MSc FT Celik

PhD student
Microwave Sensing, Signals and Systems (MS3), Department of Microelectronics

Expertise: Antenna cooling system and dual-design of antenna and cooling elements for 5G applications.


Feza Turgay Çelik conducted his bachelors and masters studies at Middle East Technical University (Ankara/Turkey) in 2017 and 2021, respectively. His masters study is focused on pattern reconfigurable antenna element designs for 5G applications, supervised by Prof. Dr. Ozlem Aydin Civi and Dr. Lale Alatan. His main research interest are antenna element design, synthesis, measurement and analysis for different operating bands and applications. Although he is mainly focused on the antenna design, his previous research areas include microwave filter & circuit design, hybrid solutions for scattering problems and challenging measurement techniques for low frequency antennas. He started Ph.D. programme with MS3 group at July 2022 and continues his studies with D.Sc. Alexander Yarovoy and Dr. Yanki Aslan. 


  1. From Cooling to Coupling and Back: A Novel Beam- Switching Heatsink Antenna Array With CSRR Embedded Isolation Wall
    Celik, Feza Turgay; Yarovoy, Alexander; Aslan, Yanki;
    IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
    Volume 22, Issue 11, pp. 2690-2694, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2023.3302572

  2. A Novel Heatsink Attached mm-Wave Active Patch Antenna With Adjustable Frequency and Cooling
    Celik, Feza Turgay; Aslan, Yanki;
    In 2023 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
    pp. 1-5, 2023. DOI: 10.23919/EuCAP57121.2023.10133134

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Last updated: 13 Dec 2023