dr.ir. E. Schrik
PhD student
Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics
Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics
PhD thesis (Sep 2006): A combined BEM/FEM method for IC substrate modeling
Promotor: Patrick Dewilde, Nick van der Meijs
Expertise: IC substrate modeling
Eelco Schrik was a PhD student with prof. Patrick Dewilde and dr. Nick van der Meijs. He graduated in 2006.
- A combined BEM/FEM method for IC substrate modeling
E. Schrik;
PhD thesis, TU Delft, Dept. EEMCS, September 2006.
document - Substrate resistance modeling by combination of BEM and FEM methodologies
E. Schrik; N.P. van der Meijs;
In Scientific computing in electrical engineering,
Heidelberg, Springer, 2004. - Combined BEM/FEM vs. 3D FEM substrate resistance modeling
E. Schrik; N.P. van der Meijs;
In Prorisc'04,
Veldhoven, November 2004. - Comparing Two Y$\Delta$ Based Methodologies for Realizable Model Reduction
E. Schrik; N. P. van der Meijs;
In ProRISC IEEE 14th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,
November 2003.
document - Coherent Interconnect/Substrate Modeling Using SPACE - An Experimental Study
E. Schrik; A.J. van Genderen; N.P. van der Meijs;
In Proc. of the 33rd European Solid-State Device Research Conf.,
Estoril, Portugal, pp. 585 -- 588, September 2003.
document - Combined BEM/FEM Substrate Resistance Modeling
E. Schrik; N.P. van der Meijs;
In Proc. 39th Design Automation Conference,
New Orleans, LA, pp. 771-776, June 2002.
document - Substrate Resistance Modeling by Combination of BEM and FEM Methodologies
E. Schrik; N.P. van der Meijs;
In W.H.A. Schilders; S.H.M.J. Houben; E.J.W. ter Maten (Ed.), Scientific Computation in Electrical Engineering 2002,
Eindhoven, NL, pp. 171-172, June 2002. ISBN 90-9015894-4.
poster http://cas.et.tudelft.nl/space/publications/2002/sceeposter_final.pdf - Theoretical and Practical Validation of Combined BEM/FEM Substrate Resistance Modeling
E. Schrik; P.M. Dewilde; N.P. van der Meijs;
In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design,
San Jose, CA, pp. 10--15, November 2002.
document - Modeling Capactive Effects via the Substrate
A. J. van Genderen; N. P. van der Meijs; E. Schrik;
In ProRISC IEEE 12th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,
pp. 366--370, November 2001.
document - Combined BEM/FEM Resistance Modeling of Stratified Substrates with Layout-Dependent Doping Patterns in the Top Layer
E. Schrik; A. J. van Genderen; N. P. van der Meijs;
In ProRISC IEEE 12th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,
pp. 598--604, November 2001.
BibTeX support
Last updated: 13 Jul 2016

Eelco Schrik
Alumnus- Left in 2006
- Now: Strukton Rail (Utrecht)
- Personal webpage