MSc Javad Bathaei

PhD student
Electronic Components, Technology and Materials (ECTM), Department of Microelectronics

Themes: Health and Wellbeing


Javad completed his bachelor’s degree in Materials science and engineering at University of Tehran in February 2020. During last 2 years of bachelor studies, he joined the Mechanical Properties Laboratory where he focused on fabrication of biocompatible titanium-based nanocomposites. He earned a master’s degree in biomedical sciences and engineering from Koç University in Turkey (October-2023). During the graduate studies, Javad focused on development of new compatible microfabrication methods for building biodegradable/bioresorbable device. Toward this end, he worked on development of a recipe to photolithographically pattern the metal on various biodegradable substrates (2020-2022). Additionally, as his master’s topic, Javad focused on development of a microfabrication strategy based on the stencil lithography by utilizing DRIE-based silicon stencil to pattern the biodegradable material (2022-2023). Besides, he involved in several side projects where he earned experience about development and characterization of miniaturized capacitive and piezoelectric-based sensors.

In November 2023, Javad joined TU Delft as a PhD candidate in Biodegradable Technologies Laboratory, Department of Microelectronics. His focus of research will be the development of biodegradable sensors for ecological monitoring applications. As we strive for a more sustainable future, biodegradable sensors offer a glimpse into the possibilities of eco-friendly technology. With their ability to provide accurate data while minimizing environmental impact, these sensors have the potential to revolutionize industries and contribute to a greener world.

Last updated: 17 Nov 2023