dr.ir. Z. Irahhauten
Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics
Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics
PhD thesis (Jan 2009): Ultra-wideband wireless channel: measurements, analysis and modeling
Promotor: Leo Ligthart, Gerard Janssen
Expertise: Wireless channel measurements/modeling
Zoubir Irahhauten was a postdoc in the CAS group in the period 2007-2010, on the Smart Moving Process Environment Actuators and Sensors (Smart-PEAS) project. The objective was to develop Smart PEAS-based UWB technology for liquids and apply it in various types of process equipment.
Main tasks: characterization of transmission properties of UWB-signals in various industrial media, design of a UWB antenna for underwater applications, design a test-bed demonstrator for positioning, investigate the use of acoustic signals.
- Channel Measurements and Modeling for a 60 GHz Wireless Link Within a Metal Cabinet
S. Khademi; S.P. Chepuri; Z. Irahhauten; G.J. Janssen; A.J. van der Veen;
IEEE Tr. Wireless Comm.,
Volume 14, Issue 9, pp. 5098-5110, 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2015.2432755
document - Channel characterization for wideband 60 GHz wireless link within a metal enclosure
S. Khademi; S.P. Chepuri; Z. Irahhauten; G.J.M. Janssen; A.J. van der Veen;
In 2014 8th European Conf. on Antennas and Propagagion (EuCAP),
The Hague (Netherlands), IEEE, pp. 1575-1579, April 2014. DOI: 10.1109/EuCAP.2014.6902085
document - Channel measurements and analysis for closed metal environments
Kaifeng Guo; Z. Irahhauten; G.J.M. Janssen; J.H. Weber;
In Proc. 32nd WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux,
Brussels, Belgium, IEEE, May 2011. - UWB Ranging Based on Partial Received Sub-Band Signals in Dense Multipath Environments
Z. Irahhauten; G. Leus; H. Nikookar; G.J.M. Janssen;
In Proc. IEEE ICC,
Cape Town, IEEE, pp. 1-6, May 2010. ISSN 1550-3607.
document - Link Budget Analysis and Modeling of Short-Range UWB Channels
Z. Irahhauten; J. Dacuna; G.J.M. Janssen; H. Nikookar; A.G. Yarovoy; L.P. Ligthart;
IEEE Tr. Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 56, Issue 8, part 2, pp. 2730-2738, August 2008.
document - Integration of a Pulse Generator on Chip Into a Compact Ultrawideband Antenna
A.V. Vorobyov; S. Bagga; A.G. Yarovoy; S.A.P. Haddad; W.A. Serdijn; J.R.Long; Z. Irahhauten; L.P. Ligthart;
IEEE Tr. Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 56, Issue 3, pp. 858-868, March 2008.
document - Integration of a Pulse Generator on Chip into a Miniaturized Ultra-Wideband Antenna
A.V. Vorobyov; S. Bagga; A.G. Yarovoy; S.A.P. Haddad; Z. Irahhauten; W.A. Serdijn; J.R. Long; L.P. Ligthart;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
March 2008.
document - Integration of a pulse generator on chip into a compact ultrawideband antenna
AV Vorobyov; S Bagga; A Yarovoy; SAP Haddad; WA Serdijn; JR Long; Z Irahhauten; LP Ligthart;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 56, Issue 3, pp. 858--868, 2008. - Link budget analysis and modeling of short-range UWB channels
Z Irahhauten; J Dacuna; GJM Janssen; H Nikookar; A Yarovoy; LP Ligthart;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 56, Issue 8, pp. 2730--2738, 2008. - Analysis and modeling of near-field effects on the link budget for UWB-WPAN channels
Z Irahhauten; J Dacuna; GJM Janssen; H Nikookar; A Yarovoy; LP Ligthart;
J Wu; e.a. (Ed.);
IEEE society, , pp. 4872--4876, 2008. - Analysis and modeling of near-field effects on the link budget for UWB-WPAN channels
Z. Irahhauten; J. Dacuna; G.J.M. Janssen; H. Nikookar; A. Yarovoy; L.P. Ligthart;
In IEEE Inter. Conf. on Comm. (ICC),
Beijing, China, pp. 4872-4876, May 2008.
document - A UWB Transformer-C Orthonormal State Space Band-reject Filter in 0.13 um CMOS
S. Bagga; Z. Irahhauten; S.A.P. Haddad; W.A. Serdijn; J.R. Long; J.J. Pekarik;
In IEEE 34th European Conf. on Solid-State Circuits (ESSCIRC 2008),
Edinburgh, UK, pp. 298-301, September 2008.
document - A Band-Reject ir-UWB LNA with 20 dB WLAN Suppression in 0.13 um CMOS
S. Bagga; Z. Irahhauten; W.A. Serdijn; J.R. Long; J. Pekarik; H. Pflug;
In Proc. Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (ASSCC,
IEEE, Nov. 3-5 2008.
document - An UWB Transformer-C Orthonormal State Space Band-Reject Filter in 0.13 um CMOS
S. Bagga; Z. Irahhauten; W.A. Serdijn; J.R. Long; J. Pekarik;
In Proc. European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC),
IEEE, Sept. 2008.
document - UWB antenna integration with a pulse generator on chip
O Vorobyov; S Bagga; Z Irahhauten; A Yarovoy; JR Long; WA Serdijn; LP Ligthart;
H Lacoste; L Ouwehand (Ed.);
ESA, , pp. 1--5, 2006. - UWB channel measurements and results for office and industrial environments
Z Irahhauten; GJM Janssen; H Nikookar; A Yarovoy; LP Ligthart;
s.n. (Ed.);
IEEE society, , pp. 225--230, 2006. - Ultra-wideband indoor propagation channel measurements, analysis and modeling
Z Irahhauten; A Yarovoy; GJM Janssen; H Nikookar; LP Ligthart;
H Lacoste; L Ouwehand (Ed.);
ESA, , pp. 1--6, 2006. - Suppression of noise and narrowband interference in UWB indoor channel measurements
Z Irahhauten; A Yarovoy; GJM Janssen; H Nikookar; LP Ligthart;
s.n. (Ed.);
IEEE society, , pp. 108--112, 2005. - Link budget evaluation for ultra wide band impulse radio transmission
Z Irahhauten; A Yarovoy; H Nikookar; GJM Janssen; LP Ligthart;
IEICE, , pp. 93--96, 2004. ed. is niet bekend. - Measurement setup for ultra wide band indoor radio channel characterization
Z Irahhauten; A Yarovoy; GJM Janssen; H Nikookar; LP Ligthart;
Ghent University, , pp. 1--6, 2004. ed. is niet bekend. - The effect of antenna and pulse waveform on ultra wide band link budged with impulse radio transmission
Z Irahhauten; A Yarovoy; H Nikookar; GJM Janssen; LP Ligthart;
The European Microwave Association, , pp. 261--264, 2004. ed.is niet bekend.
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Last updated: 26 Dec 2018

Zoubir Irahhauten
Alumnus- Left in 2010
- Now: KPN, The Hague
- Personal webpage
- Google Scholar profile