dr. Neo
Electronic Circuits and Architectures (ELCA), Department of Microelectronics
PhD thesis (Mar 2010): Highly Efficient and Highly Linear RF Power Amplifiers
Promotor: Leo de Vreede
de Vreede, L. C. N.; Gajadharsing, R.; Neo, W. C. E.;
In 2013 IEEE International Wireless Symposium (IWS),
pp. 1-4, 2013. DOI: 10.1109/IEEE-IWS.2013.6616839
Qureshi, J. H.; Li, N.; Neo, W.C. E.; van Rijs, F.; Blednov, I.; de Vreede, L.C.N.;
In 2010 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium,
pp. 1504-1507, 2010. DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2010.5517561
de Vreede, L.C.N.; Pelk, M.; Neo, E.; Qureshi, J.; Spirito, M.; Squillante, M.; Marchetti, M.;
In 2010 IEEE 11th Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON),
pp. 1-5, 2010. DOI: 10.1109/WAMICON.2010.5461858
Qureshi, Jawad H.; Pelk, Marco J.; Marchetti, Mauro; Neo, W. C. Edmund; Gajadharsing, John R.; van der Heijden, Mark P.; de Vreede, L. C. N.;
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Volume 57, Issue 8, pp. 1925-1935, 2009. DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2009.2025430
Marchetti, Mauro; Pelk, Marco J.; Buisman, Koen; Neo, W. C. Edmund; Spirito, Marco; de Vreede, Leo C. N.;
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Volume 56, Issue 12, pp. 2979-2988, 2008. DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2008.2007330
Pelk, Marco J.; Neo, W. C. Edmund; Gajadharsing, John R.; Pengelly, Raymond S.; de Vreede, Leo C. N.;
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Volume 56, Issue 7, pp. 1582-1591, 2008. DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2008.924364
Neo, W. C. Edmund; Qureshi, Jawad; Pelk, Marco J.; Gajadharsing, John R.; de Vreede, Leo C. N.;
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Volume 55, Issue 5, pp. 866-879, 2007. DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2007.895160
W. C. E. Neo; Y. Lin; X.-D. Liu; L. C. N. de Vreede; L. E. Larson; M. Spirito; M. J. Pelk; K. Buisman; A. Akhoukh; A. De Graauw; L. K. Nanver;
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
Volume 41, Issue 9, pp. 2166-2176, Sept. 2006. ISSN 0018-9200.
W. C. E Neo; X. Liu; Y. Lin; L. C. N. de Vreede; M. Spirito; A. Akhnoukh; L. K. Nanver; L. E. Larson; A. de Graauw;
In Proc. IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting BCTM,
pp. 108-111, 2005.
Neo, W.C.E.; Liu, X.; Lin, Y.; de Vreede, L.C.N.; Larson, L.E.; Spirito, S.; Akhnoukh, A.; de Graauw, A.; Nanver, L.K.;
In Proceedings of the Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, 2005.,
pp. 108-111, 2005. DOI: 10.1109/BIPOL.2005.1555211
V. Cuoco; W.C.E. Neo; M. Spirito; O.Yanson; N. Nenadovic; L.C.N. de Vreede; H.F.F. Jos; J.N. Burghartz;
Leuven, Belgium, pp. 457-460, Sep. 2004. ISBN 0-7803-8479-2.
V. Cuoco; W.C.E. Neo; L.C.N de Vreede; H.C de Graaff; L.K. Nanver; H.C. Wu; H.F.F Jos; J.N. Burghartz;
In Proc. Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting 2004 (BCTM 2004),
Montreal, Canada, pp. 148-151, Sep. 2004.
Cuoco, V.; Yanson, O.; Hammes, P.; Spirito, M.; de Vreede, L.C.N.; Steenwijk, A.v.; Versleijen, M.; Neo, W.C.E.; Jos, H.F.F.; Burghartz, J.N.;
In 34th European Microwave Conference, 2004.,
pp. 217-220, 2004.
W.C.E. Neo; van der Heijden, M.P.; de Vreede, L.C.N.; Spirito, M.; Cuoco, V.; van Rijs, F.;
In 34th European Microwave Conference, 2004.,
pp. 1173-1175, 2004.
Cuoco, V.; Neo, W.C.E.; de Vreede, L.C.N.; de Graaff, H.C.; Nanver, L.K.; Buisman, K.; Wu, H.C.; Jos, H.F.F.; Burghartz, J.N.;
In Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology, 2004. Proceedings of the 2004 Meeting,
pp. 148-151, 2004. DOI: 10.1109/BIPOL.2004.1365766
Cuoco, V.; Neo, W.C.E.; Spirito, M.; Yanson, O.; Nenadovic, N.; de Vreede, L.C.N.; Jos, H.F.F.; Burghartz, J.N.;
In Proceedings of the 30th European Solid-State Circuits Conference (IEEE Cat. No.04EX850),
pp. 457-460, 2004. DOI: 10.1109/ESSDER.2004.1356590
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Last updated: 26 Dec 2018

Weng Chuen Edmund Neo
Alumnus- Left in 2010
- Now: Freescale