ing. J. Bastemeijer
Electronic Instrumentation (EI), Department of Microelectronics
Electronic Instrumentation (EI), Department of Microelectronics
Expertise: Chemical sensors / RF-measurements / Educational electronics
Jeroen Bastemeijer is an electronic design engineer of the Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory. He was born in Spijkenisse, Zuid-Holland, on the 2nd of January 1975. In 1997 he received his B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering, with credit.
In the same year he joined the Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory. He is currently working as a research assistant in the group of Dr. Andre Bossche. While having a broad experience in electrical engineering, his main skills are in the field of high frequency electronics, physical chemosensors, microfluidic, nanofluidic and microacoustic devices.
- Low-Cost Wearable Fluidic Sweat Collection Patch for Continuous Analyte Monitoring and Offline Analysis
A Stijlen; KMB Jansen; J Bastemeijer; PJ French; A Bossche;
Analytical Chemistry,
Volume 94, pp. 6893-6901, April 2022. DOI:
Abstract: ...
Sweat sensors allow for new unobtrusive ways to continuously monitor an athlete’s performance and health status. Significant advances have been made in the optimization of sensitivity, selectivity, and durability of electrochemical sweat sensors. However, comparing the in situ performance of these sensors in detail remains challenging because standardized sweat measurement methods to validate sweat sensors in a physiological setting do not yet exist. Current collection methods, such as the absorbent patch technique, are prone to contamination and are labor-intensive, which limits the number of samples that can be collected over time for offline reference measurements. We present an easy-to-fabricate sweat collection system that allows for continuous electrochemical monitoring, as well as chronological sampling of sweat for offline analysis. The patch consists of an analysis chamber hosting a conductivity sensor and a sequence of 5 to 10 reservoirs that contain level indicators that monitor the filling speed. After testing the performance of the patch in the laboratory, elaborate physiological validation experiments (3 patch locations, 6 participants) were executed. The continuous sweat conductivity measurements were compared with laboratory [Na+] and [Cl–] measurements of the samples, and a strong linear relationship (R2 = 0.97) was found. Furthermore, sweat rate derived from ventilated capsule measurement at the three locations was compared with patch filling speed and continuous conductivity readings. As expected from the literature, sweat conductivity was linearly related to sweat rate as well. In short, a successfully validated sweat collection patch is presented that enables sensor developers to systematically validate novel sweat sensors in a physiological setting. - Smart sensor tights: Movement tracking of the lower limbs in football
Annemarijn Steijlen; Bastiaan Burgers; Erik Wilmes; Jeroen Bastemeijer; Bram Bastiaansen; Patrick French; Andre Bossche; Kaspar Jansen;
Wearable technologies,
Volume 2, 2021. DOI: 10.1017/wtc.2021.16
Keywords: ...
inertial measurement units, wearable sensors, football, movement tracking.
Abstract: ...
This article presents a novel smart sensor garment with integrated miniaturized inertial measurements units (IMUs) that can be used to monitor lower body kinematics during daily training activities, without the need of extensive technical assistance throughout the measurements. The smart sensor tights enclose five ultra-light sensor modules that measure linear accelerations, angular velocities, and the earth magnetic field in three directions. The modules are located at the pelvis, thighs, and shanks. The garment enables continuous measurement in the field at high sample rates (250 Hz) and the sensors have a large measurement range (32 g, 4,000°/s). They are read out by a central processing unit through an SPI bus, and connected to a centralized battery in the waistband. A fully functioning prototype was built to perform validation studies in a lab setting and in a field setting. In the lab validation study, the IMU data (converted to limb orientation data) were compared with the kinematic data of an optoelectronic measurement system and good validity (CMCs >0.8) was shown. In the field tests, participants experienced the tights as comfortable to wear and they did not feel restricted in their movements. These results show the potential of using the smart sensor tights on a regular base to derive lower limb kinematics in the field. - Smart sensor tights: Movement tracking of the lower limbs in football”, Wearable Technologies
Annemarijn Steijlen; Bastiaan Burgers; Erik Wilmes; Jeroen Bastemeijer; Bram Bastiaansen; Patrick French; Andre Bossche; Kaspar Janse;
Waerable Technologies,
Volume 2, 2021. DOI: e17 doi:10.1017/wtc.2021.16 - A wearable fluidic collection patch and ion chromatography method for sweat electrolyte monitoring during exercise
Steijlen, Annemarijn SM; Bastemeijer, Jeroen; Groen, Pim; Jansen, Kaspar MB; French, Patrick J; Bossche, Andre;
Analytical Methods,
Volume 12, Issue 48, pp. 5885--5892, 2020. DOI: 10.1039/D0AY02014A
Abstract: ...
