MSc L. Pakula
Electronic Instrumentation (EI), Department of Microelectronics
Electronic Instrumentation (EI), Department of Microelectronics
Expertise: MEMS / IC Processing / IC Characterization Lab / 3D-Design / Rapid prototyping / PHP/HTML/SQL / SolidWorks / Wirebonding
Lukasz Pakula was born in Jelenia Gora, Poland. He studied at Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, in Faculty of Electronics, where he received his M.Sc. degree in Electronics and Telecommunication in 2000. The same year he joined Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory at Delft University of Technology.
- Horizontal and vertical tapered waveguides for evanescent wave sensing
Y. Xin; X.W. Meng; G. Pandraud; L.S. Pakula; P.J. French;
In The Conference for ICT-Research,
Netherlands, NWO, STW and IPN, March 2017. - Detection of Anastomotic Leakage after Colon Surgery by Evanescent Waveguide
Y. Xin; G. Pandraud; L. Pakula; P.J. French;
In The Conference for ICT-Research,
Netherlands, NOW, STW and IPN, March 2016. - Optimisation of Bio-medical Optical Waveguide
Y. Xin; G. Pandraud; L. Pakula; B. Morana; P.J. French;
In 2016 IEEE NEMS Conference,
Matsushima, Japan, IEEE, April 2016. - Combination of LPCVD and PECVD SiC in fabricating evanescent waveguides
Yu Xin; Gregory Pandraud; Lukasz S. Pakula; Bruno Morana; Paddy J. French;
In 2016 IEEE 11th Annual International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS),
April 2016. DOI: 10.1109/NEMS.2016.7758311
Abstract: ...
As a promising material in MEMS field, SiC is widely used to fabricate sensors in many applications. Considering its fabrication potential and optical properties, SiC was chosen as the core material of evanescent waveguide sensor in this paper. LPCVD and PECVD deposition were combined in fabricating the waveguide. To reduce the coupling loss and misalignment effect, 3D tapered couplers were designed to be added to the input and output of the waveguide and a novel slope transfer method was investigated to fabricate the taper slope. In initial experiments we have achieved a slope of 16.7°. - Micromachined cochlear implant
P.J. French; N. Lawand; L. Pakula; H. van Zeijl; J.H.M. Frijns; J. Braire;
In Proceeding Smart Systems Integration,
Copenhagen, Denmark, mesago, pp. 265-271, March 2015. - Optimisation of Bio-medical Optical Waveguide
Y. Xin; A. Purniawan; L. Pakula; G. Pandraud; P.J. French;
In International Smart System Integration,
Copenhagen, Denmark, mesago, March 2015. - Detection of Anastomotic Leakage after Colon Surgery by Evanescent Waveguide
Y. Xin; A. Purniawan; L. Pakula; G. Pandraud; P.J. French;
In The Conference for ICT-Research,
Netherlands, NOW, STW and IPN, March 2015. - A 0.05mm² 1V capacitance-to-digital converter based on period modulation
Y. He; Z. Y. Chang; L. Pakula; S. H. Shalmany; M. Pertijs;
In Dig. Techn. Papers IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC),
IEEE, pp. 486‒487, February 2015. DOI: 10.1109/ISSCC.2015.7063138
Abstract: ...
