prof.dr. A. Neto
Terahertz Sensing (THZ), Department of Microelectronics
Expertise: Applied electromagnetics, THz broadband imaging systems, antennas
Themes: XG - Next Generation Sensing and CommunicationBiography
Andrea Neto received the Laurea degree (summa cum laude) in electronic engineering from the University of Florence, Italy, in 1994 and the Ph.D. degree in electromagnetics from the University of Siena, Italy, in 2000. Part of his Ph.D. was developed at the European Space Agency Research and Technology Center, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, where he worked for the antenna section for over two years.
In 2000-2001, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, working for the Sub-mm wave Advanced Technology Group. From 2002 to January 2010, he was Senior Antenna Scientist at TNO Defence, Security and Safety, The Hague, The Netherlands. In February 2010 he has been appointed Full Professor of Applied Electromagnetism at the EEMCS Department, of the Technical University of Delft, the Netherlands. His research interests are in the analysis and design of antennas, with emphasis on arrays, dielectric lens antennas, wideband antennas, EBG structures and THz antennas.
Prof. Neto was co-recipient of the H.A. Wheeler award for the best applications paper of the year 2008 in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. He was co-recipient of the best innovative paper prize at the 30th ESA Antenna Workshop in 2008. He was co-recipient of the best antenna theory paper prize at the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) in 2010. In August 2011 he was awarded a 5 years starting grant from the European Research Council for Advanced THz antennas. He presently serves as associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and propagation and for IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL).
EE1P1 Electricity and Magnetism
Basic theory of electricity and magnetism
EE2P1 Electromagnetics
An introduction to electromagnetic fields and waves
EE4620 Spectral domain methods in electromagnetics
Antenna Imaging, Antennas in reception, Fourier Optics, Connected Array Antennas, Artificial dielectric materials
EE4725 Quasi optical systems
Green's function of stratified media, spectral domain analysis of printed antennas, periodic structures, quasi optics
EE4730 High frequency wireless architectures
EE4C05 Electromagnetics
Basic introduction to the fundamental concepts of the Electromagnetics (EM)
Education history
EE3345TU Introduction to Physics of Electronics
(not running) A brief overview of introductory material in electromagnetics (EM) and quantum mechanics (QM), which forms the basis for later courses in the Minor of Physics of Electronics.
Pathway towards Opportunities for Large scale Applications of Radically integrated systems
Computationally efficient electromagnetic modelling of integrated antenna arrays in the presence of dielectric structures
Future Network Services 6G
Nationaal Groeifonds
Sub-THz Antennas for Next Generation Automotive Radars
Research towards the next generation of car radar systems at 140 GHz
Projects history
Multi-Beam Antenna arrays
Wideband wide-scanning array with multi-beam capability
Antenna user terminal with Wide Angle Impedance Matching (WAIM) metamaterial radome
Development of Satcom antenna for user terminals, with improved performances with respect to available phased array solutions.
Artificial Dielectrics for High-frequency On-Chip antennas
Goal: To achieve optimized, reliable, flexible and low-cost manufacturing of the breakthrough technology of Artificial Dielectric (AD) layers, as the solution to the surface-wave problem of high-frequency on-chip antennas.
3D Elements For Phased Array Systems
The goal is to develop 3D antenna elements for phased arrays with integrated filtering solutions and suitable pattern shaping.
THz Imaging Phenomenology Platforms for Stand-off IED Detection funded by the European Defense Agency
The objectives of the Project are to produce an imagery phenomenology study for evaluation of the detection problem centred around the detection of concealed objects and map the route towards potential applications.
Kinetic Inductance Detectors: a new imaging technology for observations in and from space
Imaging arrays of kinetic inductance detectors for space-based astronomical and earth observation applications
THz silicon-integrated camera for low-cost imaging applications
Develop a real-time multi pixel passive radiometer, operating between 0.1 THz and 1THz, integrated in a silicon based technology, with temperature resolution better than 1K
- Efficient analysis method for artificial dielectric layers with vertical metal inclusions
A.J. van Katwijk; A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
2025. Early Access. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2025.3529189 - Spectral Domain Green’s Function of an Infinite Dipole With Nonzero Metal Thickness and Rectangular Cross Section
E. A. Speksnijder; R. Ozzola; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Volume 72, Issue 8, pp. 4530 - 4541, Aug. 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2024.3361532 - Connected slot array with interchangeable ADL radome for sub-8 GHz 5G applications
R. Ozzola; A. Neto; U. Imberg; D. Cavallo;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 72, Issue 1, pp. 992-997, Jan. 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2023.3333541 - Spectral Domain Analysis of Lossy and Nonzero Thickness Dipoles of Finite Length Radiating in Layered Media
R. Ozzola; C. Tadolini; A. Neto;
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
Volume 72, Issue 11, pp. 8888-8892, Nov. 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2024.3456966 - Estimation of mutual coupling in integrated lens arrays using a geometrical optics-based technique with bi-directional forward ray-tracing
S. Oddin Dabironezare; A. Nair; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 72, Issue 6, pp. 4796-4805, Jun. 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2024.3390998 - Enhanced Frequency Response in Coherent Photoconductive Pulsed Sources Using Leaky Wave Connected Arrays
Huiskes, Martijn D.; Bueno, Juan; Zhang, Huasheng; Sberna, Paolo Maria; Llombart, Nuria; Neto, Andrea;
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
Volume 14, Issue 6, pp. 843-850, Nov. 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TTHZ.2024.3449123 - Study of finite edge effects in compact ultra-wide-band connected arrays
Tapia Barroso, R.G.; Neto, A.; Cavallo, D.;
In 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Glasgow, Scotland, Mar. 17-22 2024. - Efficient analysis method for artificial dielectric layers with vertical metal inclusions
A. J. van Katwijk; A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
In 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Glasgow, Scotland, Mar. 17-22 2024. - Design, measurements, and performance assessment of a massive MIMO wideband phased array
R. Ozzola; C. Tadolini; Tapia Barroso, R.G.; U. Imberg; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
In 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Glasgow, Scotland, Mar. 17-22 2024. - Spectral Domain Green's Function of an Infinite Dipole with Non-Zero Metal Thickness
Erik Speksnijder; Riccardo Ozzola; Andrea Neto;
In 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Glasgow, UK, Mar. 17-22 2024. (Finalist for Best Electromagnetics Paper award). - Time domain analysis of pulsed photo-conductive antenna sources: distributed excitations
Laurens F. E. Beijnen; Martijn Huiskes; Andrea Neto;
In 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Glasgow, UK, Mar. 17-22 2024. - On the Design of Wide-Scanning Lenses with Integrated Focal Arrays
Dunja Lončarević; Shahab Oddin Dabironezare; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
In 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Glasgow, UK, Mar. 17-22 2024. - On the Design of Wide-Scanning Lenses with Integrated Focal Arrays
Dunja Lončarević; Shahab Oddin Dabironezare; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation,
Florence, Italy, Jul. 14-19 2024. - The Norton equivalent circuit model of PCA to predict the parasitic effects of the substrate on THz emission saturation
Sberna, Paolo; Ghosh, Goutam; Huiskes, Martijn; Siebbeles, Laurens; Neto, Andrea;
In 49th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
Perth, Australia, Sep. 1-6 2024. - Antenna unit and method of producing an antenna unit
Waqas H. Syed; Ralph M. Van Schelven; G. Carluccio; P. Lok; Antonius J. M. De Graauw; Konstantinos Doris; Daniele Cavallo; Andrea Neto;
Patent, EP4343971A1, US18469605, Mar. 2024.
