dr. B. Abdi
Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering Education (EEE), Department of Microelectronics
Electrical Engineering Education (EEE), Department of Microelectronics
Expertise: Electrical Engineering Education
Dr. Bahareh Abdi received her MSc degree from University of Tehran, Iran in 2015, and the PhD degree from TU Delft in 2021. She is currently an Assistan Professor with emphasis on education in the EEE group.
As a PhD student in the CAS group she worked on the STW AFFIP project in collaboration with Erasmus Medical Center. The goal of this project is to develop signal processing models and algorithms for detecting atrium fibrillation conditions in patients.
- Analyzing the Effect of Electrode Size on Electrogram and Activation Map Properties
Bahareh Abdi; Mathijs S. van Schie; N. M. S. de Groot; Richard C. Hendriks;
Computers in Biology and Medicine,
Volume 134, July 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104467
document - Atrial fibrillation fingerprinting
B. Abdi;
PhD thesis, TU Delft, Fac. EEMCS, October 2021. ISBN 978-94-6384-260-0. DOI: 10.4233/uuid:af53215c-69ea-4c18-8761-d5cfd2c6e186
document - Improved local activation time annotation of fractionated atrial electrograms for atrial mapping
Bahareh Abdi; Richard C. Hendriks; Alle-Jan van der Veen; Natasja M.S. de Groot;
Computers in Biology and Medicine,
Volume 117, February 2020. ISSN: 0010-4825. DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2019.103590
document • software - Local Activation Time Estimation in Atrial Electrograms Using Cross-Correlation over Higher-Order Neighbors
B. Kolling; B. Abdi; N.M.S. de Groot; R.C. Hendriks;
In 29th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2020),
Amsterdam (Netherlands), EURASIP, pp. 905-909, August 2020.
document - A Compact Matrix Model for Atrial Electrograms for Tissue Conductivity Estimation
Bahareh Abdi; Richard C. Hendriks; Alle-Jan van der Veen; Natasja M. S. de Groot;
Computers in Biology and Medicine,
Volume 107, pp. 284-291, April 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2019.02.012
document - A Simplified Atrial Electrogram Model for Tissue Conductivity Estimation
Bahareh Abdi; Richard C. Hendriks; Alle-Jan van der Veen; Natasja M. S. de Groot;
In 7th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference (Book of abstracts),
Egmond aan Zee (Netherlands), January 2019. - Local Activation Time Estimation in Fractionated Electrograms of Cardiac Mappings
Bahareh Abdi; Alle-Jan van der Veen; Natasja de Groot; Richard C. Hendriks;
In 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC),
pp. 285-288, 2019. ISBN: 978-1-5386-1312-2. DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2019.8856683
document - Ventricular Activity Signal Removal in Atrial Electrograms of Atrial Fibrillation
Bahareh Abdi; Richard C. Hendriks; Alle-Jan van der Veen; Natasja M. S. de Groot;
In Biosignals,
Prague (Czech Republic), pp. 179-184, February 2019. DOI: 10.5220/0007388901790184
document - Local activation time annotation in atrial electrogram arrays using deconvolution
B. Abdi; R.C. Hendriks; A.J. van der Veen; N.M.S. de Groot;
In 2019 Computing in Cardiology (CinC),
IEEE, 2019. DOI: 10.23919/CinC49843.2019.9005874
document - A novel Carbon-Nanotube-based Nano-lithography technique to form nano-MOS devices
J. Derakhshandeh; Y. Abdi; S. Mohajerzadeh;
In International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN) 2007,
2007. - Nano-scale MOSFET Devices Fabricated Using a Novel Carbon-Nanotube-based Lithography
J. Derakhshandeh; Y. Abdi; S. Mohajerzadeh; M. Beikahmadi; E.Arzi; M.D. Robertson; J.C.Bennett;
In Material Research Society (MRS) spring meeting,
San Francisco, CA, Mar. 2006.
document - Fabrication of 100nm Gate length MOSFET's using a novel carbon-nanotube-based nano-lithography
J. Derakhshandeh; M. Beikahmadi; K. Baghban; Y. Abdi; S. Mohajerzadeh;
In ICEE2006,
Amirkabir University, Tehran, 2006.
document - PECVD-grown Carbon-nano-tubes on Silicon Substrates with an anomalous Nickel-seeded Tip-growth structure
Y. Abdi; J. Koohsorkhi; J. Derakhshandeh; S. Mohajerzadeh; H. Hoseinzadegan; M.D. Robertson; C. Benet;
Journal of Materials and Science Engineering C,
2005. - Fabrication of 100nm Gate length MOSFET's using a novel carbon-nanotube-based nano-lithography
J. Derakhshandeh; Y. Abdi; S. Mohajerzadeh; H. Hosseinzadegan; E. Asl. Soleimani; H. Radamson;
Journal of Materials and Science Engineering B,
2005. - Light Emitting Nano-porous silicon structures fabricated using a plasma hydrogenation technique
Y. Abdi; J. Derakhshandeh; S. Mohajerzadeh; F. Nayeri; E. Arzi; M.D. Robertson;
Journal of Materials and Science Engineering B,
2005. - Fabrication of 100nm Gate length MOSFET's using a novel carbon-nanotube-based nano-lithography
18) J. Derakhshandeh; Y. Abdi; S. Mohajerzadeh; H. Hosseinzadegan; E. Asl. Soleimani; H. Radamson;
In EMRS spring meeting 2005,
2005. - PECVD-grown Carbon-nano-tubes on Silicon Substrates with an anomalous Nickel-seeded Tip-growth structure
Y. Abdi; J. Koohsorkhi; J. Derakhshandeh; S. Mohajerzadeh; H. Hoseinzadegan; M.D. Robertson; C. Benet;
In EMRS spring meeting 2005,
2005. - Low Temperature Metal-Free Fabrication of polycrystalline Si and Ge TFT's by PECVD Hydrogenation
P. Hashemi; J. Derakhshandeh; B. Hekmatshoar; S. Mohajerzadeh; Y. Abdi; M.D. Robertson;
In Material Research Society conference (MRS 2005),
San Francisco CA, USA, pp. A22.2.1-A22.2.6, 2005.
document - Low temperature growth of nano-crystalline silicon and germanium using Rf hydrogen plasma with application in thin film transistors
P. Hashemi; Y. Abdi; S. Mohajerzadeh; J. Derakhshandeh; B. Hekmatshoar; E. Arzi; M. D. Robertson;
In Iran Phys. Conf.,
Iran, Aug. 2005. - Emitting Nano-porous silicon structures fabricated using a plasma hydrogenation technique
Y. Abdi; J. Derakhshandeh; S. Mohajerzadeh; F. Nayeri; E. Arzi; M.D. Robertson;
In EMRS spring meeting 2005,
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Last updated: 25 Mar 2025

Bahareh Abdi
- +31 15 27 8
- B.Abdikivanani@tudelft.nl
- Room: LB 01.230
- Personal webpage
- List of publications