This paper presents a digitally assisted period modulation (PM)-based capacitance-to-digital converter (CDC) that is >9× smaller than prior CDCs with >10b resolution, and improves the energy efficiency by >10× compared to previous PM-based CDCs. This is achieved with the help of a piece-wise charge transfer technique that eliminates the need for a large on-chip integration capacitor, a dual-integration-capacitor scheme that reduces the front-end noise contribution, a sampled-biasing technique that reduces the noise of the integration current, and a current-efficient inverter-based design. - Optical Waveguide with Freestanding Grating Couplers
Y. Xin; A. Purniawan; G. Pandraud; L. Pakula; P. J. French;
In IEEE Photonics Conference,
Twente, the Netherlands, IEEE, Nov 2014. - Simulation of Bio-medical Waveguide in Mechanical and Optical Fields
Y. Xin; A. Purniawan; L. Pakula; G. Pandraud; P. J. French;
In The COMSOL Conference,
Cambridge, UK, COMSOL, Sep 2014. - A freestanding thin film evanescent waveguide sensor for biomedical application
Y. Xin; S.A. van’t Hof; A. Purniawan; L.S. Pakula; G. Pandraud; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
In Sensor Technology Conference Sense of Contact,
The Netherlands, March 2014. - Flexible implantable sensors for long term blood pressure and blood flow measurements
L. Pakula; P.J. Trimp; P.J. French;
In Proceedings APCOT,
Nanjing China, July 2012. - PECVD silicon carbide surface micriomachining technology and selected MEMS applications
V. Rajaraman; L. Pakula; H. Yang; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics,
pp. 1-7, 2011. - Post-operative wireless implants for monitoring, detection and treatment
D. Subbaiyan; L. Pakula; P.J. French; J.F. Lange; J. Jeekel; G.J. Kleinrensink; H.J.C. Sterenborg; D.J. Robinson; F. van Zaane; J.G. Kaptein; K. Tang; G. Pandraud; J. van Veen; M. Draaier; K.A. Vakalapoulos;
In 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference (TRANSDUCERS 2011),
Beijing, China, pp. 2192-2195, Jun. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4577-0157-3; DOI 10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2011.5969390. - Post-operative wireless implants for monitoring, detection and treatment
D. Subbaiyan; L. Pakula; P.J. French; J.F. Lange; J. Jeekel; G.J. Kleinrensink; H.J.C. Sterenborg; D.J. Robinson; F. van Zaane; J.G. kaptein; K. Tang; G. Pandraud; J. van Veen; M Draaier; K.A. Vakalapoulos;
In 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference (TRANSDUCERS 2011),
Beijing, China, IEEE, pp. 2192-2195, 2011. - PECVD silicon carbide surface micriomachining technology and selected MEMS applications
V. Rajaraman; L.S. Pakula; H. Yang; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
International journal of advances engineering sciences and applied mathematics,
Volume 2, Issue 1-2, pp. 28-34, 2010. DOI 10.1007/s12572-010-0020-9. - A versatile CMOS compatible PECVD silicon carbide MEMS technology
L. Pakula; V. Rajaraman; P.J. French;
s.n. (Ed.);
ICMEMS, , pp. 0-4, 2009. - Robust wafer-level thin-film encapsulation of Microstructures using low stress PECVD silicon carbide
V. Rajaraman; L.S. Pakula; H.T.M. Pham; P.M. Sarro; P.J. French;
In Proc. IEEE MEMS 2009,
Sorrento, Italy, pp. 140-143, 2009. - SOI digital accelerometer based on pull-in time configuration
L. Pakula; V. Rajaraman; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), NEMS,
IEEE NEMS, pp. 1-4, 2009. - Robust wafer-level thin-film encapsulation of Microstructures using low stress PECVD silicon carbide
V. Rajaraman; L.S. Pakula; H.T.M. Pham; P.M. Sarro; P.J. French;
In P.M. Sarro; C Hierold (Ed.), Proc. IEEE MEMS 2009,
IEEE, pp. 140-143, 2009. - Application of PECVD a-SiC thin-film layer for encapsulation of microstructures