This paper presents a method to continuously collect and reliably measure sweat analyte concentrations during exercise. The method can be used to validate newly developed sweat sensors and to obtain insight into intraindividual variations of sweat analytes in athletes. First, a novel design of a sweat collection system is created. The sweat collection patch, that is made from hydrophilized foil and a double-sided acrylate adhesive, consists of a reservoir array that collects samples consecutively in time. During a physiological experiment, sweat can be collected from the back of a participant and the filling speed of the collector is monitored by using a camera. After the experiment, Na+, Cl− and K+ levels are measured with ion chromatography. Sweat analyte variations are measured during exercise for an hour at three different locations on the back. The Na+ and Cl− variations show a similar trend and the absolute concentrations vary with the patch location. Na+ and Cl− concentrations increase and K+ concentrations seem to decrease during this exercise. With this new sweat collection system, sweat Na+, Cl− and K+ concentrations can be collected over time during exercise at medium to high intensity, to analyse the trend in electrolyte variations per individual. - A novel sweat rate and conductivity sensor patch made with low-cost fabrication techniques
Steijlen, ASM; Bastemeijer, J; Jansen, KMB; French, PJ; Bossche, A;
In 2020 IEEE Sensors,
IEEE, pp. 1--4, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/SENSORS47125.2020.9278850
Abstract: ...
Sweat sensor patches offer new opportunities for unobtrusive monitoring of an athlete's physical status. This paper presents a novel sweat rate and sweat conductivity patch that is easy to prototype and can be made with common low-cost production techniques: laser cutting and standard printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing. The device consists of a patch made from hydrophilic PET foil, a double-sided adhesive and a thin PCB with gold electrodes. Two electrodes, which are continuously in contact with the inflowing fluid, measure the sweat conductivity and a separate system with interdigitated electrodes measures the filling process of the reservoirs. Impedance measurement results of both systems demonstrate the working of the concept. - Development of Sensor Tights with Integrated Inertial Measurement Units for Injury Prevention in Football
Steijlen, ASM; Bastemeijer, J; Plaude, L; French, PJ; Bossche, A; Jansen, KMB;
In Proceedings of the 6th International conference on Design4Health,
Abstract: ...
In elite European football, 6 to 7 hamstring muscle injuries occur per team per season, which results in an absence of 14 to 180 days. These injuries occur typically in the last part of a training or match. This implies that the accumulation of demanding actions is an important factor for hamstring injury risk. In current practice, physical player load is measured at the field by deriving the global location of the player with GPS and RFID systems. However, these systems are not able to monitor leg movement and to distinguish demanding actions like kicking, cutting and jumping.In order to monitor these actions in the field, a novel design is being developed. The design consists of five sensor nodes with IMUs (Inertial measurement units), integrated in sports tights. IMUs can measure linear accelerations, angular velocities and magnetic fields in three directions. From these measurements, 3D kinematics of the lower limbs can be derived. An iterative design approach is used to develop the tights. Four prototypes will be developed. Each prototype is tested in a football specific setting, to identify areas of improvement from a technical point of view as well as from a user’s perspective. The final aim of this research is to develop sensor tights that can be worn unobtrusively by football players in the field. Real-time data are retrieved by the coach. This allows the coach to intervene when there is a high injury risk. - Development of a microfluidic collection system to measure electrolyte variations in sweat during exercise
Steijlen, ASM; Bastemeijer, J; Groen, WA; Jansen, KMB; French, PJ; Bossche, A;
In 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine \& Biology Society (EMBC),
IEEE, pp. 4085--4088, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/EMBC44109.2020.9176123
Abstract: ...
A wide variety of electrochemical sweat sensors are recently being developed for real-time monitoring of biomarkers. However, from a physiological perspective, little is known about how sweat biomarkers change over time. This paper presents a method to collect and analyze sweat to identify inter and intraindividual variations of electrolytes during exercise. A new microfluidic sweat collection system is developed which consists of a patch covering the collection surface and a sequence of reservoirs. Na + , Cl - and K + are measured with ion chromatography afterwards. The measurements show that with the new collector, variations in these ion concentrations can be measured reliably over time. - Analyzing sweat to determine state of fatigue
Miguel Thomas; Andre Bossche; Pim Groen; Jeroen Bastemeijer; Annemarijn Steijlen; Paddy French;
In Proceedings SSI conference,
Barcelona, Spain, April 2019. - Multi-domain spectroscopy for composition measurement of water-containing bio-ethanol fuel
L.M. Middelburg; G. de Graaf; A. Bossche; J. Bastemeijer; M. Ghaderi; F.S. Wolffenbuttel; J. Visser; R. Soltis; R.F. Wolffenbuttel;
Fuel Processing Technology,
Volume 167, pp. 127-135, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2017.06.007
Abstract: ...