document - Phased array with pattern shaping and scan loss reduction for millimeter waves
R. M. Van Schelven; W. Syed; G. Carluccio; K. Doris; A. De Graauw; A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 71, Issue 1, pp. 159-168, Jan. 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2022.3217340 - Efficient semi-analytical method for the analysis of large finite connected slot arrays
A. J. van Katwijk; A. Neto; G. Toso; D. Cavallo;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 71, Issue 1, pp. 402-410, Jan. 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2022.3209272 - Fabrication and Characterization of a Leaky Lens Photo-Conductive Antenna on Low Temperature Grown GaAs Membranes
Juan Bueno; Paolo M. Sberna; Arturo Fiorellini-Bernardis; Huasheng Zhang; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
Volume 13, Issue 5, pp. 431-439, Sep. 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TTHZ.2023.3281770 - Time Domain Modelling of Pulsed Photo Conducting Sources. Part II: Characterization of a LT-GaAs Bow Tie Antenna
Arturo Fiorellini-Bernardis; Paolo M. Sberna; Juan Bueno; Huasheng Zhang; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 71, Issue 3, pp. 2536 - 2545, Mar. 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2023.3236763 - Time-Domain Modelling of Pulsed Photoconducting Sources—Part I: The Norton Equivalent Circuit
A. Neto; N. Llombart; A. Freni;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 71, Issue 3, pp. 2527-2535, Mar. 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2022.3184517 - Experimental setup for the characterization of a quasi-optical link between two pulsed photoconductive antennas
Huasheng Zhang; Juan Bueno; Paolo M. Sberna; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
In European Conference of Antennas and Propagation,
Florence, Italy, 26 - 31 Mar. 2023. - Frequency-Domain Norton Resistance for Pulsed Photoconductive Antennas
Huasheng Zhang; Nuria Llombart; Angelo Freni; Andrea Neto;
In European Conference of Antennas and Propagation,
Florence, Italy, 26 - 31 Mar. 2023. - On the Experimental Characterization of Generated and Received Pulses of Photoconductive Antennas
Huasheng Zhang; Juan Bueno; Paolo M. Sberna; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
In 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
Montreal, Canada, 17-22 Sep. 2023. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz57677.2023.10299090 - Dimensioning Photoconductive Connected Array Sources to Maximize the Radiated Power
Martijn Huiskes; Juan Bueno; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
In 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
Montreal, QC, Canada, IEEE, pp. 1-2, 17-22 Sep 2023. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz57677.2023.10299142 - On the use of the volumetric method of moments for THz applications
R. Ozzola; J. Geng; D. Cavallo; N. Llombart; A. Freni; A. Neto;
In 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Florence, Italy, Mar. 26 - 31 2023. - Study on the generation of independent beams from planar domains
Ozzola, R.; Tapia Barroso, R. G.; Cavallo, D.; Neto, A.;
In 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Florence, Italy, Mar. 26 - 31 2023. - Characterization of tightly sampled, direct-detection THz imager integrated in 22 nm CMOS
M. Hoogelander; S. van Berkel; S. Malotaux; M. Alonso-DelPino; M. Spirito; A. Neto; D. Cavallo; N. Llombart;
In 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Florence, Italy, Mar. 26 - 31 2023. - Ku/Ka-band wide-scanning dual-polarized connected slot array with improved polarization purity
A. J. van Katwijk; A. Neto; G. Toso; D. Cavallo;
In 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Florence, Italy, Mar. 26 - 31 2023. - On the development of diffraction-limited focal plane array in CMOS at submillimeter wavelengths
M. Hoogelander; S. van Berkel; S. Malotaux; M. Alonso-delPino; M. Spirito; A. Neto; D. Cavallo; N. Llombart;
In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation,
Portland, OR, USA, 23-28 Jul. 2023. - A volumetric method of moments for the analysis of THz lens antennas
R. Ozzola; J. Geng; E. Speksnijder; D. Cavallo; N. Llombart; A. Freni; A. Neto;
In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation,
Portland, OR, USA, 23-28 Jul. 2023. - Generation of independent beams from arbitrary domains
Ozzola, R.; Tapia Barroso, R. G.; Cavallo, D.; Neto, A.;
In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation,
Portland, OR, USA, 23-28 Jul. 2023. - Spectral periodic method of moment analysis of artificial dielectric with vertical metal inclusions
A. J. van Katwijk; A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation,
Portland, OR, USA, 23-28 Jul. 2023. - Wave-front Behaviour of the Pulsed EM Field – Complexity and Implications
J. Gu; A. Neto; I. E. Lager; M. Štumpf;
In 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Florence, Italy, Mar. 27 - Apr. 1 2023. - On the Reduction of the Cross-polarized Component of the Infinite Leaky Wave Slot
Dunja Lončarević; Andrea Neto; Sjoerd Bosma; Nuria Llombart;
In 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Florence, Italy, 2023. - On the relation between beam coupling and feed coupling in wideband antenna arrays
R. Ozzola; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 70, Issue 1, pp. 260-267, Jan. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2021.3090536 - Drude Dispersion in the Transmission Line Modelling of Bulk Absorbers at Sub-mm Wave Frequencies: A Tool for Absorber Optimization
R.M. van Schelven; Fiorellini Bernardis, A.; P. Sberna; A. Neto;
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine,
Volume 64, Issue 1, pp. 50-60, Feb. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/MAP.2021.3073092 - A benchmark for the number of independent line of sight links on a given volume platform
R. Ozzola; D. Cavallo; A. Freni; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 70, Issue 12, pp. 12071-12080, Dec. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2022.3209203 - On the Near-Field Spherical Wave Formation in Resonant Leaky-Wave Antennas: Application to Small Lens Design
S. Bosma; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 70, Issue 2, pp. 801-812, Feb. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2021.3137238 - A Leaky Enhanced Photo-Conductive Connected Array for Broadband Generation of THz Power
Juan Bueno; Martijn Huiskes; Huasheng Zhang; Paolo M. Sberna; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
In 47th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
Delft, Netherlands, 28 Aug. - 2 Sep. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz50927.2022.9895896 - Leaky Enhanced Photo-Conductive Connected Array for Efficient Generation of
THz Power
Juan Bueno; Martijn Huiskes; Huasheng Zhang; Paolo Sberna; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
In European Conference of Antennas and Propagation,
Madrid, Spain, 27 Mar. - 1 Apr. 2022. - On the Modelling of a Quasi-Optical Link Between Two Photoconductive Antennas
Under Pulsed Laser Illumination
Huasheng Zhang; Andrea Neto; Juan Bueno; Paolo Sberna; Nuria Llombart;
In European Conference of Antennas and Propagation,
Madrid, Spain, 27 Mar. - 1 Apr. 2022. - 2-8 GHz connected array for wireless base stations
R. Ozzola; Z. Chen; U. Imberg; A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
In 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Madrid, Spain, Mar. 27 - Apr. 1 2022. - On the use of the volumetric method of moments for the analysis and design of integrated feeds
R. Ozzola; J. Geng; N. Llombart; A. Freni; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
In 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Madrid, Spain, Mar. 27 - Apr. 1 2022. - Wideband phased array design for Ku/Ka SatCom applications
A. J. van Katwijk; A. Neto; G. Toso; D. Cavallo;
In 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Madrid, Spain, Mar. 27 - Apr. 1 2022. (convened paper). - Diffraction-limited imaging using a silicon integrated array at submillimeter wavelengths
M. Hoogelander; S. L. van Berkel; M. Alonso-delPino; M. Spirito; A. Neto; D. Cavallo; N. Llombart;
In 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Madrid, Spain, Mar. 27 - Apr. 1 2022. - On the Evaluation of Mutual Coupling in Integrated Lens Arrays
A. Nair; S. O. Dabironezare; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2022),
Madrid, Spain, Mar. 2022. - A volumetric method of moments for integrated lens antennas
R. Ozzola; J. Geng; N. Llombart; A. Freni; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
In 47th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves,
Delft, The Netherlands, Aug. 28 - Sep. 2 2022. - Diffraction-limited imaging demonstration using a silicon integrated array at terahertz frequencies
M. Hoogelander; S. van Berkel; S. Malotaux; M. Alonso-DelPino; M. Spirito; A. Neto; D. Cavallo; N. Llombart;
In 47th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves,
Delft, The Netherlands, Aug. 28 - Sep. 2 2022. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz50927.2022.9895490 - Efficient analysis method for finite connected arrays
A. J. van Katwijk; A. Neto; G. Toso; D. Cavallo;
In IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation,
Denver, CO, USA, 10-15 July 2022. - Full-Wave Solver for Radiation from Thermal Sources
Ozzola, R.; Geng, J.; Freni, A.; Neto, A.;
In 2022 47th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
2022. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz50927.2022.9895646 - Comparison of Receiver Performance Between Bow-Tie and Leaky-Wave Based Photoconductive Antennas
Huasheng Zhang; Andrea Neto; Juan Bueno; Paolo Sberna; Nuria Llombart;
In 47th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
Sep. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz50927.2022.9896094 - Coherent Fourier Optics Model for the Synthesis of Large Format Lens Based Focal Plane Arrays
Shahab Oddin Dabironezare; Giorgio Carluccio; Angelo Freni; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,,
Volume 69, Issue 2, pp. 734-746, Feb. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2020.3016501
document - A Fourier Optics Tool to Derive the Plane Wave Spectrum of Quasi-Optical Systems [EM Programmer's Notebook]
Huasheng Zhang; Shahab O. Dabironezare; Giorgio Carluccio; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine,
Volume 63, Issue 1, pp. 103-116, Feb. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/MAP.2020.3027233 - Wideband modeling of CMOS Schottky barrier diode detectors for THz radiometry
S. van Berkel; S. Malotaux; C. de Martino; M. Spirito; D. Cavallo; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
Volume 11, Issue 5, pp. 495-507, Sep. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TTHZ.2021.3085137 - A Dual-Polarized 27-dBi Scanning Lens Phased Array Antenna for 5G Point-to-Point Communications
Huasheng Zhang; Sjoerd Bosma; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 69, Issue 9, pp. 5640-5652, Apr. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2021.3069494 - On the Modelling of the Quasi-Optical Coupling between Two Photoconductive Antennas under Pulsed Laser Illumination
Huasheng Zhang; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
In 46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
Chengdu, China, 29 Aug. - 3 Sep. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz50926.2021.9567003 - Dual-polarized connected slot array design for satellite communication