V. Rajaraman; L. Pakula; H.T.M. Pham; P.M. Sarro; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), The annual workshop on semiconductor advances for future electronics and sensors,
STW, pp. 609-612, 2008. - Fabrication of accelerometers by thin-SOI micromachining
V. Rajaraman; L. Pakula; K.A.A. Makinwa; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of sense of contact X,
Sense of contact X, pp. 1-4, 2008. NEO. - Thin-SOI digital accelerometer employin pull-in time mode configuration
L. Pakula; V. Rajaraman; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of SAFE 2008,
SAFE, pp. 420-423, 2008. - 3-D silicon carbide surface micromachined accelerometer compatible with CMOS processing
L. Pakula; H. Yang; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of ASDAM 2008,
Slovak academy of sciences, pp. 227-230, 2008. - Thin-film MEMS encapsulation using low-stress PECVD silicon carbide
V. Rajaraman; L. Pakula; H.T.M. Pham; P.M. Sarro; P.J. French;
In G. Gerlach (Ed.), Proceedings Eurosensors XXII,
Eurosensors, pp. 491-494, 2008. - 3D SiC CMOS compatible surface micromachined accelerometer
L. Pakula; H. Yang; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of APCOT 2008,
IEEE, pp. 1-4, 2008. - A thin-SOI micromachined quasi-digital accelerometer
L. Pakula; V. Rajaraman; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings Eurosensors XXII,
Eurosensors, pp. 201-205, 2008. - Fabrication of accelerometers by thin-SOI micromachining
V. Rajaraman; L. Pakula; K.A.A. Makinwa; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of sense of contact X,
Sense of contact X, pp. 1-4, 2008. NEO. - Post-processing micromachined pull-in accelerometer
L. Pakula; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of Transducers 2007,
IEEE, pp. 1171-1174, 2007. - Modelling, design and fabrication of a bio-inspired MEMS vibratory gyroscope (U_SP_2_I_IC_T)
Y. Chen; D.H.B. Wicaksono; L. Pakula; V. Rajaraman; P.J. French;
In s.l. (Ed.), Modelling, design and fabrication of a bio-inspired MEMS vibratory gyroscope.,
SAFE, pp. 572-576, 2007. - Fabrication of a SOG-MEMS vibratory gyroscope by deep RIE technology and bonding (U_SP_2_I_IC_T)
V. Rajaraman; G. Craciun; H. Yang; L. Pakula; EW.J.M. van der Drift; K.A.A. Makinwa; P.J. French;
In {A. Liu, J.Wu, C. Lu}; {C.D. Reddy} (Ed.), MEMS Technology and Devices,
pan Stanford, pp. 238-241, 2007. - On the initial design and simulation of a biologically-inspired MEMS gyroscope (U_SP_2_I_IC_T)
D.H.B. Wicaksono; Y. Chen; V. Rajaraman; L. Pakula; P.J. French;
In {A.Liu, J. Wu, C. Lu, C.D. Reddy} (Ed.), MEMS Technology and Devices,
Pan Stanford publishing, pp. 336-339, 2007. - Modelling, design and fabrication of a bio-inspired MEMS vibratory gyroscope
Y. Chen; D.H.B. Wicaksono; L. Pakula; V. Rajaraman; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), Book of Abstracts - 18th Workshop on MicroMechanics Europe, MME 2007,
MME, pp. 199-202, 2007. - A dome-shape bio-inspired piezoresistive MEMS strain sensor
D.H.B. Wicaksono; G. Pandraud; L. Pakula; V. Rajaraman; P.J. French; J.F.V. Vincent;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI2007),
Institut Teknologi Bandung, pp. 464-467, 2007. - Development of Micro-navigation system for satellites (MISAT/Microned) (U-SP-2-I-ICT)
L. Pakula; P.J. French;
MISAT/MicroNed, Volume MISAT , 2006. - Development of post processing modules for integrated sensors and actuators applications (U-SP-2-I-ICT)
L. Pakula; G. Pandraud; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
STW, Volume STW , 2006. - A pull-in operation mode accelerometer (U_SP_2_I_IC_T)
L. Pakula; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Conference on Sensors 2006,
IEEE, pp. 1127-1130, 2006. - Low Voltage, High Speed RF-Switch with High On-Off Capacitance Ratio (U-SP-2-I-ICT)
