-base metallization and back-wafer-aligned collector contacts
H.W. van Zeijl;
PhD thesis, Delft University of Technology, Apr. 2005. ISBN 90-8559-045-0; Promotors: prof. L.K. Nanver, prof. J.W. Slotboom. - A Back-Wafer Contacted Silicon-On-Glass Integrated Bipolar Process - Part I: The Conflict Electrical Versus Thermal Isolation
L.K. Nanver; N. Nenadovic; V. d Alessandro; H. H. Schellevis; W. van Zeijl; R. Dekker; D.B. de Mooij; V. Zieren; J.W. Slotboom;
IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices,
Volume 51, Issue 1, pp. 42-50, Jan. 2004. - Characterization Waferstepper and Process Related Front- to Backwafer Overlay Errors in Bulk Micro Machining using Electrical Overlay Test Structures
H.W. van Zeijl; F.G.C. Bijnen; J. Slabekoorn;
In Proc. SPIE, MEMS, MOEMS and Micromachining,
pp. 398-406, Apr. 2004. ISBN 0-8194-5378-1. - Characterization of front- to backwafer bulk micromachining using electrical overlay test structures
H. W. van Zeijl; J. Slabbekoorn;
J. Micromech. Microeng,
Volume 13, Issue 4, pp. S108-S112, Jul. 2003. ISSN 0960-1317. - Characterization of Front- to Backwafer Alignment and Bulk Micromachining Using Electrical Overlay Test Structures
H.W. van Zeijl; J. Slabbekoorn;
In Proc. SPIE, Smart Sensors, Actuators and MEMS,
pp. 617-626, May 2003. - Single Step Cryogenic SF6/O2 Plasma Etching Process for the Development of Inertial Devices
G. Craciun; H. Yang; H.W. van Zeijl; L. Pakula; M.A. Blauw; E. van der Drift; P.J. French;
In Proc. SeSens 2002,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 612-615, Nov. 2002. ISBN 90-73461-33-2. - Characterization of Front to Backwafer Bulk Micromachining using Electrical Overlay Test Structures
H.W. van Zeijl; J. Slabbekoorn;
In Proc. 13th Micromechanics Europe Workshop (MME 2002),
Sinaia, Romania, pp. 343-346, Oct. 2002. ISBN 973-0-02472-3. - Waferstepper Alignment for MEMS Applications using Diffraction Gratings
H.W. van Zeijl; K. Simon; J. Slabbekoorn; W. van Buel; C.Q. Gui;
In R.P. Manginell et al. (Ed.), MRS Symposium Proc,
San Francisco, CA, pp. 235-240, Apr. 2002. ISBN 1-55899-665-6. - Single step cryogenic SF6/O2 plasma etching process for the development of inertial devices
G. Craciun; H. Yang; H.W. van Zeijl; L. Pakula; M.A. Blauw; EW.J.M. van der Drift; P.J. French;
In Proceedings of SeSens 2002,
STW Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen, pp. 612-614, 2002. - Epitaxy and device behaviour of collector-up SiGe HBTs with a partial p-type collector
L.C.M. van den Oever; L.K. Nanver; T.L.M. Scholtes; H.W. van Zeijl; W. van Noort; Q.W. Ren; J.W. Slotboom;
Solid-State Electronics,
Volume 45, Issue 11, pp. 1899-1904, 2001. ISBN: 0038-1101. - Electrical Detection and Simulation of Stress in Silicon Nitride Spacer Technology
H.W. van Zeijl; S. Mijalkovic; L.K. Nanver;
Journal of Material Science: Materials Electronics,
Volume 12, pp. 339-341, 2001. ISBN: 0957-4522. - Shallow trench insulation for SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors with 25 0e epitaxial base
H.W. van Zeijl; L.K. Nanver;
In Proceedings of SAFE 2001,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 224-228, 2001. ISBN: 90-73461-29-4.
document - Electrothermal characterization of NPNs fabricated in a backwafer contacted silicon-on-glass integrated bipolar process
N. Nenadovic; L.K. Nanver; H. H. SchellevisW. van Zeijl; J.W. Slotboom;
In Proceedings of SAFE 2001,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 123-131, 2001. ISBN: 90-73461-29-4.
document - Yield improvement in High-Frequency BJT with Self-Aligned Metallization
H.W. van Zeijl; L.K. Nanver;
In Proc. of SAFE 99,
Mierlo, pp. 607-610, 2001. ISBN 90-73461-18-9. - Varying Characteristics of Bipolar Transistors with Emitter Contact Window Width
J. Fu; S. Mijalkovic; W.J. Eysenga; H.W. van Zeijl; W. Crans;
In Proc. 2001 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD 01),
Athens, Sep. 2001. ISBN 3-211-83708-6. - Front- to back-wafer overlay accuracy in substrate transfer technologies
H.W. van Zeijl; J. Slabbekoorn;
In M. Yang, The Electrochemical Society, Inc. (Ed.), Proc. 1st International Conference on Semiconductor Technology ISTC2001, Proc,
Shanghai, China, pp. 356-367, 2001. ISBN: 1-56677-324-5.. - Thermal issues in a backwafer contacted silicon-on-glass integrated bipolar process
N. Nenadovic; L.K. Nanver; H. H. SchellevisW. van Zeijl; J.W. Slotboom;
In G.E. Ponchak (Ed.), 2001 Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits RF Systems,
Ann Arbor, MI, USA, pp. 114-121, Sep. 2001. ISBN 0-7803-7129-1.