A. J. van Katwijk; A. Neto; G. Toso; D. Cavallo;
In 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Düsseldorf, Germany, Mar. 22-26 2021. - Design of a wideband wide-scanning dual-polarized phased array for mobile communications
R. Ozzola; A. Neto; U. Imberg; D. Cavallo;
In 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Düsseldorf, Germany, Mar. 22-26 2021. - The number of independent wireless links on a given volume platform
R. Ozzola; D. Cavallo; A. Freni; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Düsseldorf , Germany, Mar. 22-26 2021. (Finalist for Electromagnetics Best Paper award). - Pattern diversity and scan loss reduction for millimeter wave phased array applications
R. van Schelven; W. Syed; G. Carluccio; K. Doris; A. de Graauw; A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
In 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Düsseldorf, Germany, Mar. 22-26, 2021 2021. (Convened Paper). - High Gain Phased Lens Array for 5G Fixed Wireless Access Points
Huasheng Zhang; Sjoerd Bosma; Andrea Neto; Ulrik Imberg; Nuria Llombart;
In 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Düsseldorf, Germany, Mar. 22-26 2021. - Near-Field Analysis of a Leaky-Wave Resonant Feed: Application to a Small Silicon Lens
Sjoerd Bosma; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
In 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Düsseldorf, Germany, Mar. 22-26 2021. - Leaky Lens Photo-Conductive Antennas on Low Temperature GaAs Membranes
Paolo Sberna; Arturo Fiorellini Bernardis; Alessandro Garufo; Juan Bueno; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
In 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Düsseldorf, Germany, Mar. 22-26 2021. - On the Accurate Characterization of Pulsed Photo Conductive Sources: Theory Vs Measurements
Arturo Fiorellini Bernardis; Paolo Sberna; Juan Bueno; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
In 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Düsseldorf, Germany, Mar. 22-26 2021. - On the Accurate Characterization of Pulsed Photo Conductive Sources: The Norton Circuit in Time Domain
Andrea Neto; Angelo Freni; Nuria Llombart;
In 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Düsseldorf, Germany, Mar. 22-26 2021. - Connected array design for mobile communications
R. Ozzola; Z. Chen; A. Neto; U. Imberg; D. Cavallo;
In IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation,
Singapore, Dec. 4-10 2021. - Dual-pol wide scan connected slot array for Ku- and Ka-band satcom with low cross-polarization
A.J. van Katwijk; A. Neto; G. Toso; D. Cavallo;
In IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation,
Singapore, Dec. 4-10 2021. - A 30 GHz slot array with artificial dielectrics to enhance radiation characteristics
R. van Schelven; W. Syed; G. Carluccio; K. Doris; A. de Graauw; A. Neto; D. Cavallo Oct. 19-22, 2021. (Invited Paper);
In 26th International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP),
Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 19-22 2021. (Invited Paper). - A 30 GHz slot array with artificial dielectrics to enhance radiation characteristics
R. van Schelven; W. Syed; G. Carluccio; K. Doris; A. de Graauw; A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
In 26th International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP),
Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 19-22 2021. (Invited Paper). - Leaky Lens Photo-Conductive Antennas on LT GaAs membranes
Sberna, Paolo Maria; Fiorellini Bernardis, Arturo; Garufo, Alessandro; Bueno, Juan; Llombart, Nuria; Neto, Andrea;
In 46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
2021. - On the Power Radiated by Photo Conductive Sources
Arturo Fiorellini-Bernardis; Huasheng Zhang; Paolo Sberna; Juan Bueno ; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
In 46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
Chengdu, China, 29 Aug. - 3 Sep. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz50926.2021.9567350 - Wide Band Wide Scan Quasi-Optical Systems: a Fourier Optics-Geometrical Optics based Analysis
S. O. Dabironezare; G. Carluccio; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation International Symposium (APS 2021),
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, Dec. 2021. - Analysis of tilted dipole arrays: Impedance and radiation properties
C. Yepes; E. Gandini; S. Monni; A. Neto; F.E. van Vliet; D. Cavallo;
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
Volume 68, Issue 1, pp. 254-265, Jan. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2019.2938838 - A novel planar, broadband, high gain lateral wave antenna array for body scanning applications
F. Tokan; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
Journal of Electrical Engineering,
Volume 71, Issue 5, pp. 308-316, Nov. 2020. DOI: 10.2478/jee-2020-0042 - Wideband double leaky slot lens antennas in CMOS technology at sub-millimeter wavelengths
Sven Van Berkel; Satoshi Malotaux; Carmine De Martino; Marco Spirito; Danielle Cavallo; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
Volume 10, Issue 5, pp. 540-553, Jul. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TTHZ.2020.3006750 - An Ultra-Wideband Leaky Lens Antenna for Broadband Spectroscopic Imaging Applications
S. Hahnle; O. Yurduseven; S.L. van Berkel; N. Llombart; J. Bueno; S. Yates; V. Murugesan; D. Thoen; A. Neto; J. Baselmans;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 78, Issue 7, pp. 5675-5679, July 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2019.2963563
document - On the Use of Fly’s Eye Lenses with Leaky-Wave Feeds for Wideband Communications
Arias Campo, M.; Blanco, D; Bruni, S.; Neto, A.; Llombart, N.;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,,
Volume 68, Issue 4, pp. 2480-2493, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2019.2952474
document - Equivalent Circuit Modeling of a Single-Ended Patch Sensing Element in Integrated Technology
Thippur Shivamurthy, H.; Z. Hu; G. Vlachogiannakis; M. Spirito; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Volume 68, Issue 1, pp. 17-26, Jan. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2019.2956938 - The Observable in Complex Scattering Scenarios
Fiorellini Bernardis, A.; Neto, A.; Emer, D.; Freni, A.; Llombart, N.;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 68, Issue 7, pp. 5544-5555, July 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2020.2978885
document - Wideband Double Leaky Slot Lens Antennas in CMOS Technology at Submillimeter Wavelengths
van Berkel, Sven; Malotaux, Eduard Satoshi; De Martino, Carmine; Spirito, Marco; Cavallo, Daniele; Neto, Andrea; Llombart, Nuria;
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
Volume 10, Issue 5, pp. 540-553, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TTHZ.2020.3006750 - Equivalent Circuit Modeling of a Single-Ended Patch Sensing Element in Integrated Technology
Shivamurthy, Harshitha Thippur; Hu, Zhebin; Vlachogiannakis, Gerasimos; Spirito, Marco; Neto, Andrea;
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Volume 68, Issue 1, pp. 17-26, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2019.2956938 - Analysis of Wide Band Wide-Scanning Quasi-Optical Systems Based on Fourier Optics
Shahab Oddin Dabironezare; Giorgio Carluccio; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
In 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2020. - Design of a Wide-Scan Lens Based Focal Plane Array for Sub-millimeter Imaging Systems Using Coherent Fourier Optics
Shahab Oddin Dabironezare; Muhan Zhang; Giorgio Carluccio; Angelo Freni; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
In 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2020. - Design of wideband wide-scanning dual-polarized phased array covering simultaneously both the Ku- and the Ka- satcom bands
A. van Katwijk; A. Neto; G. Toso; D. Cavallo;
In 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Copenhagen, Denmark, Mar. 15-20 2020. (Convened paper). DOI: 10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135541 - Efficiency analysis in multibeam wideband phased arrays
R. Ozzola; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
In 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Copenhagen, Denmark, Mar. 15-20 2020. - Experimental validation of system NEP of a single-pixel THz imaging camera in CMOS
S.L. van Berkel; E.S. Malotaux; C. de Martino; M. Spirito; D. Cavallo; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Copenhagen, Denmark, Mar. 15-20 2020. - Improved Equivalent Norton Circuit for Pulsed Photoconductive Antennas
Degasperi, A.; Fiorellini Bernardis, A.; Neto, A.; Llombart, N.;
In 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2020. - On the Design of Bulk Absorbers at THz frequencies
A. Neto; R. van Schelven; P. Sberna;
In 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2020. - High Gain Phased Lens Array for 5G Point-to-Point Communications
Huasheng Zhang; Sjoerd Bosma; Andrea Neto; Ulrik Imberg; Nuria Llombart;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Montréal, Canada, 2020. - On the Design of a 27-dBi Phased Array for 5G Point-to-Point Communications
Huasheng Zhang; Sjoerd Bosma; Andrea Neto; Ulrik Imberg; Nuria Llombart;
In 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2020. - Near-Field Beamforming in Leaky-Wave Resonant Antennas
Sjoerd Bosma; Huasheng Zhang; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
In 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2020. - Synthesis of Efficient Bulk Absorbers at THz Frequencies
A. Neto; R. van Schelven; P. Sberna;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Montréal, Canada, Jul. 5-10 2020. - Pattern Diversity and Scan Loss Reduction for Millimeter Wave Phased Array Applications
R. van Schelven; W. Syed; G. Carluccio; M. Spella; A. de Graauw; A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Montréal, Canada, Jul. 5-10 2020. - Experimental Modeling and High-Frequency Characterization of NEP for a CMOS THz Imager
S.L. van Berkel; E.S. Malotaux; C. de Martino; M. Spirito; D. Cavallo; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Montréal, Canada, Jul. 5-10 2020. - System NEP verification of a wideband THz direct detector in CMOS
S. L. van Berkel; S. Malotaux; C. de Martino; M. Spirito; D. Cavallo; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
Buffalo, NY, USA, Nov. 8-13 2020. - Near-Field Analysis of Leaky-Wave Lens Array Feeds
Sjoerd Bosma; Huasheng Zhang; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Montréal, Canada, Jul. 5-10 2020. - System NEP Verification of a Wideband THz Direct Detector in CMOS
van Berkel, S.L.; Malotaux, E.S.; de Martino, C.; Spirito, M.; Cavallo, D.; Neto, A.; Llombart, N.;
In 2020 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
pp. 1-1, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz46771.2020.9370624 - Dual-polarized wide scan phased array covering both the Ku- and the Ka-satcom bands
A. van Katwijk; A. Neto; G. Toso; D. Cavallo;
In IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag.,
Montréal, Canada, Jul. 5-10 2020. - Miniaturized Broadband Microwave Permittivity Sensing for Biomedical Applications
G. Vlachogiannakis; Z. Hu; H. T. Shivamurthy; A. Neto; M. A. P. Pertijs; M. Spirito; L. C. N. de Vreede;
IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology,
Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 48--55, March 2019. DOI: 10.1109/JERM.2018.2882564
Abstract: ...