L. Pakula; P.J. French; H. Yang;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of APCOT 2006,
apcot, pp. 1-5, 2006. - Fabrication of nanofluidic devices in glass with polysilicon electrodes
V. G. Kutchoukov; L. Pakula; G. O. F Parikesit; Y. Garini; L. K. Nanver; A. Bossche;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 123-124, pp. 602-607, 2005. - Fabrication of nanofluidic devices in glass with polysilicon electrodes
V.G. Kutchoukov; L. Pakula; G.O.F. Parikesit; Y. Garini; L.K. Nanver; A. Bossche;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical: an international journal devoted to research and development of physical and chemical transducers,
Volume 123-124, pp. 602-607, 2005. 100% EI. - Development of post processing micromachining modules for integrated sensors and actuators applications
T.M.H. Pham; L. Pakula; G. Pandraud; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
STW, Volume STW meeting , 2005. - Low voltage, high speed RF switch with high switching capacitance ratio (U-SP-2-I-ICT)
L. Pakula; P.J. French; H. Yang;
s.n. (Ed.);
s.l., , pp. 1-4, 2005. NEO. - Fabrication of nanofluidic devices in glass with polysilicon electrodes
V. G. Kutchoukov; L. Pakula; G. O. F. Parikesit; Y. Garini; L. K. Nanver; A. Bossche;
In Proc. Eurosensors XVIII-18th European Conference on Solid-State Sensors,
Rome, Italy, pp. 32-35, Sep. 2005. - Investigation of multi-sensor techniques for cardiac-output measurements in intensive care
D. Tanase; B.P. Iliev; J.F.L. Goosen; Z.Y. Chang; G.A.M. Pop; J.M.M. Verwiel; C.J. Slager; L. Pakula; G.C.M. Meijer; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd annual International IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology,
IEEE, pp. 122-125, 2005. Editor onbekend JH. - Optical measurements on drain fluid for the detection of anastomotic leakage
L. Pakula; D. Tanase; G. de Graaf; P.J. French; K. Kraal; J.F. Lange;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd annual International IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology,
IEEE, pp. 72-75, 2005. Editor onbekend JH. - Low voltage high speed rf switch
L. Pakula; H. Yang; P.J. French;
In {R Reus}, de; {S Bouwstra} (Ed.), Eurosensors XIX, proceedings,
IEEE, pp. 1-4, 2005. Editor onbekend. - Polarization-insensitive PECVD SiC waveguides for photonic sensing
G. Pandraud; T.M.H. Pham; L. Pakula; P.M. Sarro; P.J. French;
In M Voet; R Willsch; W Ecke; J Jones; B Culshaw (Ed.), 17th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors,
SPIE, pp. 836-839, 2005. 100% EI, sb. - Fabrication of nanofluidic devices using glass-to-glass anodic bonding
V.G. Kutchoukov; F. Laugere; W. van der Vlist; L. Pakula; Y. Garini; A. Bossche;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical: an international journal devoted to research and development of physical and chemical transducers,
Volume 114, Issue 2-3, pp. 521-527, 2004. phpub 18. - Fabrication of a CMOS compatible pressure sensor for harsh environments
L. Pakula; H. Yang; T.M.H. Pham; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,
Volume 14, pp. 1478-1483, 2004. niet bekend. - Development of post processing micromachining modules for integrated sensors and actuators applications
T.M.H. Pham; L. Pakula; G. Pandraud; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
Delft University of Technology - EI/ECTM-DIMES, Volume STW - DMF.5103 , 2004. - Nanochannels in glass with poly-silicon electrodes
V.G. Kutchoukov; L. Pakula; G.O.F. Parikesit; Y. Garini; L.K. Nanver; A. Bossche;
In Proc. Eurosensors XVIII,
Rome, Italy, Sep. 2004. - Nanofluidic devices in glass with Poly-Si electrodes
V.G. Kutchoukov; L. Pakula; G.O.F. Parikesit; L.K. Nanver; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), SAFE 337f38aeae344dd3ad3d46be444f765b ProRISC 2004; Proceedings of semiconductor advances for future electronics,