Measuring the ethanol/water ratio in biofuel of high ethanol content, such as E85, is important when used in a flex-fuel engine. A capacitive probe is generally used for measuring the ethanol/gasoline ratio. However, the water content in E85 biofuel cannot be disregarded or considered constant and full composition measurement of biofuel is required. Electric impedance spectroscopy with a customized coaxial probe operating in the 10 kHz to 1 MHz frequency range was investigated. An in-depth investigation of the electrical impedance domain has led to the conclusion that additional information is required to unambiguously determine the composition of the ternary biofuel mixture. Among the different options of measurement domains and techniques, optical absorption spectroscopy in the UV spectral range between 230 and 300 nm was found to be the most appropriate. The typical absorbance in the UV range is highly dominated by gasoline, while ethanol and water are almost transparent. This approach is experimentally validated using actual fuels. - Combining impedance spectroscopy with optical absorption spectroscopy in the UV for biofuel composition measurement
L. Middelburg; M. Ghaderi; A. Bossche; J. Bastemeijer; G. de Graaf; R.F. Wolffenbuttel; R. Soltis; J. Visser;
In Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2017 IEEE International,
IEEE, IEEE, pp. 1-6, 05 2017. DOI: 10.1109/i2mtc.2017.7969676
Abstract: ...
A capacitive probe is generally used in a flex-fuel engine for measuring the ethanol content in biofuel. However, the water content in biofuel of high ethanol content cannot be disregarded or considered constant and the full composition measurement of ethanol, gasoline and water in biofuel is required. Electrical impedance spectroscopy with a customized capacitive probe operating in the 10 kHz to 1 MHz frequency range is combined with optical absorption spectroscopy in the UV spectral range between 230 and 300 nm for a full composition measurement. This approach is experimentally validated using actual fuels and the results demonstrate that electrical impedance spectroscopy when supplemented with optical impedance spectroscopy can be used to fully determine the composition of the biofuel and applied for a more effective engine management. A concept for a low-cost combined measurement system in the fuel line is presented. - Combining impedance spectroscopy with optical absorption spectroscopy in the UV for biofuel composition measurement
Luke Middelburg; Mohammadamir Ghaderi; Andre Bossche; Jeroen Bastemeijer; Ger de Graaf; Reinoud Wolffenbuttel;
In Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2017 IEEE International,
2017. - Optical Spectroscopy for Biofuel Composition Sensing
L.M. Middelburg; G. de Graaf; M. Ghaderi; A. Bossche; J.H. Bastemeijer; J.H. Visser; R.F. Wolffenbuttel;
In Procedia Engineering (Proceedings of the 30th Eurosensors Conference), vol. 168,
Elsevier, pp. 55-58, 2016. - Optical Spectroscopy for Biofuel Composition Sensing
L.M. Middelburg; G. de Graaf; M. Ghaderi; A.Bossche; J. Bastemeijer; J.H. Visser; R.E. Soltis; R.F. Wolffenbuttel;
In Procedia Engineering (Eurosensors 2016),
pp. 55-58, 2016. - Low-cost technology for the integration of micro-and nanochips into fluidic systems on printed circuit board: Fabrication challenges
N.B. Palacios-Aguilera; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche; V.R.S.S. Mokkapati RSS; H.A. Visser; R. Akkerman;
International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements,
Volume 5, Issue 1 & 2, pp. 11-21, 2012. - Microfluidic cell trapping device based on standard PCB technology
N.B. Palacios Aguilera; T. Zhou; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche;
In V Ovchinnikov; P Dini (Ed.), Proceedngs Sixth International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies,
IARIA / Curran Associates INc., pp. 1-6, 2012. - DNA tracking within a nanochannel: device fabrication and experiments
V.R.S.S. Mokkapati; V. di Virgilio; C. Shen; J. Mollinger; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche;
Lab on a Chip,
Volume 11, Issue 16, pp. 2711-2719, 2011. - Shapeable Li-ion batteries as substrate: printed electronics reliability
N.B. Palacios-Aguilera; U. Balda Irurzun; A. Sridhar; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; R. Akkerman; J. Zhou; P.J. French; A. Bossche;
In International Conference on Electronics Packaging proceedings,
Nara, Japan, pp. 844-848, April 2011. - Limitations of Gluing as a Replacement of Ultrasonic Welding: Attaching Lithium Battery Contacts to PCBs
N.B. Palacios-Aguilera; J.R. Mollinger; J. Bastemeijer; J. Zhou; P.J. French; A. Bossche;