A compact sensing pixel for the determination of the localized complex permittivity at microwave frequencies is proposed. Implemented in the 40-nm CMOS, the architecture comprises a square patch, interfaced to the material-under-test sample, that provides permittivity-dependent admittance. The patch admittance is read out by embedding the patch in a double-balanced, RF-driven Wheatstone bridge. The bridge is cascaded by a linear, low-intermediate frequency switching downconversion mixer, and is driven by a square wave that allows simultaneous characterization of multiple harmonics, thus increasing measurement speed and extending the frequency range of operation. In order to allow complex permittivity measurement, a calibration procedure has been developed for the sensor. Measurement results of liquids show good agreement with theoretical values, and the measured relative permittivity resolution is better than 0.3 over a 0.1-10-GHz range. The proposed implementation features a measurement speed of 1 ms and occupies an active area of 0.15x0.3 mm², allowing for future compact arrays of multiple sensors that facilitate 2-D dielectric imaging based on permittivity contrast. - Equivalent circuit models of finite slot antennas
R. van Schelven; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
Volume 67, Issue 7, pp. 4367-4376, Jul. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2019.2908112 - Miniaturized Broadband Microwave Permittivity Sensing for Biomedical Applications
Vlachogiannakis, Gerasimos; Hu, Zhebin; Shivamurthy, Harshitha Thippur; Neto, Andrea; Pertijs, Michiel A. P.; de Vreede, Leo C. N.; Spirito, Marco;
IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology,
Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 48-55, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/JERM.2018.2882564 - A Connected Array of Coherent Photoconductive Pulsed Sources to Generate mW Average Power in the Submillimeter Wavelength Band
A.Garufo; P.M. Sberna; G. Carluccio; J.R. Freeman; D.R. Bacon; J. Bueno; J.J.A. Baselmans; E.H. Linfield; A.G. Davies; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
Volume 9, Issue 3, pp. 221-236, May 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TTHZ.2019.2896791
document - Miniaturized Broadband Microwave Permittivity Sensing for Biomedical Applications
G. Vlachogiannakis; Z. Hu; Thippur Shivamurthy, H.; A. Neto; M.A.P. Pertijs; L.C.N. de Vreede; M. Spirito;
IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology,
Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 48-55, Mar. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/JERM.2018.2882564 - 3D Array Element Design for Pattern Shaping
C. Yepes; E. Gandini; S. Monni; F. van Vliet; A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
In Proc. of 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Krakow, Poland, Mar. 31 - Apr. 5 2019. convened paper. - Equivalent circuit models of finite slot antennas
R. van Schelven; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
In Proc. of 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Krakow, Poland, Mar. 31 - Apr. 5 2019. - CMOS connected array with polarization reusage for passive THz imaging applications
S. L. van Berkel; E. S. Malotaux; D. Cavallo; M. Spirito; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In Proc. of 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Krakow, Poland, Mar. 31 - Apr. 5 2019. - Transmission line models of planar slot antennas
R. van Schelven; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
In Proc. of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Jul. 7-12 2019. - Analyzing Lens Based Focal Plane Arrays using Coherent Fourier Optics
Shahab Oddin Dabironezare; Giorgio Carluccio; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
In 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 2019. - A GO/FO Tool for Analyzing Quasi-Optical Systems in Reception
Huasheng Zhang; Shahab Oddin Dabironezare; Giorgio Carluccio; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
In Proc. of 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Krakow, Poland, April 2019. - Theory and design of an array of skewed stacked dipoles
C. Yepes; E. Gandini; S. Monni; F. E. van Vliet; A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
In USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Jul. 7-12 2019. - Analysis and design of arrays with tilted directive dipole elements
C. Yepes; E. Gandini; S. Monni; F. E. van Vliet; A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
In European Microwave Week,
Paris, France, Sep. 29 - Oct. 4 2019. - An array of tilted dipoles loaded with artificial dielectrics with angular filtering properties
C. Yepes; E. Gandini; S. Monni; F. E. van Vliet; A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
In IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology,
Waltham, MA, USA, Oct. 15-18 2019. - Dual Polarized THz Imaging FPA in 22nm CMOS
S. L. van Berkel; S. Malotaux; B. van den Bogert; M. Spirito; D. Cavallo; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Jul. 7-12 2019. - Wideband single-pixel THz imager in 28nm CMOS
S. L. van Berkel; S. Malotaux; and M. Spirito; D. Cavallo; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Jul. 7-12 2019. - A GO/FO Tool for Analyzing Quasi-Optical Systems in Reception
Huasheng Zhang; Shahab Oddin Dabironezare; Giorgio Carluccio; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
In 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW THz-2019),
Paris, France, Sep. 2019. - Wideband Sub-mm Wave Superconducting Integrated Filter-bank Spectrometer
Pascual Laguna, A.; K. Karatsu; A. Neto; A. Endo; J. J. A. Baselmans;
In 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW THz-2019),
Paris, France, Sep. 2019. - High resolution passive THz imaging array with polarization reusage in 22nm CMOS
S.L. van Berkel; S. Malotaux; B. van den Bogert; M. Spirito; D. Cavallo; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
Paris, France, Sep. 1-6 2019. - Pulsed photoconductive connected slot array operating at the sub-mm wavelength band
A. Garufo; P. Sberna; G. Carluccio; J.R. Freeman; D.R. Bacon; L. Li, J. Bueno; J.J.A. Baselmans; E.H. Linfield; A.G. Davies; I.E. Lager; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In Proc. 49th European Microwave Conference - EuMC,
pp. 820-823, 2019. - High Resolution Passive THz Imaging Array With Polarization Reusage in 22nm CMOS
van Berkel, S. L.; Malotaux, E. S.; van den Bogert, B.; Spirito, M.; Cavallo, D.; Neto, A.; Llombart, N.;
In 2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
pp. 1-2, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2019.8874183 - Signal to Noise Ratio Budget of a Pico-Seconds Pulsed Radar System for Stand-Off Imaging
Fiorellini Bernardis, A.; Sberna, P.; Neto, A.; Llombart, N.;
In 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW THz-2019),
Paris, France, Sep. 2019. - Time Domain Circuit Representation of Photoconductive Gaps in Antennas for Pulsed Terahertz Time Domain Systems
Fiorellini Bernardis, A.; Sberna, P.; Neto, A.; Llombart, N.;
In 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW THz-2019),
Paris, France, Sep. 2019. - The Observable Field for Generalized Incidences
Fiorellini Bernardis, A.; Neto, A.; Emer, D.; Freni, A.; Llombart, N.;
In 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Krakow, Poland, Mar. 31 - Apr. 5 2019. - Signal to Noise Ratio for a Pico-Seconds Pulsed Radar for Imaging at Stand-Off Distances
Fiorellini Bernardis, A.; Sberna,P.; Neto, A.; Llombart, N.;
In 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Krakow, Poland, Mar. 31 - Apr. 5 2019. - The Observable Field for Generalized Incident Fields
Fiorellini Bernardis, A.; Neto, A.; Emer, D.; Freni, A.; Llombart, N.;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Jul. 7-12 2019. - Signal to Noise Ratio Budget of a Pico-Seconds Pulsed Radar System for Stand-Off Imaging
Fiorellini Bernardis, A.; Sberna, P.; Neto, A.; Llombart, N.;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Jul. 7-12 2019. - On the Design of Wideband Sub-mm Wave Superconducting Integrated Filter-bank Spectrometers
Pascual Laguna, A.; Karatsu, K.; Neto, A.; Endo, A.; Baselmans, J. J. A.;
In 18th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors,
Milan, Italy, 2019. - Angularly stable frequency selective surface combined with a wide-scan phased array
C. Yepes; D. Cavallo; E. Gandini; S. Monni; A. Neto; F. E. van Vliet;
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
Volume 66, Issue 2, pp. 1046-1051, Feb. 2018. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2017.2778768 - Connected-slot array with artificial dielectrics: A 6 to 15 GHz dual-pol wide-scan prototype
D. Cavallo; W. H. Syed; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 66, Issue 6, pp. 3201-3206, Jun. 2018. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2018.2811841 - Incoherent Detection of Orthogonal Polarizations via an Antenna Coupled MKID: Experimental Validation at 1.55 THz
Ozan Yurduseven; Juan Bueno; Stephen Yates; Andrea Neto; Jochem Baselmans; Nuria Llombart;
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
document - Norton Equivalent Circuit for Pulsed Photoconductive Antennas–Part I: Theoretical Model
Alessandro Garufo; Giorgio Carluccio; Nuria Llombart; Andrea Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 66, Issue 4, pp. 1635-1645, Apr. 2018.