STW Technology Foundation, pp. 764-768, 2004. - Surface micromachined CMOS compatible vertical accelerometer
L. Pakula; H. Yang; P.J. French;
In The sense of contact 6: where industry meets science workshop sensortechnology,
s.n., pp. 1-4, 2004. ed. is niet bekend. - Nanochannels in Glass with Poly-Silicon Electrodes
V.G. Kutchoukov; L. Pakula; G.O.F. Parikesit; Y. Garini; L.K. Nanver; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Technical Digest of Eurosensors XVIII,
s.n., pp. 32-35, 2004. phpub 40. - CMOS compatible pressure sensors: a comparison between SiC and SiN
L. Pakula; H. Yang; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In SAFE bdf98e4d646247d79cef99391c2b9226 ProRISC 2004; Proceedings of semiconductor advances for future electronics,
STW Technology Foundation, pp. 769-773, 2004. ed. is niet bekend. - SiC micromachined Mach-Zehnder interferometer on silicon for pressure sensor
G. Pandraud; L. Pakula; T.M.H. Pham; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In SAFE 38da0e1eb22143fbb7fad260632affd7 ProRISC 2004; Proceedings of semiconductor advances for future electronics,
STW Technology Foudation, pp. 1-4, 2004. ed. is niet bekend. - A novel ull-in accelerometer
L. Pakula; H. Yang; P.J. French;
In ICEE 2004; Coference proceedings of the international conference on electrical engineering 2004 joint conference with AsiPcific conference of tranducers and micro-nano technology 2004,
ICEE, pp. 163-167, 2004. ed. is niet bekend. - Single step IC-compatible processing of inertial sensors using SF6-O2 cryogenic plasma process
G. Craciun; H. Yang; L. Pakula; EW.J.M. van der Drift; P.J. French;
In Takashi KAWAMURA; Eun-Woong LEE; Yanchang Lu; Kwan James (Ed.), ICEE2004; Conference proceedings of the International conference of elecrical engineering 2004,
The Institute of the Electrical Engineers of Japan, pp. 174-178, 2004. ed. is niet bekend. - SiC passive optomechanical transducer head for sensor applications
G. Pandraud; L. Pakula; H.M.T. Pham; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In Digest of technical papers; XVIII Eurosensors,
University of Rome, pp. 1-4, 2004. ed. is niet bekend/50-50 EI-ECTM. - SiC passive optomechanical transducer head for sensor applications
G. Pandrau; L.S. Pakula; H.T.M. Pham; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. Eurosensors XVIII,
Rome, pp. 24-28, Sept. 2004. ISBN 88-7621-282-5. - Development of post processing micromachining modules for integrated sensors and actuators applications
H.M.T. Pham; L. Pakula; G. Pandraud; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
s.n., Volume DMF 5103 , 2003. - Polyimide Sacrificial Layer for an All-Dry Post-Process Surface Micromachining Module
H.T.M. Pham; A. Bagolini; C.R. de Boer; J.M.W. Laros; L. Pakula; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In Transducers,
Boston, Massachuesetts, USA, pp. 813-816, Jun. 2003. ISBN 0-7803-7731-1.
document - Stiction of Surface Micromachined Structures: A Study of the Problem and the Possible Solutions
H.T.M. Pham; L.S. Pakula; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SAFE 2003,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 711-715, Nov. 2003. ISBN 90-73461-39-1. - Electromechamical optical attenuation in micromachined SiC waveguides
G. Pandraud; H. Yang; L.S. Pakula; H.T.M. Pham; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SAFE 2003,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 631-634, Nov. 2003. ISBN 90-73461-39-1. - Fabrication of a CMOS Compatible Pressure Sensor for Harsh Environments
L.S. Pakula; H. Yang; H.T.M. Pham; P.J. French; P. M. Sarro;
In Proc. 16th IEEE International MEMS conference,
Kyoto, Japan, pp. 502-505, Jan. 2003.
