dr. P. M. Sberna

Terahertz Sensing (THZ), Department of Microelectronics

Expertise: Clean room scientist, expert of Solid State Physics, Material Science, Chemistry and Micro-fabrication


Paolo Maria Sberna was born in Palermo (Italy) in 1987. In 2009 he received the bachelor degree in physics (cum laude) at the University of Catania (Italy) with a thesis on Bose-Einstein condensation. In 2011 he received the master degree in physics (cum laude) at the University of Catania with the thesis: “Quantum confinement effects on Si nano-crystals observed with Raman spectroscopy”. In 2015, he completed the PhD, at the University of Catania and partly at the NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal), with the thesis: “Novel Approaches to Photoactive Nano-structured Materials for Efficient Solar Cells”. From May 2015 he is working at TU Delft. The topic covered during the first two year has been low-temperature Si thin-film transistors fabrication by solution-processing. From 2017 he is working on III-V photoconductive antennas for THz applications in the group of Prof. A. Neto. His specialties are Solid State Physics, Material Science, Chemistry and Micro-fabrication.


  1. A Core-Shell Lens for Antenna On-Package Integration at D-Band
    Rooijen, Nick van; Alonso-delPino, Maria; Bueno, Juan; Bechrakis Triantafyllos, Alexandros; Sberna, Paolo M.; Spirito, Marco; Llombart, Nuria;
    IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
    Volume 72, Issue 8, pp. 6195-6208, 2024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TAP.2024.3417628

  2. Enhanced Frequency Response in Coherent Photoconductive Pulsed Sources Using Leaky Wave Connected Arrays
    Huiskes, Martijn D.; Bueno, Juan; Zhang, Huasheng; Sberna, Paolo Maria; Llombart, Nuria; Neto, Andrea;
    IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
    Volume 14, Issue 6, pp. 843-850, Nov. 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TTHZ.2024.3449123

  3. Microgel-based etalon membranes: Characterization and properties
    G. Kontaxi; G. Wensink; P. M. Sberna; M. Rücker; V. Garbin; M. J. Serpe; H. Bazyar;
    APL Materials,
    Volume 12, Issue 091113, pp. 1-14, Sep. 2024. DOI: doi.org/10.1063/5.0227483

  4. A 2-Tier TRL Calibration Technique to Assess Flip-Chip Interconnects at D-Band
    van Rooijen, N.; Bokhorst, R.; Dorrestein, S.; Chiappini, F.; Sberna, P.; Llombart, N.; Spirito, M.; Alonso-delPino, M;
    In 2024 103rd ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG),
    Washington, DC, USA, Jun. 21 2024.

  5. The Norton equivalent circuit model of PCA to predict the parasitic effects of the substrate on THz emission saturation
    Sberna, Paolo; Ghosh, Goutam; Huiskes, Martijn; Siebbeles, Laurens; Neto, Andrea;
    In 49th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
    Perth, Australia, Sep. 1-6 2024.

  6. High-Strength Amorphous Silicon Carbide for Nanomechanics
    Xu, Minxing; Shin, Dongil; Sberna, Paolo M.; van der Kolk, Roald; Cupertino, Andrea; Bessa, Miguel A.; Norte, Richard A.;
    Advanced Materials,
    pp. 2306513, 2023.

  7. Fabrication and Characterization of a Leaky Lens Photo-Conductive Antenna on Low Temperature Grown GaAs Membranes
    Juan Bueno; Paolo M. Sberna; Arturo Fiorellini-Bernardis; Huasheng Zhang; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
    IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
    Volume 13, Issue 5, pp. 431-439, Sep. 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TTHZ.2023.3281770

  8. Time Domain Modelling of Pulsed Photo Conducting Sources. Part II: Characterization of a LT-GaAs Bow Tie Antenna
    Arturo Fiorellini-Bernardis; Paolo M. Sberna; Juan Bueno; Huasheng Zhang; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
    IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
    Volume 71, Issue 3, pp. 2536 - 2545, Mar. 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2023.3236763

  9. Experimental setup for the characterization of a quasi-optical link between two pulsed photoconductive antennas
    Huasheng Zhang; Juan Bueno; Paolo M. Sberna; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
    In European Conference of Antennas and Propagation,
    Florence, Italy, 26 - 31 Mar. 2023.

