MSc Lei Zhou
PhD student
Electronic Circuits and Architectures (ELCA), Department of Microelectronics
Electronic Circuits and Architectures (ELCA), Department of Microelectronics
Lei Zhou is a Ph.D. candidate in the ELCA research group at Delft University of Technology since January 2022.
She received her BSc degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, Hubei, China, in 2013 and M.Sc. degree in Microelectronics from Delft University of Technology,
Delft, the Netherlands, in 2016. Before embarking on her PhD study journey, she worked as an RFPA application
engineer in Ampleon, the Netherlands. Her research activity primarily focuses on efficient and broadband transmitters
for 5G base station applications.
- A Highly Linear Wideband Polar Class-E CMOS Digital Doherty Power Amplifier
Hashemi, Mohsen; Zhou, Lei; Shen, Yiyu; de Vreede, Leo C. N.;
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Volume 67, Issue 10, pp. 4232-4245, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2019.2933204 - Highly efficient and linear class-E CMOS digital power amplifier using a compensated Marchand balun and circuit-level linearization achieving 67% peak DE and −40dBc ACLR without DPD
Hashemi, Mohsen; Zhou, Lei; Shen, Yiyu; Mehrpoo, Mohammadreza; de Vreede, Leo;
In 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS),
pp. 2025-2028, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2017.8059066 - A fully-integrated digital-intensive polar Doherty transmitter
Shen, Yiyu; Mehrpoo, Mohammadreza; Hashemi, Mohsen; Polushkin, Michael; Zhou, Lei; Acar, Mustafa; van Leuken, Rene; Alavi, Morteza S.; de Vreede, Leo;
In 2017 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC),
pp. 196-199, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/RFIC.2017.7969051
BibTeX support
Last updated: 25 Nov 2022

Lei Zhou
- Room: HB 19.240
- List of publications