document - Fabrication of Nanochannels Using Glass to Glass Anodic Bonding
V.G. Kutchoukov; F. Laugere; W. van der Vlist; L. Pakula; Y. Garini; P.F.A. Alkemade; A. Bossche;
In Transducers,
Boston, Massachuesetts, USA, pp. 1327-1330, Jun. 2003. ISBN 0-7803-7731-1. - Polyimide sacrificial layer for an all-dray post-process surface micromachining module
T.M.H. Pham; A. Bagolini; C.R. de Boer; J.M.W. Laros; L. Pakula; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In Transducers'03 Digest of technical papers,
IEEE, pp. 813-816, 2003. - Surface micromachined CMOS compatible vertical accelerometer
L. Pakula; H. Yang; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), SAFE 2003 Semiconductor advances for future electronics,
Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen, pp. 707-710, 2003. CD-ROM. - Processing of inertial sensors using SF6-O2 Cryogenic plasma process
G. Craciun; H. Yang; L. Pakula; M.A. Blauw;
In s.n. (Ed.), SAFE 2003 Semiconductor advances for future electronics,
Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen, pp. 683-686, 2003. CD-ROM. - Fabrication of nanochannels using glass to glass anodic bonding
V.G. Kutchoukov; F.P.J. Laugere; W. van der Vlist; L. Pakula; Y. Garini; P.F.A. Alkemade; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), TRANSDUCERS'03 Twelfth international conference on solid-state sensors, actuators and microsystems,
IEEE, pp. 1327-1330, 2003. CD-ROM. - Nanochannel fabrication technique for fluidic applications
V.G. Kutchoukov; L. Pakula; Y. Garini; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), SAFE 2003 Semiconductor advances for future electronics,
Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen, pp. 702-706, 2003. CD-ROM. - Electromechanical optical attenuation in micromachined SiC waveguids
G. Pandraud; H. Yang; L. Pakula; T.M.H. Pham; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In s.n. (Ed.), SAFE 2003 Semiconductor advances for future electronics,
Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen, pp. 631-634, 2003. CD-ROM. - A novel RF switch with low driving voltage
L. Pakula; H. Yang; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), SAFE 2003 Semiconductor advances for future electronics,
Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen, pp. 753-756, 2003. CD-ROM. - Stiction of surface micromachined structures: a study of the problem and the possible solutions
T.M.H. Pham; L. Pakula; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In s.n. (Ed.), SAFE 2003 Semiconductor advances for future electronics,
Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen, pp. 711-715, 2003. CD-ROM. - Design of a novel electrostatic switch with low operating voltage and high speed
H. Yang; L. Pakula; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), MME 2003 14th Micromechanics Europe workshop,
s.n., pp. 33-36, 2003. - A CMOS compatible SiC accelerometer
L. Pakula; H. Yang; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), IEEE Sensors 2003,
IEEE, pp. 761-764, 2003. CD-rom. - Fabrication technology for nanofluidic channel devices for biochemical applications
V.G. Kutchoukov; L. Pakula; Y. Garini; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), MME 2003 14th Micromechanics Europe workshop,
s.n., pp. 167-170, 2003. - IC-compatible processing of inertial sensors using SF6-O2 cryogenic plasma process
G. Craciun; H. Yang; L. Pakula; M.A. Blauw; EW.J.M. van der Drift; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), IEEE Sensors 2003,
IEEE, pp. 440-444, 2003. CD-rom. - Fabrication of a CMOS compatibile pressure sensor for harsh environments
L. Pakula; H. Yang; T.M.H. Pham; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In s.n. (Ed.), MEMS 2003 IEEE 16th annual international conference on micro electro mechanical systems,
IEEE, pp. 502-505, 2003. - Polymide sacrificial layer for an all-dry post-process surface micromachining module
T.M.H. Pham; A. Bagolini; C.R. de Boer; J.M.W. Laros; L. Pakula; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In s.n. (Ed.), TRANSDUCERS'03 Twelfth International conference on solid-state sensors, acuators and microsystems,
IEEE, pp. 813-816, 2003. - A novel pull-in accelerometer