  10. On the Experimental Characterization of Generated and Received Pulses of Photoconductive Antennas
    Huasheng Zhang; Juan Bueno; Paolo M. Sberna; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
    In 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
    Montreal, Canada, 17-22 Sep. 2023. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz57677.2023.10299090

  11. An Array of Bandpass Detectors for Measuring Beam Spectral Components
    Mojtaba Jahangiri; Paolo Sberna; Amir Sammak; Stoyan Nihtianov;
    In IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON),
    Bengaluru, India, Jan. 2023. DOI: 10.1109/APSCON56343.2023.10101178

  12. Drude Dispersion in the Transmission Line Modelling of Bulk Absorbers at Sub-mm Wave Frequencies: A Tool for Absorber Optimization
    R.M. van Schelven; Fiorellini Bernardis, A.; P. Sberna; A. Neto;
    IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine,
    Volume 64, Issue 1, pp. 50-60, Feb. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/MAP.2021.3073092

  13. Characterization of low-loss hydrogenated amorphous silicon films for superconducting resonators
    Bruno T. Buijtendorp; Juan Bueno; David J. Thoen; Vignesh Murugesan; Paolo M. Sberna; Jochem J. A. Baselmans; Sten Vollebregt; Akira Endo;
    J. of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems,
    Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 028006, 2022. DOI: 10.1117/1.JATIS.8.2.028006

  14. Characterization of low-loss hydrogenated amorphous silicon films for superconducting resonators
    Bruno T. Buijtendorp; Juan Bueno; David J. Thoen; Vignesh Murugesan; Paolo M. Sberna; Jochem J. A. Baselmans; Sten Vollebregt; Akira Endo;
    Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems,
    Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 028006, 2022. DOI: 10.1117/1.JATIS.8.2.028006

  15. Interfacial charge transfer and Schottky barriers at c-Si/a-In heterojunctions
    P. X. Fang; S. Nihtianov; P. Sberna; G.A. de Wijs; C. Fang;
    Journal of Physics Communications,
    Volume 6, Issue 8, pp. 085010 1-12, Aug. 2022. DOI: 10.1088/2399-6528/ac8854

  16. A Leaky Enhanced Photo-Conductive Connected Array for Broadband Generation of THz Power
    Juan Bueno; Martijn Huiskes; Huasheng Zhang; Paolo M. Sberna; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
    In 47th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
    Delft, Netherlands, 28 Aug. - 2 Sep. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz50927.2022.9895896

  17. Leaky Enhanced Photo-Conductive Connected Array for Efficient Generation of THz Power
    Juan Bueno; Martijn Huiskes; Huasheng Zhang; Paolo Sberna; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
    In European Conference of Antennas and Propagation,
    Madrid, Spain, 27 Mar. - 1 Apr. 2022.

  18. On the Modelling of a Quasi-Optical Link Between Two Photoconductive Antennas Under Pulsed Laser Illumination
    Huasheng Zhang; Andrea Neto; Juan Bueno; Paolo Sberna; Nuria Llombart;
    In European Conference of Antennas and Propagation,
    Madrid, Spain, 27 Mar. - 1 Apr. 2022.

  19. Comparative Study of the Resolution of Ge-on-Si Photodetectors for 1 μm Infrared Signals
    Mojtaba Jahangiri; Paolo Sberna; Amir Sammak; Stoyan Nihtianov;
    In IEEE 1st Industrial Electronics Society Annual On-Line Conference (ONCON),
    Dec. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/ONCON56984.2022.10126983

  20. Comparison of Receiver Performance Between Bow-Tie and Leaky-Wave Based Photoconductive Antennas
    Huasheng Zhang; Andrea Neto; Juan Bueno; Paolo Sberna; Nuria Llombart;
    In 47th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
    Sep. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz50927.2022.9896094

  21. Leaky Lens Photo-Conductive Antennas on Low Temperature GaAs Membranes
    Paolo Sberna; Arturo Fiorellini Bernardis; Alessandro Garufo; Juan Bueno; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
    In 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
    Düsseldorf, Germany, Mar. 22-26 2021.