In 6th International Microsystems, Packaging Assembly and Circuits Technology (IMPACT),
Taipei, Taiwan, IEEE, pp. 251-254, 2011. - Dry Film Resist Microfluidic Channels on Printed Circuit Board and its Application as Fluidic Interconnection for Nanofluidic Chips: Fabrication Challenges
N.B. Palacios-Aguilera; S. Mokkapati; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche;
In V Privman; V Ovchinnikov (Ed.), 5th International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies 2011 (ICQNM),
IARIA, pp. 71-76, 2011. - Li-ion shapeable batteries: a flexible platform for system-in-package
N.B. Palacios Aguilera; A. Sridhar; U. Balda Irurzun; L. Giangrande; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; D.J. Van Dijck; J. Zhou; P.J. French; A. Bossche;
In {French et al}, P (Ed.), Proceedings 13th SAFE Workshop of the STW.ICT Conference 2010,
STW, pp. 131-135, 2010. - Nanochannels fabrication, filling and DNA manipulation
VRSS. Mokkapati; V. di Virgilio; J.R. Mollinger; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche;
In P Decuzzi; {Cao et al}, J (Ed.), Proceedings ASME 2010 First Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology,
ASME, pp. 135-138, 2010. NEO. - Evaluation of encapsulation materials for glued Li ion battery contacts
N.B. Palacios Aguilera; L. Giangrande; J. Zhou; J.R. Mollinger; J. Bastemeijer; P.J. French; A. Bossche;
In {French et al}, P (Ed.), Proceedings of 13th SAFE Workshop of the STW.ICT Conference 2010,
STW, pp. 127-130, 2010. - Wireless sensor network project PLEISTER Package label electronics including sensing talkative radio
J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; L. Giangrande; Berenice Palacios Aguilera; P.J. French; A. Bossche;
conference, 2009. NEO IEEE Sensors. - Gluing as an alternative to solder flexible batteries for its use in system-in-a-package: preliminary results
N.B. Palacios Aguilera; J.R. Mollinger; J. Bastemeijer; J. Zhou; P.J. French; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of 11th Electronics packaging technology conference,
IEEE, pp. 550-555, 2009. - Fabrication and experimental verification of a dielectrophoretic separation device
L. Zhang; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of 8th annual IEEE sonference on sensors,
IEEE, pp. 1168-1171, 2009. - Fabrication and testing of a TMMF S2030 based microfluidic device for single cell analysis
S. Mokkapati; L. Zhang; R. hanfoug; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Fabrication and testing of a TMMF S2030 based microfluidic device for single cell analysis,
International conference on quantum, nano and microtechnologies (ICQNM), pp. 86-89, 2009. - Fabrication of a lab-on-a-chip device for single cell analysis using TMMF S2030
S. Mokkapati; L. Zhang; F. postma; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of ICMEMS 2009,
ICMEMS, pp. 1-4, 2009. - Comparision of conductive glues and ultrasonic welding to contact formable batteries for its use in system-in-a-package: preliminary results
N.B. Palacios Aguilera; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; J. Zhou; P.J. French; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of SAFE 2009,
STW, pp. 99-102, 2009. - Nanochannels fabrication with nearly-flat walls and embedded electrodes for nano-bio sensing
S. Mokkapati; V. di Virgilio; J.R. Mollinger; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of SAFE 2009,
STW, pp. 40-43, 2009. - Fabrication of nanochannels with nearly flat walls and embedded titanium nitride electrodes for nano bio sensing
S. Mokkapati; L. Zhang; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Fabrication of nanochannels with nearly flat walls and embedded titanium nitride electrodes for nano bio sensing,
MME, pp. 01-04, 2009. - ¿/6 Suspended Patch Antenna
L. Giangrande; J.R. Mollinger; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), STW, pp. 143-146, 2009. - Continuous dielectrophoretic separation in the iterative curves using DC biased AC electric fields
L. Zhang; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche;
s.n. (Ed.);
IEEE, , pp. 864-868, 2008. - Lab-on-a-chip device:testing,alignment,bonding and trapping of polystyrene beads
S. Mokkapati; O.M. Piciu; L. Zhang; J.R. Mollinger; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of MME 2008,
MME, pp. 213-216, 2008. - PDMS-glass bonded microfluidic device for single cell analysis:testing, alignment,bonding and trapping of polystyrene beads
S. Mokkapati; O.M. Piciu; L. Zhang; J.R. Mollinger; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of SAFE 2008,
