dr. S. Mandai
Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics
PhD thesis (Jul 2014): Multichannel Digital Silicon Photomultipliers for Time-of-Flight PET
Promotor: Edoardo Charbon
Expertise: Quantum imaging sensors
Shingo Mandai was born in Ako, Hyogo, Japan in 1984. He received the B.S. degree in department of electronic engineering and the M.S. degree in department of electrical engineering and information systems from the University of Tokyo in 2008 and 2010, respectively. Based on the achievements during master course, he was appointed as a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC1) from April till August in 2010. In August 2010, he joined a Ph.D course in Delft University of Technology under the supervision of Professor Edoardo Charbon. During the Ph.D course, he also worked as analog circuit design intern in Omnivision Technologies Norway AS for three months and acquired the evaluation of �outstanding contribution�. His current research interests include a new pixel and sensor design of bio-medical applications including digital silicon photomultipliers (D-SiPMs) for PET applications, architecture and design of high-speed 3-D image sensors, and time-to-digital conversion technique. Shingo Mandai has received several awards including an excellent master thesis award from the University of Tokyo.
Projects history
Novel multimodal endoscopic probes for simultaneous PET/ultrasound imaging for image-guided interventions
Development of new, higher performance imaging techniques with multimodal capability for endoscopic procedures in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy and in surgical oncology.
- Time estimation with multichannel digital silicon photomultipliers
E. Venialgo; S. Mandai; T. Gong; D.R. Schaart; E. Charbon;
Physics in Medicine and Biology,
Volume 60, Issue 6, pp. 2435-2452, Mar. 2015. DOI: 10.1088/0031-9155/60/6/2435
document - High-Performance AD and DA Converters, IC Design in Scaled Technologies, and Time-Domain Signal Processing
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
Springer International Publishing, , 2015.
document - A 67,392 SPAD PVTB-Compensated Multi-Channel Digital SiPM with 432 Column-Parallel 48ps 17-bit TDCs for Endoscopic Time-of-flight PET
A.J. Carimatto; S. Mandai; E. Venialgo; T. Gong; G. Borghi; D. Schaart; E. Charbon;
In IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference,
Feb. 2015.
document - Practical Time Mark Estimators for Multichannel Digital Silicon Photomultipliers
E. Venialgo; S. Mandai; T. Gong; D. Schaart; E. Charbon;
In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium,
Nov. 2015.
document - A 780 x 800 um^2 Multichannel Digital Silicon Photomultiplier With Column-Parallel Time-to-Digital Converter and Basic Characterization
S. Mandai; V. Jain; E. Charbon;
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science,
Volume 61, Issue 1, pp. 44-52, Feb. 2014.
document - Timing optimization utilizing order statistics and multichannel digital silicon photomultipliers
S. Mandai; E. Venialgo; E. Charbon;
Optics Letters,
Volume 39, Issue 3, pp. 552-554, Feb. 2014.
document - A CMOS Multi-Channel Digital SiPM for Endoscopic PET Application
A. J. Carimatto; S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In IEEE Medical Imaging Conference,
Nov. 2014. - FPGA Based Fast Gamma-Ray Time Mark Estimator for Ultra-Miniature Endoscopic PET Applications
T. Gong; S. Mandai; E. Venialgo; A.J. Carimatto; E. Charbon;
In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium,
Nov. 2014. - MD-SiPM PET Detector Module Design
E. Venialgo; S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium,
Nov. 2014. - Multichannel Digital Silicon Photomultipliers for Time-of-Flight PET
S. Mandai;
PhD thesis, TU Delft, Fac. EEMCS, July 2014. ISBN 9789462592346.
document - A 4 x 4 x 416 digital SiPM array with 192 TDCs for multiple high-resolution timestamp acquisition
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
IOP Journal of Instrumentation,
Volume 8, Issue 5, pp. P05024, May 2013.
document - A 3.3-to-25V all-digital charge pump based system with temperature and load compensation for avalanche photodiode cameras with fixed sensitivity
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
IOP Journal of Instrumentation,
Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. P03013, April 2013.
document - Timing Optimization of a H-Tree based Digital Silicon Photomultiplier
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
IOP Journal of Instrumentation,
Volume 8, pp. P09016, September 2013.
document - Monolithic Integration of LEDs and Silicon Photomultipliers in Standard CMOS Technology for Consumer Applications
N. Lodha; S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. International Image Sensor Workshop,
June 2013.
document - A Multi-Channel Digital Silicon Photomultiplier Array for Nuclear Medical Imaging Systems based on PET-MRI
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. International Image Sensor Workshop,
June 2013.
document - Stabilizing Sensitivity in Large Single-Photon Image Sensors with an Integrated 3.3-to-25V All-Digital Charge Pump
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. International Image Sensor Workshop,
June 2013.
document - Large Format Single-Photon Image Sensors in CMOS Technology
E. Charbon; E. Venialgo; S. Mandai;
In Proc. Single Photon Workshop,
October 2013.
document - Energy Estimation Technique Utilizing Timing Information for TOF-PET Application
S. Mandai; E. Venialgo; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference,
October 2013.
document - Analysis of Timing Resolution of a Digital Silicon Photomultiplier
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference,
October 2013.
document - Comparison of Digital and Analog Silicon Photomultiplier for Positron Emission Tomography Application
C. Xu; E. Garutti; S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference,
October 2013.
document - Time Mark Estimators for MD-SiPM and Impact of System Parameters
E. Venialgo; S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference,
October 2013.
document - A Wide Spectral Range Single-Photon Avalanche Diode Fabricated in an Advanced 180nm CMOS Technology
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
Optics Express,
Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 5849-57, March 2012.
document - A 128-Channel, 8.9ps LSB Column-Parallel Two-Stage TDC Based on Time Difference Amplification for Time-Resolved Imaging
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
Transactions on Nuclear Science,
Volume 59, Issue 5, pp. 2463-2470, October 2012.
document - Multi-Channel Digital SiPMs: Concept, Analysis and Implementation
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS),
October 2012.
document - A Fully-Integrated 780x800um2 Multi-Digital Silicon Photomultiplier With Column-parallel Time-to-Digital Converter
S. Mandai; V.S. Jain; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC),
September 2012.
document - A 128-Channel, 9ps Column-Parallel Two-Stage TDC Based on Time Difference Amplification for Time-resolved Imaging
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC),
pp. 119-122, October 2011.
BibTeX support
Last updated: 26 Dec 2018

Shingo Mandai
Alumnus- Left in 2014
- Now: Apple (Japan, US)
- Personal webpage
- Google Scholar profile