document - A low-cost BiCMOS process with metal gates
H.W. van Zeijl; L.K. Nanver;
In Proc. Spring 2000 MRS Meeting,
San Francisco, California, pp. C7.2.1-C7.2.6, Apr. 2000. ISBN 1-55899-519-6. - Front- to backwafer alignment, overlay and wafer distortion in substrate transfer technologies
H.W. van Zeijl; J. Slabbekoorn; L.K. Nanver; P.W.L. van Dijk; T. Machielsen;
In Proc. SAFE,
Veldhoven, pp. 163-167, 2000. - The Influence of Mechanical Stresses on the Characteristics of Bipolar Transistors
J. Fu; S. Mijalkovic; W. Eijsenga; H.W. van Zeijl; W. Crans;
In Proc. 3rd Workshop on Semiconductor Advances for Future Electronics,
Veldhoven, pp. 79-85, 2000. - Electrical detection and simulation of stress in silicon nitride spacer technology
H.W. van Zeijl; S. Mijalkovic; L.K. Nanver;
In Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Materials for Microelectronics,
Dublin, Ireland, pp. 231-234, Oct. 2000. ISBN 1-86125-129-7. - Potential use of laser annealing in semiconductor processing
L.K. Nanver; Q.W. Ren; R. Mallee; J. Slabbekoorn; G.J. Bertens; E.J.G. Goudena; M.R. van den Berg; H. H. SchellevisW. van Zeijl; T.L.M. Scholtes; L.C.M. van den Oever;
In G. Zweier (Ed.), Europ. Ion Implant User Seminar,
Bad Aibling, Germany, Sept. 1999. - Ultra-low-temperature low-ohmic contacts for SOA applications
L.K. Nanver; H.W. van Zeijl; H. Schellevis; R.J.M. Mallee; J. Slabbekoorn; R. Dekker; J.W. Slotboom;
In 1999 Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting,
Minneapolis, pp. 137-140, Sept. 1999. ISBN 0-7803-5712-4. - Anisotropic etching of silicon in saturated TMAHW solutions for IC-compatible micromachining
P.M. Sarro; S. Brida; C.M.A. Ashruf; W. van d. Vlist; H. van Zeijl;
Sensors and Materials,
Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 201-212, 1998. - An Anisotropic U-shape SF6 Based Plasma Silicon Trench Etching Investigation
A. Burtsev; X.Y. Li; H.W. van Zeijl; C.I.M. Beenakker;
Microelectronic Engineering,
Volume 40, pp. 85-97, 1998. ISSN 0167-9317. - Modelling and fabrication of Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes
W.J. Kindt; H.W. van Zeijl;
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science,
Volume 45, Issue 3, pp. 715-719, 1998. - Fabrication technology of Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes
W.J. Kindt; H.W. van Zeijl;
In Proc. Dutch Sensor Conf,
Twente, pp. 143-146, Mar. 1998. ISBN 0-7923-5010-3. - Optical crosstalk in Geiger mode avalanche photodiode arrays: modeling, prevention and measurement
W.J. Kindt; H.W. van Zeijl; S. Middelhoek;
In Proc. 28th ESSDERC,
France, pp. 192-195, Sep. 1998. - Silicon nitride as dielectric in low temperature SiGe HBT processing
Q.W. Ren; L.K. Nanver; C.R. de Boer; H.W. van Zeijl;
Microelectronic Engineering,
Volume 36, Issue 1-4, pp. 179-182, Jun. 1997. - A silicon avalanche photodiode for single optical photon counting in the geiger mode
W.J. Kindt; N.H. Shahrjerdy; H.W. van Zeijl;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 60, pp. 98-102, 1997. - Self-aligned metallization of high-frequency BJTs with low-stress silicon-nitride spacers
H.W. van Zeijl; L.K. Nanver;
In Proceedings of the 27th ESSDERC,
Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 248-251, 22-24 1997. - Fabrication of Geiger mode Avalanche Photodiodes
W.J. Kindt; H.W. van Zeijl;
In Proc. of the Nuclear Methods and Physics 1997. Nuclear Methods and Physics 1997,
Austin, Sep. 1997. - Fabrication of Geiger mode Avalanche Photodiodes
W.J. Kindt; H.W. van Zeijl;
In 1997 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, Nov. 1997. - Suspended membrane inductors and capacitors for application in silicon MMICs
Y. Sun; H.W. van Zeijl; J.L. Tauritz; R.G.F. Baets;
In IEEE 1996 Microwave and Millimeter-wave Monolithic Circuits Symposium,
San Francisco, pp. 99-102, Jun. 1996. - Anisotropic etching of silicon in saturated TMAHW solutions for IC-compatible micromachining
P.M. Sarro; S.Brida; C.M.A.Ashruf; W. van d.Vlist; H. van Zeijl;
In Proc. ASDAM '96 Conf.,
Smolenice, Slovakia, pp. 293-296, Oct. 1996. - Low-stress nitride as oxidation mask for submicrometre LOCOS isolation
H.W. van Zeijl; L.K. Nanver; P.J. French;
Electronics Letters,
Volume 31, Issue 11, pp. 927-929, May 1995. - Optimisation of base-link in fully-implanted NPNs
L.K. Nanver; E.J.G. Goudena; H.W. van Zeijl;
Electronics Letters,
Volume 29, Issue 16, pp. 1451-1452, Aug. 1993.
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Last updated: 19 Nov 2021

Henk van Zeijl
- +31 15 27 81092
- h.w.vanzeijl@tudelft.nl
- Room: EKL 01.110
- List of publications