SAFE, pp. 415-419, 2008. - PDMS-glass bonded lab-on-a-chip device for single cell analysis
S. Mokkapati; O.M. Piciu; L. Zhang; J.R. Mollinger; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche;
In {S.Hascik, J.Osvald} (Ed.), Proceedings of ASDAM 2008,
ASDAM, pp. 211-214, 2008. - Lab-on-a-chip device for single cell analysis:trapping polystyrene beads
S. Mokkapati; O.M. Piciu; L. Zhang; J.R. Mollinger; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of APCTP-ASEAN workshop on Advanced Material Science and Nanotechnology,
Academic press of vietnam academy of science and technology, pp. 1093-1097, 2008. - Microfluidic prototype fabrication in dry film resist
L. Zhang; J.R. Mollinger; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche;
In {A. Liu, J. Wu, C.Lu}; {C.D. Reddy} (Ed.), MEMS technology and devices,
pan Stanford, pp. 414-417, 2007. Voor de telling krijft deze ND ipv ID. - Plug dispersion compensation in moving field capillary electrophoresis applications
F. Tatar; L. Zhang; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, 2007. TRANSDUCERS 2007.,
IEEE, pp. 779-782, 2007. - Continuous Electrodeless Dielectrophoretic Separation in a Circular Channel (U-SP-2-I-ICT)
L. Zhang; F. Tatar; P. Turmezei; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; O.M. Piciu; A. Bossche;
{Francis E.H. tay, Miao Jianmin}; {John Bergstrom, Ciprian Iliesc} (Ed.);
s.l., , pp. 527-532, 2006. - Particle sorter in Microchannels (U-SP-2-I-ICT)
A. Meilan-Garcia; O.M. Piciu; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Sense of Contact VIII,
STW, pp. 1-5, 2006. - Technique for plug dispersion compensation in moving field capillary electrophoresis application (U_SP_2_I_IC_T)
F. Tatar; L. Zhang; J. Bastemeijer; P. Turmezei; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Conference on Sensors 2006,
IEEE, pp. 109-112, 2006. - Plug dispersion compensation technique in moving field capillary electrophoresis applications (U-SP-2-I-ICT)
F. Tatar; P. Turmezei; L. Zhang; J.R. Mollinger; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Plug dispersion compensation technique in moving field capillary electrophoresis applications,
Eurosensors, pp. 1-4, 2006. - Moving Field Capillary Electrophoresis With Plug Dispersion Compensation (U-SP-2-I-ICT)
F. Tatar; P. Turmezei; L. Zhang; J.R. Mollinger; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology¿APCOT 2006,
apcot, pp. 1-4, 2006. - Particle separation by dielectrophoresis
L. Zhang; F. Tatar; P. Turmezei; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), SAFE f4b9ffddfab04085879c224259517fcb ProRISC,
Dutch Technology Foundation, pp. 186-191, 2005. Editor onbekend JH/STW. - Two-frequency method for measuring the position of surgical tools with ¿m precision
F. Tatar; J. Bastemeijer; J.R. Mollinger; A. Bossche;
In {R Reus}, de; {S Bouwstra} (Ed.), Eurosensors XIX, proceedings,
IEEE, pp. -, 2005. Editor onbekend. - Inrichting voor het uitvoeren van een reactie
V.P. Iordanov; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche; P.M. Sarro;
2005. TUD 25/75 ECTM/EI-sb; 1024578; TUD 25/75 ECTM/EI-sb. - Microfluidic device for carrying out a reaction
V.P. Iordanov; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche; P.M. Sarro;
2005. TUD - 25/75 ECTM/EI, sb; WO2005037433; TUD - 25/75 ECTM/EI, sb. - Integrated Coulter counter based on 2-dimensional liquid aperture control
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; F. Kohl; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,
2004. - Integrated Coulter counter based on 2-dimensional liquid aperture control
J. H. Nieuwenhuis; F. Kohl; J. Bastemeijer; P. M. Sarro; M. J. Vellekoop;
Sensors and Actuators B,
Volume 102, Issue 1, pp. 44-50, 2004. - Integrated Coulter counter based on 2-dimensional liquid aperture control
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; F. Kohl; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical: international journal devoted to research and development of physical and chemical transducers,
Volume 102, Issue 1, pp. 44-50, 2004. ed. is niet bekend. - Filter-protected photodiodes for high-throughput enzymatic analysis
V.P. Iordanov; J. Bastemeijer; R. Ishihara; P.M. Sarro; A. Bossche; M.J. Vellekoop;
IEEE Sensors Journal,
Volume 4, Issue 5, pp. 584-588, 2004. 50-50 ECTM-EI. - Integrated Sensors Arrays For Bioluminescence And Fluorescence Bio-Chemical Analysis
V.Iordanov; B. Iliev; A.Bossche; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; I.T.Young; G. van Dedem; M.Vellekoop;
In Proc. IEEE Sensors 2004 Conf.,
2004. - Sensorized nanoliter reactor chamber for DNA multiplication