document - Norton Equivalent Circuit for Pulsed Photoconductive Antennas—Part II: Experimental Validation
Alessandro Garufo; Giorgio Carluccio; Joshua R. Freeman; David R. Bacon; Nuria Llombart; Edmund H. Linfield; Alexander G. Davies; Andrea Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 66, Issue 4, pp. 1646-1659, Apr. 2018.
document - The Observable Field for Antennas in Reception
Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart; Angelo Freni;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 66, Issue 4, pp. 1736-1746, Apr. 2018.
document - Reception Power Pattern of Distributed Absorbers in Focal Plane Arrays: A Fourier Optics Analysis
Nuria Llombart; Shahab Oddin Dabironezare; Giorgio Carluccio; Angelo Freni; Andrea Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 66, Issue 11, pp. 5990 - 6002, Aug. 2018. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2018.2862359
document - Focused Superconducting Connected Array for Wideband Sub-mm Spectrometers
Pascual Laguna, A.; Cavallo, D.; Llombart, N.; Baselmans, J.J.A.; Neto, A.;
In 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
London, United Kingdom, April 2018. - Coherent Fourier Optics Analysis of Large Format Lens Based Focal Plane Arrays
S. O. Dabironezare; G. Carluccio; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
London, United Kingdom, April 2018. - Wideband single pixel radiometer in 28 nm CMOS technology for low-cost imaging applications
S. L. van Berkel; E. S. Malotaux; D. Cavallo; M. Spirito; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
London, U.K., Apr. 9-13 2018. - Radiation characteristics of skewed loaded dipole arrays
C. Yepes; R. van Schelven; D. Cavallo; E. Gandini; A. Neto;
In 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
London, U.K., Apr. 9-13 2018. DOI: 10.1049/cp.2018.0622 - 6-15 GHz wide scanning connected array
D. Cavallo; W. H. Syed; A. Neto;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Jul. 8-13 2018. DOI: 10.1109/APUSNCURSINRSM.2018.8608367 - On the radiation properties of array of skewed stacked dipoles
C. Yepes; R. van Schelven; D. Cavallo; E. Gandini; S. Monni; F. E. van Vliet; A. Neto;
In USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Jul. 8-13 2018. - Optical performance of a wideband 28nm CMOS double bow-tie slot antenna for imaging applications
van Berkel, S. L.; Malotaux, E. S.; Cavallo, D.; Spirito, M.; Neto, A.; Llombart, N.;
In 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW THz-2018),
Nagoya, Japan, Sep. 9-14 2018. - A planar 6-15 GHz connected slot array with very wide scan capability
D. Cavallo; W.H. Syed; A. Neto;
In 39th ESA Antenna Workshop on Multibeam and Reconfigurable Antennas for Space Applications,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Oct. 2-5 2018. (invited paper). - On the radiation properties of skewed stacked dipoles arrays
C. Yepes; R. van Schelven; E. Gandini; S. Monni; F. E. van Vliet; A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
In 39th ESA Antenna Workshop on Multibeam and Reconfigurable Antennas for Space Applications,
Oct. 2-5 2018. (invited paper). - A Compact Energy Efficient CMOS Permittivity Sensor Based on Multi-Harmonic Downconversion and Tunable Impedance Bridge
G. Vlachogiannakis; Z. Hu; H. T. Shivamurthy; A. Neto; M. A. P. Pertijs; L. C. N. de Vreede; M. Spirito;
In Int. Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC),
pp. 1--3, June 2018. DOI: 10.1109/IMBIOC.2018.8428950
Abstract: ...
This paper presents a 0.15×0.3 mm2 complex permittivity sensor integrated in a 40-nm CMOS node. A single-ended patch, employed as a near-field sensing element, is integrated with a double-balanced, fully-differential tunable impedance bridge that is driven by a square RF pulse. The multi-harmonic, intermediate-frequency down-conversion architecture achieves a compact form factor and fast multi-frequency readout. Measurement results show good agreement with theoretical values and the measured relative permittivity variation remains below 0.3 over a 0.1-10 GHz range at a 1-ms measurement time. The energy efficiency resulting from the fast measurement time and the record-small active area allows integration in battery-operated wearables. - A Compact Energy Efficient CMOS Permittivity Sensor Based on Multiharmonic Downconversion and Tunable Impedance Bridge
Vlachogiannakis, G.; Hu, Z.; Shivamurthy, H. Thippur; Neto, A.; Pertijs, M.A.P; de Vreede, L. C. N.; Spirito, M.;
In 2018 IEEE International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC),
pp. 1-3, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/IMBIOC.2018.8428950 - The Observable Field for Multiple Plane Wave Incidence
Neto, A.; Fiorellini Bernardis, A.; Freni, A.; Llombart, N.;
In 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
London, United Kingdom, April 2018. - Equivalent transmission line models for the analysis of edge effects in finite connected and tightly-coupled arrays
D. Cavallo; W. H. Syed; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 65, Issue 4, pp. 1788-1796, Apr. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2017.2670616 - THz Imaging Using Uncooled Wideband Direct Detection Focal Plane Arrays
Sven van Berkel; Ozan Yurduseven; Angelo Freni; Andrea Neto; Nuria Llombart;
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
Volume 7, Issue 5, pp. 481 - 492, August 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TTHZ.2017.2736338
document - Full characterisation of a background limited antenna coupled KID over an octave of bandwidth for THz radiation
Bueno, J; Yurduseven, O; Yates, Stephen JC; Llombart, N; Murugesan, V; Thoen, DJ; Baryshev, AM; Neto, A; Baselmans, JJA;
Applied Physics Letters,
Volume 110, Issue 23, pp. 233503, 2017. DOI: 10.1063/1.4985060
document - Artificial-dielectric enabled antennas for high-frequency radiation from integrated circuits
D. Cavallo; W. H. Syed; A. Neto;
In 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Paris, France, pp. 1626-1628, Mar. 19-24 2017. DOI: 10.23919/EuCAP.2017.7928187 - Planar wide-scan wideband arrays based on connected slots and artificial dielectrics
D. Cavallo; W. H. Syed; A. Neto;
In 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Paris, France, Mar. 19-24 2017. - Co-design of frequency selective surface and antenna array with low angular dependence
C. Yepes; D. Cavallo; A. Neto; E. Gandini; S. Monni; F. E. van Vliet;
In 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Paris, France, Mar. 19-24 2017. - A 7 to 15 GHz wide-scan dual-polarized array of connected slots with artificial dielectrics
D. Cavallo; W. H. Syed; A. Neto;
In USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting,
San Diego, CA, USA, Jul. 9-14 2017. - Frequency selective surface for spatial filtering of wide-angle scanning phased arrays
C. Yepes; D. Cavallo; A. Neto; E. Gandini; S. Monni; F. E. van Vliet;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
San Diego, CA, USA, Jul. 9-14 2017. - Spatial filtering frequency selective surface for wide-angle scanning phased arrays
C. Yepes; D. Cavallo; A. Neto; E. Gandini; S. Monni; F. E. van Vliet;
In European Microwave Conference,
Nuremberg, Germany, Oct. 8-13 2017. DOI: 10.23919/EuMC.2017.8230918 - On the Imaging Speed of Wideband Direct Detection FPAs
S.L. van Berkel; O. Yurduseven; A. Freni; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
San Diego, CA, USA, July 2017. - A Wideband Leaky Lens Antenna with Frequency-Stable Beams for DESHIMA Spectrometer
O. Yurduseven; S. Bosma; A. Endo; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In 42nd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
Cancun, Mexico, August 2017. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2017.8066899
document - On the use of equivalent Norton circuit model for photoconductive antennas
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2017),
Verona, Italy, Sep. 11–15 2017. - Wideband single pixel radiometer in CMOS
S. L. van Berkel; E. S. Malotaux; D. Cavallo; M. Spirito; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In 2017 42nd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
pp. 1-2, Aug 2017. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2017.8067166
Keywords: ...