H. Yang; L. Pakula; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), EUROSENSORS 17th European conference on solid-state transducers,
University of Minho, pp. 204-207, 2003. - Fabrication technology for twin nanochannels
V.G. Kutchoukov; L. Pakula; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), EUROSENSORS 17th European conference on solid-state transducers,
University of Minho, pp. 623-626, 2003. CD-ROM. - Fabrication of a CMOS compatible vertical accelerometer
L. Pakula; H. Yang; T.M.H. Pham; P.M. Sarro; P.J. French;
In s.n. (Ed.), EUROSENSORS 17th European conference on solid-state transducers,
University of Minho, pp. 635-638, 2003. - Polyimide sacrificial layer and novel materials for post-processing surface micromachining
A. Bagolini; L. Pakula; T.L.M. Scholtes; H.T.M. Pham; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,
Volume 12, Issue 4, pp. 385-389, Jul. 2002. ISSN 0960-1317. - Polyimide sacrificial layer and novel materials for post-processing surface micromachining
A. Bagolini; L. Pakula; T.L.M. Scholtes; T.M.H. Pham; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,
Volume 12, pp. 385-389, 2002. - Pressure Sensor for Automotive Applications
L.S. Pakula; H. Yang; H.T.M. Pham; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SeSens 2002,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 649-652, Nov. 2002. ISBN 90-73461-33-2. - Single Step Cryogenic SF6/O2 Plasma Etching Process for the Development of Inertial Devices
G. Craciun; H. Yang; H.W. van Zeijl; L. Pakula; M.A. Blauw; E. van der Drift; P.J. French;
In Proc. SeSens 2002,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 612-615, Nov. 2002. ISBN 90-73461-33-2. - Pressure Sensor for Harsh Environments
L.S. Pakula; H .Yang; H.T.M. Pham; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. MME 2002,
Sinaia, Romania, pp. 295-298, Oct. 2002. ISBN 973-0-02472-3. - In-situ doped PECVD SiC for surface micromachined devices
H.T.M. Pham; C.R. de Boer; L.S. Pakula; P.M. Sarro;
In J. Saneistr; P. Ripka (Ed.), Eurosensors XVI - Part 1,
Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Technical University, pp. 119-120, Sep. 2002. ISBN 80-01-02576-4. - In-situ doped PECVD SiC for surface micromachined devices
C.R. de Boer; L. Pakula; P.M. Sarro; T.M.H. Pham;
In J Saneistr; P Ripka (Ed.), Eurosensors XVI 16th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers,
Czech Technical University, pp. 232-235, 2002. - A surface micromachined accelerometer working in the pull-in operation mode
H. Yang; L. Pakula; P.J. French;
In Proceedings SeSens 2002,
STW Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen, pp. 700-703, 2002. - A novel operation mode for accelerometers
H. Yang; L. Pakula; P.J. French;
In Xiamen University Press, pp. 303-306, 2002. - Single step cryogenic SF6/O2 plasma etching process for the development of inertial devices
G. Craciun; H. Yang; H.W. van Zeijl; L. Pakula; M.A. Blauw; EW.J.M. van der Drift; P.J. French;
In Proceedings of SeSens 2002,
STW Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen, pp. 612-614, 2002. - Pressure sensor for automotive applications
L. Pakula; H. Yang; T.M.H. Pham; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of SenSens 2002,
STW Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen, pp. 649-652, 2002. - Pressure sensor for harsh environments
L. Pakula; H. Yang; T.M.H. Pham; P.J. French; P.M. Sarro;
In MME'02 micromechanics Europe,
Nat. Inst. for Res. and Development in Microtechnoplogies, pp. 295-298, 2002. - Influence of deposition parameters and temperature on stress and strain of In Situ doped PECVD silicon carbide
T.M.H. Pham; C.R. de Boer; L. Pakula; P.M. Sarro;
In S Yoshida (Ed.), ICSCRM2001 Proceedings of the International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials,
Trans Tech Publications, pp. 759-762, 2002. - Dry Etching Release of Structures in Post-Process Surface Micromachining using Polyimide as a Sacrificial Layer
A. Bagolini; H.T.M. Pham; T.L.M. Scholtes; L. Pakula; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of SESENS 2001,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 769-772, 2001. ISBN 90-73461-29-4.