V.P. Iordanov; B.P. Iliev; V. Joseph; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; I.T. Young; G. van DedemWK; M.J. Vellekoop;
In D. Rocha; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop (Ed.), Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, 2004,
IEEE, Piscataway, pp. 229-232, 2004. niet eerder opgevoerd 50/50 EI/ECTM. - Integrated nanoliter sensors reactor chamber for DNA multiplication - thermal characterization
V.P. Iordanov; B.P. Iliev; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche; P.M. Sarro; I.T. Young; G. van DedemWK; M.J. Vellekoop;
In G.C.M. Meijer (Ed.), The sense of contact VI; sensor workshop for industry and science,
s.n., pp. 1-6, 2004. verdeling?. - Integrated nanoliter sensors reactor chamber for PCR analysis - from the idea to a complete system
B.P. Iliev; V.P. Iordanov; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche; P.M. Sarro; I.T. Young; G. van DedemWK; M.J. Vellekoop;
In G.C.M. Meijer (Ed.), The sense of contact VI,
s.n., pp. 1-6, 2004. phpub 32. - Integrated sensors for nanoliter bioluminescence and fluorescence bio-chemical analysis
V.P. Iordanov; B.P. Iliev; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche; P.M. Sarro; I.T. Young; H.R.C. Dietrich; L.R. van den Doel; G. van DedemWK; A.R. Kroon; M.J. Vellekoop;
In G.C.M. Meijer (Ed.), The sense of contact VI,
s.n., pp. 1-6, 2004. phpub 34. - Time of flight technique used for measuring position and orientation of laparoscopic surgery tools
F. Tatar; J.R. Mollinger; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the third IEEE international conference on sensors,
IEEE, pp. 1480-1483, 2004. niet eerder opgevoerd -sb. - Integrated sensor arrays for bioluminescence and fluorescence bio-chemical analysis
V.P. Iordanov; B.P. Iliev; A. Bossche; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; I.T. Young; G. van DedemWK; M.J. Vellekoop;
In D. Rocha; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop (Ed.), Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, 2004,
IEEE, Piscataway, pp. 810-813, 2004. niet eerder opgevoerd 50/50 EI/ECTM. - On-chip contactless four-electrode conductivity detection for capillary electrophoresis devices
F.P.J. Laugere; R.M. van Guijt; J. Bastemeijer; G. van der Steen; A. Berthold; H.A. Baltussen; P.M. Sarro; G. van DedemWK; M.J. Vellekoop; A. Bossche;
Analytical Chemistry,
Volume 75, Issue 2, pp. 306-312, 2003. - Integrated flow-cells for novel adjustable sheath flows
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
Lab On a Chip: microfluidic and nanotechnologies for chemistry, biology, and bioengineering,
Issue 3, pp. 56-61, 2003. - Near-field optical sensors for particle shape measurements
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche; M.J. Vellekoop;
IEEE Sensors Journal,
Volume 3, Issue 5, pp. 646-651, 2003. - First particle measurements with an integrated coulter counter based on 2-dimensional aperture control
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; F. Kohl; J. Bastemeijer; M.J. Vellekoop;
In s.n. (Ed.), TRANSDUCERS'03 Twelfth international conference on solid-state sensors, actuators and microsystems,
IEEE, pp. 296-299, 2003. - PCR Array on chip - thermal characterization
V.P. Iordanov; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche; P.M. Sarro; M. Malatek; I.T. Young; G. van DedemWK; M.J. Vellekoop;
In s.n. (Ed.), IEEE Sensors 2003,
IEEE, pp. 1045-1048, 2003. CD-rom 50/50 EI/ECTM. - First measurement results with an integrated projection citometer
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In MA Northrup; KF Jensen; DJ Harrison (Ed.), MTAS 2003 Seventh international conference on micro total analysis systems,
Transducer Research Foundation, pp. 1219-1222, 2003. CD ROM. - Novel readout electronics for TSM viscosity sensors
B.H. Jakoby; G. Art; J. Bastemeijer;
In IEEE Sensors 2003; Proceedings of the Second IEEE international conference on sensors,
IEEE, pp. 839-842, 2003. Nog niet eerder opgevoerd. ed. niet bekend. - Novel flow-cell to create sheath flows with adaptable sample flow dimensions
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In G Fiedler; D Donhoffer (Ed.), Beiträge der Informationstagung Mikroelektronik 2003,
Osterreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik, pp. 1-5, 2003. - Design of an electronic interface for capacitively coupled four-electrode conductivity detection in capillary electrophoresis microchip
F.P.J. Laugere; G.W. Lubking; J. Bastemeijer; M.J. Vellekoop;
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical: international journal devoted to research and development of physical and chemical transducers,
