MSc N Kruse

PhD student
Microwave Sensing, Signals and Systems (MS3), Department of Microelectronics

PhD thesis (Mar 2025): Radar-based Classification of Continuous Sequences of Human Activities
Promotor: Francesco Fioranelli, Alexander Yarovoy

Expertise: Classification algorithms for human behaviour through micro-doppler signatures.

Themes: Health and Wellbeing, XG - Next Generation Sensing and Communication


Nicolas was born in Leiden, the Netherlands, in 1993. He graduated in Applied Physics (Bachelor) in 2017, at the Delft University of Technology. Afterwards, Nicolas enrolled in the Physics programme (Master) at the University of Groningen. Here he joined the collaboration for the Large Hadron Collider Beauty experiment to work on his master thesis, which consisted of the application of machine learning tools on particle classification. He graduated in August of 2020. Nicolas joined the MS3 group in March of 2021, where he is currently researching classification algorithms for human behaviour through micro-doppler signatures.

Radar-aware Activity Recognition with Innovative Temporal Networks

  1. Reconstruction of Extended Target Intensity Maps and Velocity Distribution for Human Activity Classification
    Kruse, Nicolas C.; Guendel, Ronny G.; Fioranelli, Francesco; Yarovoy, Alexander;
    IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems,
    Volume 3, pp. 14-25, 2025. DOI: 10.1109/TRS.2024.3509775

  2. Radar Point Cloud Processing Methods for Human Activity Classification With Point Transformer Networks
    Kruse, Nicolas C.; Fioranelli, Francesco; Yarovoy, Alexander;
    IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems,
    Volume 2, pp. 1-12, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TRS.2023.3341230

  3. Multipath Exploitation for Human Activity Recognition using a Radar Network
    Guendel, Ronny G.; Kruse, Nicolas C.; Fioranelli, Francesco; Yarovoy, Alexander;
    IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
    pp. 1-1, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3363631

  4. Classification Strategies for Radar-Based Continuous Human Activity Recognition with Multiple Inputs and Multi-Label Output
    Ullmann, Ingrid; Guendel, Ronny G.; Kruse, Nicolas Christian; Fioranelli, Francesco; Yarovoy, Alexander;
    IEEE Sensors Journal,
    pp. 1-1, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2024.3429549

  5. Distributed Radar Fusion for Extended Target Location and Velocity Reconstruction
    Kruse, Nicolas; Guendel, Ronny; Fioranelli, Francesco; Yarovoy, Alexander;
    In 2024 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf24),
    pp. 1-6, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/RadarConf2458775.2024.10548772

  6. A Survey on Radar-Based Continuous Human Activity Recognition
    Ullmann, Ingrid; Guendel, Ronny G.; Kruse, Nicolas Christian; Fioranelli, Francesco; Yarovoy, Alexander;
    IEEE Journal of Microwaves,
    pp. 1-13, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/JMW.2023.3264494

  7. Continuous Human Activity Classification with Radar Point Clouds and Point Transformer Networks
    Kruse, Nicolas C.; Fioranelli, Francesco; Yarovoy, Alexander;
    In 2023 20th European Radar Conference (EuRAD),
    pp. 302-305, 2023. DOI: 10.23919/EuRAD58043.2023.10289503

  8. Radar-Based Continuous Human Activity Recognition with Multi-Label Classification
    Ullmann, Ingrid; Guendel, Ronny G.; Kruse, Nicolas Christian; Fioranelli, Francesco; Yarovoy, Alexander;
    In 2023 IEEE SENSORS,
    pp. 1-4, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/SENSORS56945.2023.10324957

  9. Calibration of Cognitive Classification Systems for Radar Networks for Increased Reliability
    Svenningsson, Peter; Kruse, Nicolas; Fioranelli, Francesco; Yarovoy, Alexander;
    In 2022 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf22),
    pp. 1-6, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/RadarConf2248738.2022.9764292

  10. Exploiting Radar Data Domains for Classification with Spatially Distributed Nodes
    R. G. Guendel; N.C. Kruse; F. Fioranelli; A. Yarovoy;
    In SET-312 Research Specialists' Meeting over Distributed Multi-Spectral/Statics Sensing,
    2022. Conference date: 23-05-2022 Through 24-05-2022.

BibTeX support

Last updated: 27 Mar 2025

Nicolas Kruse