  22. On the Accurate Characterization of Pulsed Photo Conductive Sources: Theory Vs Measurements
    Arturo Fiorellini Bernardis; Paolo Sberna; Juan Bueno; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
    In 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
    Düsseldorf, Germany, Mar. 22-26 2021.

  23. Leaky Lens Photo-Conductive Antennas on LT GaAs membranes
    Sberna, Paolo Maria; Fiorellini Bernardis, Arturo; Garufo, Alessandro; Bueno, Juan; Llombart, Nuria; Neto, Andrea;
    In 46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),

  24. On the Power Radiated by Photo Conductive Sources
    Arturo Fiorellini-Bernardis; Huasheng Zhang; Paolo Sberna; Juan Bueno ; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
    In 46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
    Chengdu, China, 29 Aug. - 3 Sep. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz50926.2021.9567350

  25. On the Design of Bulk Absorbers at THz frequencies
    A. Neto; R. van Schelven; P. Sberna;
    In 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
    Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2020.

  26. Synthesis of Efficient Bulk Absorbers at THz Frequencies
    A. Neto; R. van Schelven; P. Sberna;
    In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
    Montréal, Canada, Jul. 5-10 2020.

  27. Characterization of low-loss hydrogenated amorphous silicon films for superconducting resonators
    B.T. Buijtendorp; J. Bueno; D.J. Thoen; V. Murugesan P.M. Sberna; J.J.A. Baselmans; S. Vollebregt; A. Endo;
    In Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X,
    SPIE, International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 459 - 472, 2020. DOI: 10.1117/12.2562233

  28. Characterization of low-loss hydrogenated amorphous silicon films for superconducting resonators
    B. T. Buijtendorp; J. Bueno; D. J. Thoen; V. Murugesan; P. M. Sberna; J. J. A. Baselmans; S. Vollebregt; A. Endo;
    In Proc. SPIE 11453, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X,

  29. A Connected Array of Coherent Photoconductive Pulsed Sources to Generate mW Average Power in the Submillimeter Wavelength Band
    A.Garufo; P.M. Sberna; G. Carluccio; J.R. Freeman; D.R. Bacon; J. Bueno; J.J.A. Baselmans; E.H. Linfield; A.G. Davies; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
    IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
    Volume 9, Issue 3, pp. 221-236, May 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TTHZ.2019.2896791

  30. Pulsed photoconductive connected slot array operating at the sub-mm wavelength band
    A. Garufo; P. Sberna; G. Carluccio; J.R. Freeman; D.R. Bacon; L. Li, J. Bueno; J.J.A. Baselmans; E.H. Linfield; A.G. Davies; I.E. Lager; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
    In Proc. 49th European Microwave Conference - EuMC,
    pp. 820-823, 2019.

  31. Signal to Noise Ratio Budget of a Pico-Seconds Pulsed Radar System for Stand-Off Imaging
    Fiorellini Bernardis, A.; Sberna, P.; Neto, A.; Llombart, N.;
    In 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW THz-2019),
    Paris, France, Sep. 2019.

  32. Time Domain Circuit Representation of Photoconductive Gaps in Antennas for Pulsed Terahertz Time Domain Systems
    Fiorellini Bernardis, A.; Sberna, P.; Neto, A.; Llombart, N.;
    In 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW THz-2019),
    Paris, France, Sep. 2019.

  33. Signal to Noise Ratio for a Pico-Seconds Pulsed Radar for Imaging at Stand-Off Distances
    Fiorellini Bernardis, A.; Sberna,P.; Neto, A.; Llombart, N.;
    In 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
    Krakow, Poland, Mar. 31 - Apr. 5 2019.

  34. Signal to Noise Ratio Budget of a Pico-Seconds Pulsed Radar System for Stand-Off Imaging
    Fiorellini Bernardis, A.; Sberna, P.; Neto, A.; Llombart, N.;
    In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
    Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Jul. 7-12 2019.

