ir. R. Wijnands
Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics
Expertise: Brain activity monitoring, functional ultrasound
Themes: Health and WellbeingBiography
Ruben Wijnands is a PhD student at SPS, starting September 2022, under guidance of Geert Leus and Bori Hunyadi. He is involved in the Graph Signal Processing in Action (GraSPA) project. Specifically, he investigates the extension of graph signal processing methods to time-varying graphs, with brain activity monitoring as an application.
Ruben obtained the MSc degree (cum laude) in EE (Signals and Systems track) in 2022. The title of his MSc thesis was "Analyzing dynamic functional connectivity using state-space models on mice fUS data".
Graph Signal Processing in Action
Graph signal processing, Graph topology identification, Graph filtering, Dynamic graphs, Graph learning, Functional ultrasound, Recommender systems
Last updated: 31 Dec 2022

Ruben Wijnands
- Room: HB 17.130
- Personal webpage
- List of publications