CMOS integrated circuits;broadband antennas;millimetre wave antennas;p-n junctions;radiometers;semiconductor diodes;submillimetre wave antennas;submillimetre wave detectors;CMOS technology;antenna-detector impedance mismatch;frequency 10.0 Hz;frequency 200.0 GHz to 600.0 GHz;passive uncooled radiometer pixel;pn-junction diode;size 28.0 nm;temperature 2.6 K;uncooled imaging capabilities;wideband antenna;wideband single pixel radiometer;Antennas;Detectors;Imaging;Lenses;Radiometry;Schottky diodes;Silicon. - Wideband single pixel radiometer in CMOS
S.L. van Berkel; E.S. Malotaux; D. Cavallo; M. Spirito; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In 42nd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves,
Cancun, Mexico, Aug. 27 - Sep. 1 2017. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2017.8067166 - On the Design of Uncooled Wideband Direct Detection Focal Plane Arrays
S.L. van Berkel; O. Yurduseven; A. Freni; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Paris, France, March 2017. - Analysis of Absorbers under Quasi-Optical Systems: Distributed Incoherent Sources
S. O. Dabironezare; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
San Diego, CA, USA, July 2017. - Analysis of Absorber Based Imaging Systems with Distributed Incoherent Sources
S. O. Dabironezare; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In 42nd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
Cancun, Mexico, August 2017. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2017.8067165 - Analysis of photoconductive antennas power radiation by Norton equivalent circuit
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; N. Llombart; A. Neto; I. E. Lager;
In European Microwave Week 2017,
Nüremberg, Germany, Oct. 8-13 2017. - Geometrical optics - Fourier optics tool for the analysis of quasi-optical imagers with large focal plane arrays
S. O. Dabironezare; G. Carluccio; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2017),
Verona, Italy, Sep. 11–15 2017. - Characterization of the THz quasi-optical channel for the measurement of the power radiated by photoconductive antennas
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; J. R. Freeman; D. R. Bacon; N. Llombart; E. H. Linfield; A. G. Davies; A. Neto;
In 42nd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),
Cancún, Mexico,, Aug. 27 - Sep. 1 2017. - Power measurements of THz radiation from photoconductive antennas for validating a Norton equivalent circuit
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; J. R. Freeman; D. R. Bacon; N. Llombart; E. H. Linfield; A. G. Davies; A. Neto;
In IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting,
San Diego, California, USA, July 9–14 2017. - Validation by power measurements of a Norton equivalent circuit model for photoconductive antennas
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; J. R. Freeman; D. R. Bacon; N. Llombart; E. H. Linfield; A. G. Davies; A. Neto;
In The 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2017),
Paris, France, Mar. 19–24 2017. - Frequency selective surface combined with wide-scanning connected array of dipoles
C. Yepes; D. Cavallo; A. Neto; E. Gandini; S. Monni; F.E. van Vliet;
2017. presented at 15 Years of the Netherlands National Radar Platform, Den Helder, the Netherlands, Nov. 8. - Characterization of a dual-polarized connected-dipole array for Ku-band mobile terminals
R. J. Bolt; D. Cavallo; G. Gerini; D. Deurloo; R. Grooters; A. Neto; G.Toso;
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
Volume 64, Issue 2, pp. 591-598, Feb. 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2015.2509505 - A dual-polarized leaky lens antenna for wideband focal plane arrays
O. Yurduseven; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 64, Issue 8, pp. 3330-3337, Aug. 2016. 10.1109/TAP.2016.2574903.
document - Radiation of logarithmic spiral antennas in the presence of dense dielectric lenses
A. Garufo; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 64, Issue 10, October 2016. 10.1109/TAP.2016.2593744.
document - A Quasi-Analytical Tool for the Characterization of Transmission Lines at High Frequencies
S. van Berkel; A. Garufo; N. Llombart; Andrea Neto;
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine,
Volume 58, Issue 3, pp. 82-90, Jun. 2016. 10.1109/MAP.2016.2541617.
document - Wideband, wide-scan planar array of connected slots loaded with artificial dielectric superstrates
Syed, W.H.; Cavallo,D.; Thippur Shivamurthy, H.; Neto, A.;
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
Volume 64, Issue 2, pp. 543-553, Feb. 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2015.2507167 - Design of a Dual-Band FSS Based Bolometer for Security Imagers At THz Frequencies
S. O. Dabironezare; E. Gandini; J. Hassel; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In European conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Davos, Switzerland, April 2016. - Truncation effects in finite wideband connected arrays loaded with artificial dielectrics
W. H. Syed; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
In 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Davos, Switzerland, Apr. 11-15 2016. - A 5:1 connected slot array loaded with artificial dielectric layers
D. Cavallo; W. H. Syed; A. Neto;
In IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology,
Waltham, MA, USA, Oct. 18-21 2016. (invited paper). DOI: 10.1109/ARRAY.2016.7832629 - Time-domain EM numerical modelling: A pulse shape causality and temporal support analysis
I. E. Lager; S. van Berkel; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In Proc. 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Davos, Switzerland, 10-15 April 2016. 10.1109/EuCAP.2016.7481733.
document - Photoconductive connected array: a novel solution for pulsed terahertz radiation
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,
Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2016. - Power measurements of photoconductive antennas and comparison with the power estimated by an equivalent circuit model approach
J. R. Freeman; D. R. Bacon; E. H. Linfield; A. Giles Davies; A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,
Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2016. - Analysis of the power radiation from photoconductive antennas by equivalent Norton circuit model
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting,
Fajardo, Puerto Rico, June - July 2016. - Photo-conductive connected array solution for pulsed terahertz radiation
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting,
Fajardo, Puerto Rico, June - July 2016. 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2016.7758938.
document - Design of photo-conductive connected arrays for pulsed terahertz radiation
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In The 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Davos, Switzerland, April 2016. - Derivation of an equivalent Norton circuit model for photo-conductive antennas
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In The 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Davos, Switzerland, April 2016. - Complex Characteristic Impedance of Transmission Lines At High Frequencies
S. van Berkel; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In The 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Davos, Switzerland, April 2016. - Optimization of Frequency Selective Absorbers for Sub-mm Security Imagers
S.O. Dabironezare; J. Hassel; L. Grönberg; E. Gandini; A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,
Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2016. - On the Design of A Dual Polarized Leaky Lens Antenna for Wideband Applications
O. Yurduseven; N. Llombart; I.E. Lager; A. Neto;
In European Microwave Week (EuMW 2016),
London, UK, October 2016. - A Wideband Dual polarized Leaky Lens Antenna for Tightly Spaced FPAs
O. Yurduseven; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APS-URSI 2016),
Fajardo, Puerto Rico, July 2016. - On the Use of Thevenin Circuits in Distributed Transmission lines and the Extension of the Methodology to the Problem of Antennas in Reception
A. Freni; N. Llombart; O. Yurduseven; A. Neto;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APS-URSI 2016),
Fajardo, Puerto Rico, July 2016. - A Dual Polarized Antenna for Wideband Focal Plane Applications
O. Yurduseven; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In The 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Davos, Switzerland, April 2016. - On the Use of Thevenin Circuits in Distributed Transmission Lines and Its Consequences for Antennas in Reception
A. Neto; N. Llombart; O. Yurduseven; A. Neto;
In The 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Davos, Switzerland, April 2016. - Efficiency and bandwidth enhancement of on-chip antennas by using connected arrays and artificial dielectrics
D. Cavallo; W. H. Syed; A. Neto;
In 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves,
Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep. 25-30 2016. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2016.7758355 - Photon noise limited performance over an octave of bandwidth of kinetic inductance detectors for sub-millimeter astronomy
B. Juan; O. Yurduseven; S.J.C. Yates; N. Llombart; V. Murugesan; D.J. Thoen; A.M. Baryshev; A. Neto; J.J.A. Baselmans;
In 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz),
2016. 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2016.7758429.
document - Large Format Arrays of Antenna Coupled Kinetic Inductance Detectors for THz Astronomy
J. Baselmans; J. Bueno; O. Yurduseven; N. Llombart; S. Yates; A. Baryshev; A. Endo; D. Thoen; A. Neto;
In The 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Davos, Switzerland, April 2016. 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2014.6956150.
document - Advanced Antenna Architectures for THz Sensing Instruments
A. Neto;
In IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS),
Austin, USA, Oct. 2016. 10.1109/csics.2016.7751026.
document - Sub-wavelength frequency selective surface design for improved antenna array out-of-band rejection
Yepes, C.; Cavallo, D.; Neto, A.; Gandini, E.; Monni, S.; van Vliet, F.;
In 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology (PAST),
Waltham, MA, USA, Oct. 18-21 2016. DOI: 10.1109/ARRAY.2016.7832565 - SPACEKIDS: Kinetic Inductance Detectors for Space Applications
M. Griffin; J. Baselmans; A. Baryshev; S. Doyle; M. Grim; P. Hargrave; T. Klapwijk; J. Martin-Pintado; A. Monfardini; A. Neto; H. Steenbeek; I. Walker; K. Wood; A. D'Addabbo; P. Barry; A. Bideaud; B. Blázquez; J. Bueno; M. Calvo; J-L. Costa-Kramer; L. Ferrari; A. Gómez-Gutiérrez; J. Goupy; N. Llombart; S. Yates;
In Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII,
Edinburgh, UK, 2016. DOI: 10.1117/12.2231100 - Performance of a 961 pixel Kinetic Inductance Detector system for future space borne observatories
J. Baselmans; J. Bueno; O. Yurduseven; S. Yates; N. Llombart; V. Murugesan; D.J. Thoen; A. Baryshev; A. Neto;
In 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter,and Terahertz Waves,
Copenhagen, Denmark, Sept. 25-30 2016. - Parametric analysis of extended hemispherical dielectric lenses fed by a broadband connected array of leaky-wave slots
O. Yurduseven; D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Carluccio; M. Albani;
IET Microwave Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 9, Issue 7, pp. 611-617, May 2015. DOI: 10.1049/iet-map.2014.0403 - Design, fabrication and measurement of 0.3 THz on-chip double-slot antenna enhanced by artificial dielectrics.
