dr. Mu Zhou
Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics
PhD thesis (Dec 2015): Blind Beamforming Techniques for Global Tracking Systems
Promotor: Alle-Jan van der Veen
Expertise: Signal processing for communication
Themes: XG - Next Generation Sensing and CommunicationBiography
Mu Zhou was a PhD student in the CAS group, with prof. Alle-Jan van der Veen. He graduated on 4 December 2015.
Mu Zhou was born in China in 1982. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2005 and 2008, respectively, all in electrical engineering. From 2008 until 2013, he has been working towards the Ph.D. degree in the Circuits and Systems Group in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
His current research interests include matrix decomposition for array signal processing, receiver design for nanosatellite communication and mixed signal system modeling.
Projects history
Separation of AIS Transponder Signals
AIS is a VHF communication system for ship transponders. Seen from a satellite, transponder messages overlap. The aim is to separate these using an antenna array.
Blind source separation, subspace estimation, and factor analysis
AIS - source separation of partially overlapping signalsBlind source separation of data packets that are not synchronized. Application to AIS (ship transponder signals) as received from satellitesSoftware, Apr 2018 |
SURV - Signed URV subspace estimation algorithmMatlab implementation of an efficient subspace estimator/tracker based on hyperbolic Givens rotations. The algorithm is stable for both updates and downdates.Software, Jan 2012 |
- Blind separation of partially overlapping data packets
Mu Zhou; A.J. van der Veen;
Digital Signal Processing,
Volume 68, pp. 154-166, September 2017. [Considers blind separation of AIS signals]. DOI: 10.1016/j.dsp.2017.06.009
document • software
Matlab code: http://sps.ewi.tudelft.nl/data/allejan/ais.zip - Blind Beamforming Techniques for Global Tracking Systems
Mu Zhou;
PhD thesis, TU Delft, Fac. EEMCS, December 2015. ISBN 978-94-6259-934-5 [Considers blind separation of AIS signals].
document - Blind Beamforming Techniques for Automatic Identification System using GSVD and Tracking
Mu Zhou; A.J. van der Veen;
In Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Proc. (ICASSP 2014),
Florence (Italy), IEEE, pp. 3012-3016, May 2014. DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2014.6854153
document - Stable Subspace Tracking Algorithm Based on a Signed URV Decomposition
Mu Zhou; A.J. van der Veen;
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing,
Volume 60, Issue 6, pp. 3036-3051, June 2012.
document • software
Matlab code: http://sps.ewi.tudelft.nl/data/allejan/surv.zip - Multi-user LEO-satellite receiver for robust space detection of AIS messages
Mu Zhou; A.J. van der Veen; R. van Leuken;
Kyoto (Japan), IEEE, pp. 2529-2532, May 2012.
document - A Subspace Tracking Algorithm for Separating Partially Overlapping Data Packets
Mu Zhou; A.J. van der Veen;
In Proc. 7th IEEE Sensor Array Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2012),
Hoboken, NJ (USA), IEEE, June 2012.
document - Stable subspace tracking algorithm based on signed URV decomposition
Mu Zhou; A.J. van der Veen;
Prague (Czech Republic), IEEE, pp. 2720-2723, May 2011.
document - SystemC-AMS Model of a Dynamic Large-scale Satellite-based AIS-like Network
Mu Zhou; R. van Leuken;
In Forum on Specification, Verification and Design Languages (FDL 2011),
Oldenburg, Germany, September 2011.
document - Improved Blind Separation Algorithm for Overlapping Secondary Surveillance Radar Replies
Mu Zhou; A.J. van der Veen;
In 4th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP),
Puerto Rico, IEEE, pp. 181-184, December 2011. ISBN 978-1-4577-2103-8.
document - Improved Subspace Intersection Based on Signed URV Decomposition
Mu Zhou; A.J. van der Veen;
In Proc. Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers,
Monterey, CA, November 2011. - Modeling a configurable resistive touch screen system using SystemC and SystemC-AMS
Mu Zhou; R. van Leuken; H.J. Lincklaen Arriens;
In 20th annual workshop on circuits, systems and signal processing--ProRISC,
Veldhoven, STW, pp. 393-398, November 2009. ISBN 978-90-73461-62-8.
BibTeX support
Last updated: 7 Dec 2015

Mu Zhou
Alumnus- Left in 2015
- Now: ZTE (China)