dr. Yiyin Wang
PhD student
Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics
Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics
PhD thesis (Nov 2011): Localization and Communication for UWB-based Wireless Sensor Networks
Promotor: Alle-Jan van der Veen, Geert Leus
Expertise: Signal processing for communication
Themes: XG - Next Generation Sensing and CommunicationBiography
Yiyin Wang was a PhD student at CAS, working on localization and communication for UWB sensor networks. After her PhD, she became a postdoc at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Georgia Institute of Technology(GaTech).
Her research interests lie in the area of signal processing for wireless sensor networks, wireless communications and networking, and broadband systems (e.g. ultra-wideband (UWB)), employing tools from linear algebra, digital and statistical signal processing, and optimization.
- Time-of-arrival estimation by UWB radios with low sampling rate and clock drift calibration
Yiyin Wang; G. Leus; H. Delic;
Elsevier Signal Processing,
Volume 94, Issue 1, pp. 465-475, January 2014.
document - Reference-free time-based localization for an asynchronous target
Yiyin Wang; G. Leus;
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing,
Volume 19, pp. 21, 2012.
document - Clock skew calibration for UWB ranging
Yiyin Wang; Zijian Tang; G. Leus;
Kyoto (Japan), IEEE, pp. 3013-3016, May 2012.
document - Robust Time-Based Localization for Asynchronous Networks
Yiyin Wang; Xiaoli Ma; G. Leus;
IEEE Tr. Signal Processing,
Volume 59, Issue 9, pp. 4397-4410, September 2011. ISSN: 1053-587X. DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2011.2159215
document - Time-based localization for asynchronous wireless sensor networks
Yiyin Wang; G. Leus; Xiaoli Ma;
Prague (Czech Republic), IEEE, pp. 3284-3287, May 2011.
document - Tracking a mobile node by asynchronous networks
Yiyin Wang; G. Leus; Xiaoli Ma;
In 2011 IEEE 12th Int. Workshop on Signal Proc. Advances in Wireless Comm. (SPAWC),
San Francisco (CA), IEEE, pp. 161-165, June 2011. ISSN 1948-3244. DOI: 10.1109/SPAWC.2011.5990385
document - Robust Time-Based Localization for Asynchronous Networks with Clock Offsets
Yiyin Wang; Xiaoli Ma; G. Leus;
In Proc. Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers,
Monterey, CA, November 2011. - Localization and communication for UWB-based wireless sensor networks
Yiyin Wang;
PhD thesis, TU Delft, Fac. EEMCS, November 2011. - Extending the classical multidimensional scaling algorithm given partial pairwise distance measurements
A. Amar; Yiyin Wang; G. Leus;
IEEE Signal Processing Letters,
Volume 17, Issue 5, pp. 473-476, May 2010.
document - An UWB Ranging-based Localization Strategy with Internal Attack Immunity
Yiyin Wang; Xiaoli Ma; G. Leus;
In Proc. 2010 IEEE Int. Conf. on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB),
Nanjing, China, IEEE, September 2010. DOI: 10.1109/ICUWB.2010.5615052, E-ISBN 978-1-4244-5306
document - Digital receiver design for transmitted-reference ultra-wideband systems
Yiyin Wang; G. Leus; A.J. van der Veen;
Eurasip J. Wireless Comm. Netw.,
Volume 2009, pp. 17, June 2009. ArticleID 315264, doi:10.1155/2009/315264.
document - Cramer-Rao bound for range estimation
Yiyin Wang; G. Leus; A.J. van der Veen;
Taipei (Taiwan), IEEE, April 2009.
document - TOA estimation using UWB with low sampling rate and clock drift calibration
Yiyin Wang; G. Leus; H. Delic;
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB 2009),
IEEE, pp. 612-617, September 2009.
document - Acquisition for a Transmitted Reference UWB Receiver
A. Schranzhofer; Yiyin Wang; A.J. van der Veen;
In IEEE Int. Conf. UWB (ICUWB 2008),
Hannover, Germany, pp. 149-152, September 2008.
document - On Digital Receiver Design for Transmitted Reference Ultra Wideband
Yiyin Wang; G. Leus; A.J. van der Veen;
In IEEE Int. Conf. UWB (ICUWB 2008),
Hannover, Germany, pp. 35-38, September 2008.
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Last updated: 13 Jul 2014

Yiyin Wang
Alumnus- Left in 2011
- Now: Georgia Tech (Atlanta)
- Personal webpage