W. H. Syed; G. Fiorentino; D. Cavallo; M. Spirito; M.P. Sarro; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 288-298, Mar. 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TTHZ.2015.2399276 - Fourier Optics for the Analysis of Distributed Absorbers Under THz Focusing Systems
N. Llombart; B. Blazquez; A. Freni; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 573-583, July 2015.
document - The non-equilibrium response of a superconductor to pair-breaking radiation measured over a broad frequency band
P.J. de Visser; S.J.C. Yates; T. Guruswamy; D.J. Goldie; S. Withington; A. Neto; N. Llombart; A.M. Baryshev; T.M. Klapwijk; J.J.A. Baselmans;
Applied Physics Letters 106, 252602,
May 2015.
document - Design, Fabrication, and Measurements of a 0.3 THz On-Chip Double Slot Antenna Enhanced by Artificial Dielectrics
W. H. Syed; G. Fiorentino; D. Cavallo; M. Spirito; P. M. Sarro; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 288-298, March 2015. - Frequency independent patterns from double shell lenses fed by leaky wave feeders
O. Yurduseven; J. R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; A. Neto;
In European conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Lisbon, Portugal, April 2015. - On-chip double slot antenna at 300 GHz enhanced by artificial dielectrics
W. H. Syed; G. Fiorentino; D. Cavallo; P. M. Sarro; A. Neto;
In Eur. Conf. Antennas Propag., Lisbon, Portugal,
April 12-17 2015. - Design of wideband, wide-scan planar arrays by combining connected arrays and artificial dielectrics
Syed, W.H.; Cavallo, D.; Thippur Shivamurthy, H.; Neto, A.;
In Eur. Conf. Antennas Propag., Lisbon, Portugal,
April 12-17 2015. - Connected arrays from microwave to THz frequencies in ten years
A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 19-25 2015. (invited paper). - Antenna design for a 1 THz source in SiGe-BiCMOS technology
D. Cavallo; A. Visweswaran; M. Spirito; J. R. Long; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 19-25 2015. - Closed-form solutions for the analysis of artificial dielectric layers under generic field incidence
D. Cavallo; W. H. Syed; A. Neto;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 19-25 2015. (invited paper). DOI: 10.1109/APS.2015.7304907 - Performance enhancement of 300 GHz on-chip double slot antenna by means of artificial dielectrics
W. H. Syed; G. Fiorentino; D. Cavallo; P. M. Sarro; A. Neto; I. E. Lager;
In 45th European Microwave Conference,
Paris, France, Sep. 6-11 2015. - A planar wideband wide-scan connected array loaded with artificial dielectric layers
Syed, W.H.; Cavallo, D.; Thippur Shivamurthy, H.; Neto, A.;
In 36th ESA Antenna Workshop on Antennas and RF Systems for Space Science,
Noordwijk, Netherlands, Oct. 6-9 2015. - Focal Plane Array Size Reduction for Terahertz Transceivers in Integrated Technology
E. Gandini; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In European conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Lisbon, Portugal, April 2015. - SPACEKIDS: Kinetic inductance detector arrays for space applications
Griffin, M.; Baselmans, J.; Baryshev, A.; Doyle, S.; Grim, M.; Hargrave, P.; Klapwijk, T.; Martin-Pintado, J.; Monfardini, A.; Neto, A.; Steenbeck, H.; Walker, I.; Wood, K.; D'Addabbo, A.; Barry, P.; N. Llombar;
In International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz),
Hong Kong, China, pp. 1-2, August 2015.
document - Coherent Fourier Optics Representation of Focal Plane Fields
N. Llombart; E. Gandini; B. Blazquez; A. Freni; A. Neto;
In European conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Lisbon, Portugal, April 2015. - High-efficiency on-chip antenna array for terahertz power source
D. Cavallo; A. Visweswaran; N. Llombart; M. Spirito; A. Neto; and J. Long;
In European conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Lisbon, Portugal, April 12-17 2015. - Equivalent Norton circuit model for photo-conductive antennas
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In Joint Symposium URSI-Benelux, NARF, and IEEE AP-S Meeting on "Smart Antennas and Propagation",
Enschede, The Netherlands, December 2015. - Equivalent Norton circuit model for photo-conductive antennas
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In 36th ESA Antenna Workshop on "Antennas and RF Systems for Space Science",
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, October 2015. - Equivalent circuit model based on spectral Green's function representation for photo-conductive slot antennas
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz),
Hong Kong, China, August 2015.
document - Spectral Green's function representation for photo-conductive slot antennas
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 2015. - Theoretical model based on spectral Green's function representation for photoconductive slot antennas
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In European conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Lisbon, Portugal, April 2015. - Antennas in reception
A. Neto; O. Yurduseven; N. Llombart; A. Freni;
In European conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Lisbon, Portugal, April 2015. - On the antenna reception in the presence of generalized excitation
A. Neto; O. Yurduseven; N. Llombart; A. Freni;
In IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APS),
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 2015. - A dual polarized leaky lens antenna for wideband Focal Plane Arrays
O. Yurduseven; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In 36th ESA Antenna Workshop on Antennas and RF Systems for Space Science,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, October 2015. - Photon noise limited performance over an octave of bandwidth of Kinetic Inductance Detectors for sub-mm astronomy
J. Bueno; O. Yurduseven; S. Yates; N. Llombart; M. Murugesan; A. Baryshev; A. Neto; J. Baselmans;
In 36th ESA Antenna Workshop on Antennas and RF Systems for Space Science,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, October 2015. - A dual polarized leaky lens antenna for wideband FPA applications
O. Yurduseven; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In Joint Symposium URSI-Benelux, NARF, and IEEE AP-S Meeting on Smart Antennas and Propagation,
Enschede, The Netherlands, December 2015. - Characterization of Printed Transmission Lines at High Frequencies
S. van Berkel; A. Garufo; A. Endo; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In European conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Lisbon, Portugal, April 2015. - Applications of artificial dielectric layers for the design of planar integrated antennas
W. H. Syed; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
In International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation,
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, Nov. 9-12 2015. (invited paper).
document - THz silicon-integrated CAMera for low-cost imaging applications (TiCAM)
S. van Berkel; D. Cavallo; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In Joint Symposium URSI-Benelux, NARF, and IEEE AP-S Meeting on Smart Antennas and Propagation,
Enschede, The Netherlands, December 2015. - On-chip double slot antenna at 300 GHz enhanced by artificial dielectrics
Syed, W. H.; Fiorentino, G.; Cavallo, D.; Sarro, P. M.; Neto, A.;
In Eur. Conf. Antennas Propag.,
2015. - Performance enhancement of 300 GHz on-chip double slot antenna by means of artificial dielectrics
Syed, W. H.; Fiorentino, G.; Cavallo, D.; Sarro, P. M.; Neto, A.; Lager, I. E.;
In 45th European Microwave Conference,
2015. - A planar wideband wide-scan phased array: Connected array loaded with artificial dielectric layers
Cavallo, D.; Syed, W.H.; Thippur Shivamurthy, H.; Neto, A.;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 19-25 2015. DOI: 10.1109/APS.2015.7305650 - A rigorous equivalent network for linearly polarized THz absorbers
B. Bl&aacutezquez; N. Llombart; D. Cavallo; A. Freni; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 62, Issue 10, pp. 5077-5088, Oct. 2014. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2014.2341292 - The lateral wave antenna
F. Tokan; N. Turker Tokan; A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 62, Issue 6, pp. 2909-2916, Jun. 2014. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2014.2310465 - Wideband dielectric lens antenna with stable radiation patterns fed by coherent array of connected leaky slots
O. Yurduseven; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 62, Issue 4, pp. 1895-1902, Apr. 2014. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2014.2298875 - Demonstration of the leaky lens antenna at sub-millimeter wavelengths
A. Neto; N. Llombart; J. Baselmans; A. Baryshev; S. J. C. Yates;
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
Volume 4, Issue 1, pp. 26-32, January 2014.
document - Closed-form analysis of artificial dielectric layers-Part II: Extension to multiple layers and arbitrary illumination
D. Cavallo; W. H. Syed; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 62, Issue 12, pp. 6265-6273, Dec. 2014. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2014.2365236 - Closed-form analysis of artificial dielectric layers-Part I: Properties of a single layer under plane-wave incidence
D. Cavallo; W. H. Syed; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 62, Issue 12, pp. 6256-6264, Dec. 2014. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2014.2365233 - Enhancement of front to back ratio of on chip antenna by artificial dielectrics at 300 GHz
W. H. Syed; G. Fiorentino; D. Cavallo; M. Spirito; A. Neto; and P. M. Sarro;
In 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,
Tucson, AZ, USA, September 2014. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2014.6956185 - Design of connected array loaded with artificial dielectric at 60 GHz
W. H. Syed; D. Cavallo; A. Neto; P. van Zeijl;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Memphis, TN, USA, pp. 931-932, July 2014. DOI: 10.1109/APS.2014.6904794 - Demonstration of the enhanced radiation in dielectric lens spiral antennas
A. Garufo; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
The Hague, Netherlands, April 2014. - Front-to-back ratio enhancement of on-chip antenna using artificial dielectrics at 300 GHz
W. H. Syed; G. Fiorentino; D. Cavallo; M. Spirito; A. Neto; and P. M. Sarro;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Memphis, TN, USA, pp. 140, July 2014.