  35. Vacuum assisted liquified metal (VALM) TSV filling method with superconductive material
    J. A. Alfaro; P. M. Sberna; C. Silvestri; M. Mastrangeli; R. Ishihara; P. M. Sarro;
    In IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS),
    Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, pp. 547-550, Jan. 21-25 2018. DOI: 10.1109/MEMSYS.2018.8346611

  36. Vacuum Assisted Liquified Metal (VALM) TSV Filling Method With Superconductive Material
    J.A. Alfaro; P.M. Sberna; C. Silvestri; M. Mastrangeli; R. Ishihara; P.M. Sarro;
    In 31th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS),
    2018. DOI: 10.1109/MEMSYS.2018.8346611

  37. Solution-Based Fabrication of Polycrystalline Si Thin-Film Transistors from Recycled Polysilanes
    P. M. Sberna; M. Trifunovic; R. Ishihara;
    ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.,
    Volume 5, Issue 7, pp. 5642-5645, 2017.

  38. Analysis of polydihydrosilane crystallization by excimer laser annealing
    M. Trifunovic; P. M. Sberna; T. Shimoda; R. Ishihara;
    Thin Solid Films,
    Volume 638, pp. 73-80, 2017.

  39. Solution-based polycrystalline silicon transistors produced on a paper substrate
    M. Trifunovic; P. M. Sberna; T. Shimoda; R. Ishihara;
    npj Flexible Electronics,
    Volume 1, Issue 12, Dec. 2017. DOI: 10.1038/s41528-017-0013-x

  40. Sputtered cuprous oxide thin films and nitrogen doping by ion implantation
    P. M. Sberna; I. Crupi; F. Moscatelli; V. Privitera; F. Simone; M. Miritello;
    Thin Solid Films,
    Volume 600, pp. 71-75, 2016.

  41. Effects of Mg doping on Cu2O thin films and their behavior on the TiO2/Cu2O heterojunction solar cells
    K. Kardarian; D. Nunes; P. M. Sberna; A. Ginsburg; D. A. Keller; J. Vas Pinto; J. Deuermeier; A. Y. Anderson; A. Zaban; R. Martins; E. Fortunato;
    Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells,
    Volume 147, pp. 27-36, 2016.

  42. TiO2/Cu2O All-Oxide Heterojunction Solar Cells Produced by Spray Pyrolysis
    M. Pavan; S. Rühle; A. Ginsburg; D. A. Keller; H. Barad; P. M. Sberna; D. Nunes; R. Martins; A. Y. Anderson; A. Zaban; E. Fortunato;
    Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells,
    Volume 132, pp. 549-556, Jan. 2015.

  43. Solution-Processed LTPS on Paper
    Ryoichi Ishihara; Miki Trifunovic; Paolo Sberna; Tatsuya Shimoda;
    In Proceeding of IDW �15, The 22nd International Display Workshop,

  44. Fe ion-implanted TiO2 thin film for efficient visible-light photocatalysis
    G. Impellizzeri; V. Scuderi; L. Romano; P. M. Sberna; E. Arcadipane; R. Sanz; F. Simone; V. Privitera;
    J. Appl. Phys.,
    Volume 116, Issue 173507, 2014.

  45. Nanofabrication processes for innovative nanohole-based solar cells
    C. Garozzo; C. Bongiorno; S. Di Franco; M. Italia; A. La Magna; S. Scalese; P. M. Sberna; R. A. Puglisi;
    Phys. Status Solidi A,
    Volume 210, Issue 8, pp. 1564-1570, 2013.

  46. Competition between uncatalyzed and catalyzed growth during the plasma synthesis of Si nanowires and its role on their optical properties
    C. Garozzo; A. La Magna; G. Mannino; V. Privitera; S. Scalese; P. M. Sberna; F. Simone; R. A. Puglisi;
    J. Appl. Phys.,
    Volume 113, Issue 214313, 2013.

  47. Enhanced light scattering in Si nanostructures produced by pulsed laser irradiation
    P. M. Sberna; G. G. Scapellato; N. Piluso; S. Boninelli; M. Miritello; I. Crupi; E. Bruno; V. Privitera; F. Simone; S. Mirabella;
    Appl. Phys. Lett.,
    Volume 103, Issue 221902, 2013.

  48. Raman and photoluminascence spectroscopy of Si nanocrystals: Evidence of a form factor
    G. Faraci; G. Mannino; A. R. Pennisi; R. Ruggeri; P. M. Sberna; V. Privitera;
    J. Appl. Phys.,
    Volume 113, Issue 063518, 2013.

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Last updated: 31 Jan 2025