ing. P.J. Trimp

Electronic Instrumentation (EI), Department of Microelectronics


Pieter J.Trimp was born in Rotterdam, The Netherlands in 1949. In 1968 he received his Electronics degree at the Christiaan Huygens School in Rotterdam. He received his first and second Higher Electronics Engineering diploma in Cybernetics in 1970 and 1972, respectively. In 1974 he started a study at the Hoge Technische School in Rotterdam for four years and received his diploma in 1977. He started his career in 1969 by joining the Peekel Instruments B.V. in Rotterdam. After one year he moved to the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry at the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, and 4 years later he joined the Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory at the same university.


  1. A freestanding thin film evanescent waveguide sensor for biomedical application
    Y. Xin; S.A. van’t Hof; A. Purniawan; L.S. Pakula; G. Pandraud; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    In Sensor Technology Conference Sense of Contact,
    The Netherlands, March 2014.

  2. Flexible implantable sensors for long term blood pressure and blood flow measurements
    L. Pakula; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    In Proceedings APCOT,
    Nanjing China, July 2012.

  3. An optical sensor system for early bacteria detection in drain fluids
    S.R.A. chaeron; D. Tanase; E. Margallo-Balbás; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French; N. komen; J.F. Lange;
    s.n. (Ed.);
    SAFE, , pp. 564-567, 2007.

  4. Magnetic-based navigation system for endovascular interventions
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; N.H. Bakker; P.J. Trimp; J.A. Reekers; P.J. French;
    Klinische Fysica,
    Issue 1, pp. 3-7, 2004.

  5. Navigation system for endovascular interventions
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; J.A. Reekers; P.J. French;
    Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies,
    Volume 12, Issue 3/4, 2003.

  6. 3D position and orientation measurements with a magnetic sensor for use in vascular interventions
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; J.A. Reekers; P.J. French;
    In s.n. (Ed.), IEEE EMBS-APBME 2003 IEEE EMBS Asian-Pacific conference on biomedical engineering,
    IEEE, pp. 1-2, 2003.

  7. Magnetic-based navigation system for radiation-dose reduction in endovascular interventions
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; J.A. Reekers; P.J. French;
    In s.n. (Ed.), WC 2003 World congress on medical physics and biomedical engineering,
    World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, pp. 1-5, 2003. CD-ROM.

  8. Multi-parameter sensor system with intravascular navigation for catheter/guide wire application
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    Sensors and Actuators A: Physical: an international journal devoted to research and development of physical and chemical transducers,
    Volume A 97-98, pp. 116-124, 2002.

  9. Radiation dose reduction in minimally-invasive intravascular procedures using a magnetic guidance system
    D. Tanase; N.H. Bakker; D. van Loon; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; J.A. Reekers; P.J. French;
    In Second annual international IEEE-EMBS special topic conference of microtechnologies in medicine and biology,
    IEEE, pp. 305-308, 2002. CD-Rom.

  10. Navigation system for endovascular interventions
    D. Tanase; D. van Loon; J.F.L. Goosen; J.A. Reekers; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    In Eurosensors 2002,
    Czech Technical University, pp. 529-532, 2002.

  11. Electromagnetic navigation system for guide wires and/or catheters
    D. Tanase; D. van Loon; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; J.A. Reekers; P.J. French;
    In I Margineanu; A Nicolaide; M Cernat (Ed.), 8th international conference on optimization of electrical and electronic equipments - OPTIM 2002,
    Transilvania University Press, pp. 725-728, 2002.

  12. CO2 blood sensor for catheter applications
    V. Trogrlic; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    In SAFE - ProRISC - SeSens 2001: proceeding. Semicoductor Advances for Future Electronics - Program for Research on Integrated Systems and Circuits - Semiconductor Sensor and Actuator Technology,
    STW Technology Foundation, pp. 884-887, 2001.

  13. Multi-parameter catheter sensor system with intravascular navigation
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    In {E Obermeier} (Ed.), Transducers'01: technical papers.Vol. 2,
    Springer, pp. 1658-1661, 2001.

  14. Smart sensor interface for a 3D hall sensor
    D. van Loon; D. Tanase; M.F. Snoeij; P.J. French; P.J. Trimp;
    In SAFE-ProRISC-SeSens 2001: proceedings. Semiconductor Advances for Future Eelctronics - Program for Research on Integrated Systems and Circuits - Semiconductor Sensor and Actuator Technology,
    STW Technology Foundation, pp. 825-829, 2001.

  15. Eind rapportage samenwerking EWR en TU-Delft
    P.J. French; P.J. Trimp; W.M. Oppedijk Van Veen; J.P.L. Schoormans; M. Pennings;
    Faculty of Information Technology and Systems, TU Delft, , 2000.

  16. Three-dimensional magnetic sensor for use in intravascular interventions
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    In {JP Veen} (Ed.), SAFE-ProRISC-SeSens 2000: proceedings,
    STW Technology Foundation, pp. 693-696, 2000.

  17. Catheter navigation system for intravascular use
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; J.A. Reekers; P.J. French;
    In Proceedings,
    IEEE, pp. 239-242, 2000.

  18. Zekeringhouder met meetinrichting voor meting van het elektriciteitsverbruik van afzonderlijke verbruiksgroepen
    P.J. Trimp; M.J. Pelk;

  19. A study of the reliability of passivation layers for sensor applications
    P.J. Trimp; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche; F.R. Riedijk; P.J. French;
    In {M. Bartek} (Ed.), Eurosensors XIII: proceedings [CD-ROM],
    Delft University of Technology, pp. 823-826, 1999.

  20. A bulk micromachined humidity sensor based on porous silicon
    G.M. O'Hallaran; P.M. Sarro; J. Groeneweg; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    In Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Solid-State Transducers,
    Chicago, USA, pp. 563-566, Jun. 1997.

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Last updated: 15 Jul 2019