document - Polyimide sacrificial layer for post-processing surface micromachining
A. Bagolini; T.L.M. Scholtes; H.T.M. Pham; L. Pakula; P.M. Sarro;
In M.Hill; B.Lane (Ed.), Proc. MME 2001,
Cork, Ireland, pp. 58-61, Sept. 2001. - Influence of deposition parameters and temperature on stress and strain of in-situ doped PECVD Silicon carbide
H.T.M. Pham; C.R. de Boer; L. Pakula; P.M. Sarro;
In S. Yoshida et al. (Ed.), Proc. International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2001 (ICSCRM2001),
Tsukuba, Japan, pp. 759-762, Oct. 2001. ISBN 0-87849-X. - Dry etching release of structures in post-processing surface micromachining using polyimide as a sacrificial layer
A. Bagolini; H.M.T. Pham; T.L.M. Scholtes; L. Pakula; P.M. Sarro;
In SAFE2001: proceedings,
STW Technology Foundation, pp. 769-772, 2001. - New post-processing modules
L. Pakula; H.M.T. Pham; C.R. de Boer; P.M. Sarro; P.J. French;
In SAFE - ProRISC - SeSens 2001: proceeding. Semicoductor Advances for Future Electronics - Program for Research on Integrated Systems and Circuits - Semiconductor Sensor and Actuator Technology,
STW Technology Foundation, pp. 848-851, 2001. - Damping caused by the gas flow in the holes of perforated structures
H. Yang; M. Bao; L. Pakula; P.J. French;
In {PD Franzon} (Ed.), Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4593,
SPIE Press, pp. 307-313, 2001. - Coplanar waveguides and butt-joints on InP
J.H. den Besten; D. Caprioli; L. Pakula; E. Smalbrugge; T. de Vries; J.J.M. Kwaspen; A.W. Roodnat; R. van Dijk; {van Vliet}, FE; XJM Leijtens; MK Smit;
In {H Thienpont} (Ed.), Proceedings,
VUBPress, pp. 197-200, 2001. - Novel material for low temperature post-processing micromachining
L. Pakula; H.M.T. Pham; P.M. Sarro; P.J. French;
In MME 2001: workshop,
s.n., pp. 70-73, 2001. - Polyimide sacrificial layer for postprocessing surface micromachining
A. Bagolini; T.L.M. Scholtes; H.M.T. Pham; L. Pakula; P.M. Sarro;
In MME 2001,
s.n., pp. 58-61, 2001. - Effects of gas flow in holes on the squeeze film damping of perforated structures
H. Yang; L. Pakula; M. Bao; P.J. French;
In SAFE - ProRISC - SeSens 2001: proceedings. Semiconductor Advances for Future Electronics - Program for Research on Integrated Systems and Circuits - Semiconductor Sensor and Actuator Technology,
STW Technology Foundation, pp. 888-891, 2001.
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Last updated: 21 Dec 2022

Lukasz Pakula
- +31 15 27 81602
- Room: HB 14.080
- List of publications