Volume B 83, pp. 104-108, 2002. - Electronic protection methods for conductivity detectors in micro capillary electrophoresis devices
J. Bastemeijer; W. Lubking; F.P.J. Laugere; M.J. Vellekoop;
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical: international journal devoted to research and development of physical and chemical transducers,
Volume B 83, pp. 98-103, 2002. - Filtered Photodiode Arrays for NADH Fluorescence Analysis
V.P. Iordanov; J. Bastemeijer; R. Ishihara; P.M. Sarro; A. Bossche; M. Vellekoop;
In Proc. SeSens 2002,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 627-630, Nov. 2002. ISBN 90-73461-33-2. - CMOS-Compatible Optical Filter for High-Throughput Enzymatic-Analysis Devices
V.P. Iordanov; R. Ishihara; P.M. Sarro; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche; M.J. Vellekoop;
In IEEE Sensors 2002,
Hyatt Orlando, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 9.6/1-9.6/4, Jun. 2002. ISBN 0-7803-7455-X. - Electronic baseline-suppression for liquid conductivity detection in a capillary electrophoresis microchip
F. Laugere; J. Bastemeijer; G. van der Steen; M.J. Vellekoop; P.M. Sarro; A. Bossche;
In IEEE Sensors 2002,
Hyatt Orlando, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 20.3/1-20.3/4, Jun. 2002. ISBN 0-7803-7455-X. - Integrated Coulter counter with non-coaxial sheath-flow and dynamic aperture control
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In J. Saneistr; P. Ripka (Ed.), Eurosensors XVI - Part 1,
Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Technical University, pp. 699-700, Sep. 2002. ISBN 80-01-02576-4. - A novel readout system for microacoustic viscosity sensors
J. Bastemeijer; B.H. Jakoby; A. Bossche; M.J. Vellekoop;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE ultrasonics symposium,
IEEE, pp. 489-492, 2002. CD-ROM. - Filtered photodiode arrays for NADH fluorescence analysis
V.P. Iordanov; J. Bastemeijer; R. Ishihara; P.M. Sarro; A. Bossche; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Proceedings of SeSens 2002,
STW Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen, pp. 627-630, 2002. - P1.1: Dynamic particle-shape measurements using a near-field optical sensor
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Proceedings of IEEE sensors 2002: first international conference on sensors,
IEEE, pp. 130-133, 2002. - Separation and detection of organic acids in a CE microchip with contactless four-electrode conductivity detection
F.P.J. Laugere; G. van der Steen; J. Bastemeijer; R.M. van Guijt; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop; A. Bossche;
In Y Baba; S Shoji; {van den Berg}, A (Ed.), Micro total analysis systems 2002: proceedings of the µTAS 2002 symposium, held in Nara, Japan, 3-7 November 2002,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 491-493, 2002. - 9.6: CMOS compatible optical filter for high-throughput enzymatic analysis devices
V.P. Iordanov; R. Ishihara; P.M. Sarro; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Proceedings of IEEE sensors 2002: first IEEE international conference on sensors. Vol. I,
IEEE, pp. 225-228, 2002. - 20.3: Electronic baseline-suppression for liquid conductivity detection in a capillary electrophoresis microchip
F.P.J. Laugere; J. Bastemeijer; G. van der Steen; M.J. Vellekoop; P.M. Sarro; A. Bossche;
In Proceedings of IEEE sensors 2002: first IEEE international conference on sensors. Vol. 1,
IEEE, pp. 450-453, 2002. - Virtual flow channel: a novel micro-fluidics system with orthogonal, dynamic control of sample flow dimensions
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Y Baba; S Shoji; {van den Berg}, A (Ed.), Micro total analysis systems 2002: proceedings of the µTAS 2002 symposium, held in Nara, Japan,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 103-105, 2002. - Full-decoupling technique for onecolumn liquid-conductivity detection in capillary electrophoresis microchip
F.P.J. Laugere; J. Bastemeijer; M.J. Vellekoop; A. Bossche;
In Eurosensors 2002,
Czech Technical University, pp. 505-508, 2002. - Integrated Coulter counter with non-caxial sheath-flow and dynamic aperture control
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Eurosensors 2002,
Czech Technical University, pp. 1194-1197, 2002. - Downscaling aspects of a conductivity detector for application in on-chip capillary electrophoresis
F.P.J. Laugere; W. Lubking; A. Berthold; J. Bastemeijer; M.J. Vellekoop;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical: an international journal devoted to research and development of physical and chemical transducers,
Volume 92, pp. 109-114, 2001. - Electronic protection of the conductivity detector in a micro capillary electrophoresis channel
