Piet Trimp


  1. A freestanding thin film evanescent waveguide sensor for biomedical application
    Y. Xin; S.A. van’t Hof; A. Purniawan; L.S. Pakula; G. Pandraud; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    In Sensor Technology Conference Sense of Contact,
    The Netherlands, March 2014.

  2. Flexible implantable sensors for long term blood pressure and blood flow measurements
    L. Pakula; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    In Proceedings APCOT,
    Nanjing China, July 2012.

  3. An optical sensor system for early bacteria detection in drain fluids
    S.R.A. chaeron; D. Tanase; E. Margallo-Balbás; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French; N. komen; J.F. Lange;
    s.n. (Ed.);
    SAFE, , pp. 564-567, 2007.

  4. Magnetic-based navigation system for endovascular interventions
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; N.H. Bakker; P.J. Trimp; J.A. Reekers; P.J. French;
    Klinische Fysica,
    Issue 1, pp. 3-7, 2004.

  5. Navigation system for endovascular interventions
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; J.A. Reekers; P.J. French;
    Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies,
    Volume 12, Issue 3/4, 2003.

  6. 3D position and orientation measurements with a magnetic sensor for use in vascular interventions
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; J.A. Reekers; P.J. French;
    In s.n. (Ed.), IEEE EMBS-APBME 2003 IEEE EMBS Asian-Pacific conference on biomedical engineering,
    IEEE, pp. 1-2, 2003.

  7. Magnetic-based navigation system for radiation-dose reduction in endovascular interventions
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; J.A. Reekers; P.J. French;
    In s.n. (Ed.), WC 2003 World congress on medical physics and biomedical engineering,
    World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, pp. 1-5, 2003. CD-ROM.

  8. Multi-parameter sensor system with intravascular navigation for catheter/guide wire application
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    Sensors and Actuators A: Physical: an international journal devoted to research and development of physical and chemical transducers,
    Volume A 97-98, pp. 116-124, 2002.

  9. Radiation dose reduction in minimally-invasive intravascular procedures using a magnetic guidance system
    D. Tanase; N.H. Bakker; D. van Loon; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; J.A. Reekers; P.J. French;
    In Second annual international IEEE-EMBS special topic conference of microtechnologies in medicine and biology,
    IEEE, pp. 305-308, 2002. CD-Rom.

  10. Navigation system for endovascular interventions
    D. Tanase; D. van Loon; J.F.L. Goosen; J.A. Reekers; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    In Eurosensors 2002,
    Czech Technical University, pp. 529-532, 2002.

  11. Electromagnetic navigation system for guide wires and/or catheters
    D. Tanase; D. van Loon; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; J.A. Reekers; P.J. French;
    In I Margineanu; A Nicolaide; M Cernat (Ed.), 8th international conference on optimization of electrical and electronic equipments - OPTIM 2002,
    Transilvania University Press, pp. 725-728, 2002.

  12. CO2 blood sensor for catheter applications
    V. Trogrlic; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    In SAFE - ProRISC - SeSens 2001: proceeding. Semicoductor Advances for Future Electronics - Program for Research on Integrated Systems and Circuits - Semiconductor Sensor and Actuator Technology,
    STW Technology Foundation, pp. 884-887, 2001.

  13. Multi-parameter catheter sensor system with intravascular navigation
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    In {E Obermeier} (Ed.), Transducers'01: technical papers.Vol. 2,
    Springer, pp. 1658-1661, 2001.

  14. Smart sensor interface for a 3D hall sensor
    D. van Loon; D. Tanase; M.F. Snoeij; P.J. French; P.J. Trimp;
    In SAFE-ProRISC-SeSens 2001: proceedings. Semiconductor Advances for Future Eelctronics - Program for Research on Integrated Systems and Circuits - Semiconductor Sensor and Actuator Technology,
    STW Technology Foundation, pp. 825-829, 2001.

  15. Eind rapportage samenwerking EWR en TU-Delft
    P.J. French; P.J. Trimp; W.M. Oppedijk Van Veen; J.P.L. Schoormans; M. Pennings;
    Faculty of Information Technology and Systems, TU Delft, , 2000.

  16. Three-dimensional magnetic sensor for use in intravascular interventions
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    In {JP Veen} (Ed.), SAFE-ProRISC-SeSens 2000: proceedings,
    STW Technology Foundation, pp. 693-696, 2000.

  17. Catheter navigation system for intravascular use
    D. Tanase; J.F.L. Goosen; P.J. Trimp; J.A. Reekers; P.J. French;
    In Proceedings,
    IEEE, pp. 239-242, 2000.

  18. Zekeringhouder met meetinrichting voor meting van het elektriciteitsverbruik van afzonderlijke verbruiksgroepen
    P.J. Trimp; M.J. Pelk;

  19. A study of the reliability of passivation layers for sensor applications
    P.J. Trimp; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche; F.R. Riedijk; P.J. French;
    In {M. Bartek} (Ed.), Eurosensors XIII: proceedings [CD-ROM],
    Delft University of Technology, pp. 823-826, 1999.

  20. A bulk micromachined humidity sensor based on porous silicon
    G.M. O'Hallaran; P.M. Sarro; J. Groeneweg; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
    In Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Solid-State Transducers,
    Chicago, USA, pp. 563-566, Jun. 1997.

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