J. Bastemeijer; W. Lubking; F.P.J. Laugere; M.J. Vellekoop;
{E Obermeier} (Ed.);
Springer, , pp. 1-4, 2001. - Polycrystalline silicon thin-film on glass as a UV filter for NADH fluorescence measuremants
V.P. Jordanov; R. Ishihara; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop; R.F. Wolffenbuttel; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche;
STW Technology Foundation, , pp. 799-802, 2001. - Dedicated interface electronics for capacitively-coupeled conductivity detection in one-chipcapillary electophoresis
F.P.J. Laugere; W. Lubking; J. Bastemeijer; M.J. Vellekoop;
In {E Obermeier} (Ed.), Transducers'01: technical papers. Vol. 2,
Springer, pp. 60-63, 2001. - Experimental verification of an improved method for conductivity detection in on-chip capillary electrophoresis systems
F.P.J. Laugere; A. Berthold; W. Lubking; J. Bastemeijer; R.M. van Guijt; E. Baltussen; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In {E Obermeier} (Ed.), Transducers'01: technical papers. Vol.2,
Springer, pp. 1178-1181, 2001. - Photodiode structures to measure the shape of particles and cells
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; SS. Lee; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche; M.J. Vellekoop;
In SAFE - ProRISC - SeSens 2001: proceedings. Semiconductor Advances for Future Electronics - Program for Research on Integrated Systems and Circuits - Semiconductor Sensor and Actuator Technology,
STW Technology Foundation, pp. 839-842, 2001. - Measurement system for biochemical analysis based on capillary electrophoresis and microscale conductivity detection
F.P.J. Laugere; A. Berthold; R.M. van Guijt; E. Baltussen; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In {M Elwenspoek} (Ed.), Proceedings,
Kluwer, pp. 1-6, 2001. - Particle-shape sensing-elements for integrated flow cytometer
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; SS. Lee; J. Bastemeijer; M.J. Vellekoop;
In {JM Ramsey}; {A Berg}, {van den} (Ed.), Proceedings,
Kluwer, pp. 357-358, 2001. - Experimental verification of an improved method for conductivity detection in on-chip capillary electrophoresis systems.
F.P.J. Laugere; A. Berthold; G.W. Lubking; J. Bastemeijer; R.M. van Guijt; H.A. Baltussen; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Digest of techn. papers of tranducers '01,
pp. 1178-1181, 2001. - Temperature-compensated Love-wave sensors on quartz substrates
B.H. Jakoby; J. Bastemeijer; M.J. Vellekoop;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical: an international journal devoted to research and development of physical and chemical transducers,
Volume 82, Issue 1-3, pp. 83-88, 2000. - Multisensing in subnanoliter high-speed screening (HSS) arrays.
M.J. Vellekoop; K.H. Hjelt; G.W. Lubking; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; T.G.M. Schalkhammer; D. Criado; V.P. Iordanov;
In Proceedings of Eurosensors XIV. 14th European conference on solid state transducers. Copenhagen, August 2000.,
pp. 39-42, 2000. - Exploring limits for the design of a miniaturized contactless conductivity detector for on-chip capillary electrophoresis
F.P.J. Laugere; W. Lubking; A. Berthold; J. Bastemeijer; M.J. Vellekoop;
In {R Reus}, de; {S Bouwstra} (Ed.), Eurosensors XIV,
Mikroelektronik Centret, pp. 791-794, 2000. - Multisensing in subnanoliter high-speed screening (HSS) arrays
M.J. Vellekoop; K.T. Hjelt; W. Lubking; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; T.G.M. Schalkhammer; D. Criado; V.P. Jordanov;
In {R Reus}, de; {S Bouwstra} (Ed.), Eurosensors XIV,
Mikroelektronik Centret, pp. 39-42, 2000. - Novel zero temperature-coefficient Love-wave sensors
B.H. Jakoby; J. Bastemeijer; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Transducers '99: digest of technical papers. Vol. 2,
Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, pp. 1258-1261, 1999. - A Love-wave ice detector
M.J. Vellekoop; B.H. Jakoby; J. Bastemeijer;
In Proceedings vol. 1,
IEEE, pp. 453-456, 1999. - A novel high-resolution liquid-conductivity detector
F.P.J. Laugere; W. Lubking; M. Berthold; J. Bastemeijer; M.J. Vellekoop;
In {M. Bartek} (Ed.), Eurosensors XIII: proceedings,
Delft University of Technology, pp. 211-214, 1999. - A Love-wave detector for a road-condition control system
M.J. Vellekoop; J. Bastemeijer; B.H. Jakoby;
In {M. Bartek} (Ed.), Eurosensors XIII: proceedings,
Delft University of Technology, pp. 243-246, 1999.
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Last updated: 21 Dec 2022

Jeroen Bastemeijer
- +31 15 27 86542
- Room: HB 14.320
- List of publications