document - Impact of the Antenna Bandwidth in the Imaging Speed of Kinetic Inductance Detectors Focal Plane Arrays
A. Neto; N. Llombart; B. Blázquez; A. Freni;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Memphis, Tennessee, USA, July 2014. - Analytical Model for Distributed Power Absorbers under a Focusing System
B. Blázquez; N. Llombart; A. Neto; A. Freni;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Memphis, Tennessee, USA, July 2014. - Imaging Speed of Antenna Coupled Kinetic Inductance Detectors in the SAFARI/SPICA Scenario
A. Neto; N. Llombart; B. Blázquez; A. Freni;
In 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2014. - Distributed Power Absorbers in General Focusing Systems
B. Blázquez; A. Freni; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2014. - Near-Field Imaging System Fed by Lens Antenna Focal Plane Array at Sub-Millimeter Frequency
E. Gandini; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Memphis, Tennessee, USA, July 2014. - Wide field of view active near-field imaging system with sub-millimiter sparse focal plane array
E. Gandini; N. Llombart; A. Neto; T. Bryllert;
In IEEE European conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2014. - Artificial dielectric based connected array of slots at 60 GHz
W. H. Syed; A. Neto; D. Cavallo; P. van Zeijl;
In 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
The Hague, Netherlands, April 2014. - Investigation of the radiation characteristics of the leaky-lens antenna for small dielectric lenses
O. Yurduseven; A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
In 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
The Hague, Netherlands, April 2014. - Closed-form expressions for the analysis of finite-height artificial dielectric layers
D. Cavallo; W. H. Syed; A. Neto;
In 8thEuropean Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
The Hague, Netherlands, April 2014. - Design of wideband and high-efficiency antenna array on chip at 1.1 terahertz
D. Cavallo; A. Visweswaran; N. Llombart; M. Spirito; W. H. Syed; A. Neto; J. Long;
In 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
The Hague, Netherlands, April 2014. (invited paper). - Front-to-back ratio enhancement of on-chip antenna using artificial dielectrics at 300 GHz
W. H. Syed; G. Fiorentino; D. Cavallo; M. Spirito; A. Neto; P. M. Sarro;
In 2014 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium),
pp. 140-140, July 2014. - Enhancement of front to back ratio of on chip antenna by artificial dielectrics at 300 GHz
W. H. Syed; G. Fiorentino; D. Cavallo; M. Spirito; A. Neto; P. M. Sarro;
In 2014 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz),
pp. 1-2, Sept 2014. - Front-to-back ratio enhancement of on-chip antenna using artificial dielectrics at 300 GHz
Syed, WH; Fiorentino, G; Cavallo, D; Spirito, M; Neto, A; Sarro, PM;
In Proceedings - 2014 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium),
pp. 140, 2014. - Artificial Dielectric Layer Based on PECVD Silicon Carbide for Terahertz Sensing Applications
G. Fiorentino; W. Syed; A. Adam; A. Neto; P.M. Sarro;
In Procedia Engineering 87: EUROSENSORS 2014, the 28th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers,
pp. 1497-1500, 2014. - Enhancement of Front to Back Ratio of on Chip Antenna by Artificial Dielectrics at 300 GHz
Syed, WH; Fiorentino, G; Cavallo, D; Spirito, M; Neto, A; Sarro, PM;
In 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,
2014. - Front-to-Back Ratio Enhancement of Planar Printed Antennas by Means of Artificial Dielectric Layers
W. H. Syed; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 61, Issue 11, pp. 5408-5416, Nov. 2013.
document - A connected array of slots supporting broadband leaky waves
D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 61, Issue 4, pp. 1986-1994, Apr. 2013. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2012.2236635 - A 3 to 5 GHz wideband array of connected dipoles with low cross polarization and wide-scan capability
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini; A. Micco; V. Galdi;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 61, Issue 3, pp. 1148-1154, Mar. 2013. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2012.2231920 - Comparative study on pulse distortion and phase aberration of directive UWB antennas
N. Turker Tokan; A. Neto; F. Tokan; D. Cavallo;
IET Microwaves Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 7, Issue 12, pp. 1021-1026, Sep. 2013. DOI: 10.1049/iet-map.2013.0032 - THz Leaky Lens Antenna Integrated with Kinetic Inductance Detectors
A. Neto; N. Llombart; J. Baselmans; A. Baryshev; S. Yates;
In Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Symposium,
Delft, Netherlands, March~18-19 2013. - Leaky Lens Antennas and Kinetic Inductance Detectors - The Solution for THz Integration
A. Neto; N. Llombart; I. E. Lager; J. J. A. Baselmans; A. Baryshev; S. Yates;
In 43th European Microwave Conference,
October 2013. - Power Received by a Focal Plane Array in a General Focalization System for THz Imaging
A. Neto; A. Freni; N. Llombart;
In 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2013. - On the Optimization of the Imaging Speed in Broadband THz Focal Plane Arrays of Kinetic Inductance Detectors
N. Llombart; A. Neto; B. Blazquez; O. Yurduseven; A. Freni;
In 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves,
September 2013. - Efficient Illumination for a Dielectric Lens Antenna Fed by a Spiral Antenna for Broadband THz Systems
A. Garufo; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves,
September 2013. - Enhanced Radiation Properties of Spiral Lens Antennas
A. Garufo; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Orlando, FL, USA, July 2013. - On the Use of Antenna Engineering Tools for the Optimization of the Focal Plane Sampling in Direct Detection of Distributed Sources
A. Neto; N. Llombart; O. Yurduseven; B. Blazquez; A. Freni;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Orlando, FL, USA, July 2013. - THz Leaky Lens Antenna Coupled KIDs for Broadband Imaging And Spectroscopy
A. Neto; N. Llombart; J. Baselmans; S. Yates; A. Baryshev;
In 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves,
September 2013. - The Leaky Lens Antenna: First Measurements at THz Frequencies
A. Neto; N. Llombart; J. Baselmans; A. Baryshev; S. Yates;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Orlando, FL, USA, July 2013. - An Iterative Physical Optics Algorithm for the Analysis and Design of Dielectric Lens Antennas
G. Carluccio; M. Albani; A. Neto;
In 2012 IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting,
Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 2013. - Extended hemispherical lens fed by wideband arrays of connected leaky-wave slots
D. Cavallo; O. Yurduseven; A. Neto; G. Carluccio; M. Albani;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Orlando, FL, USA, pp. 1170-1171, July 2013.
document - Connected arrays of slots as feed of a dielectric lens
D. Cavallo; O. Yurduseven; A. Neto; G. Carluccio; M. Albani;
In presented at the Annual Netherlands Antenna Research Framework,
May 2013. - An analytical approach to describe plane-wave propagation in finite artificial dielectric layers
W. H. Syed; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Orlando, FL, USA, pp. 1564-1565, July 2013.
document - Theoretical Characterization And Measurements Of Lens-Coupled LEKIDs
B. Blázquez; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves,
September 2013. - Lens Coupled LEKIDs: Theoretical Characterization and Measurements
B. Blázquez; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2013. - Artificial dielectric layers for efficient feeding of lens antennas: Rigorous analysis and experimental validation
W. H. Syed; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
In 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2013. - Artificial Dielectric Layers as Surface-Wave-Less Antenna Substrate
W. H. Syed; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
In presented at the Annual Netherlands Antenna Research Framework,
May 2013. - Ku-band dual-polarized array of connected dipoles for SATCOM terminals: Theory and hardware validation
D. Cavallo; G. Gerini; R. Bolt; D. Deurloo; R. Grooters; A. Neto; G. Toso; R. Midthassel;
In 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
pp. 459-460, April 2013. (convened paper).
document - Dielectric lens fed by coherent connected-slot array as wideband reflector feed
O. Yurduseven; D. Cavallo; A. Neto;
In 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2013. - Connected arrays of slots as feed of a dielectric lens: Analysis, design and experimental validation
D. Cavallo; O. Yurduseven; A. Neto; G. Carluccio; M. Albani;
In 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2013. - Enhanced spiral feeds for dielectric lens antenna
A. Garufo; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2013. - A CMOS-compatible metamaterial to enhance the front to back radiation ratio in terahertz antenna for sensing application
G. Fiorentino; W. Syed; F. Santagata; M. Spirito; G. Pandraud; A. Neto; P. M. Sarro; A. J. L. Adam;
pp. 1-4, Nov 2013. - A CMOS-compatible metamaterial to enhance the front to back radiation ratio in terahertz antenna for sensing application
Fiorentino, G; Syed, W; Santagata, F; Spirito, M; Pandraud, G; Neto, A; Sarro, PM; Adam, AJL;
In Sensors, 2013 IEEE,
IEEE, pp. 1--4, 2013. - THz time-domain sensing: the antenna dispersion problem and a possible solution
N. Llombart; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 416-423, July 2012.
document - Leaky wave enhanced feeds for multibeam reflector to be used for telecom satellite based links
A. Neto; M. Ettorre; G. Gerini; P. De Maagt;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 60, Issue 1, pp. 110-120, January 2012.
document - Analytical description and design of printed dipole arrays for wideband wide-scan applications
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 60, Issue 12, pp. 6027-6031, Dec. 2012. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2012.2209856 - Artificial dielectric layer as sub-sm wave antenna super-strates
G. Fiorentino; W. H. Syed; A. Neto; P.M. Sarro;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
July 2012. - Artificial dielectric layers for the performance enhancement of slot antennas on a dielectric lens
W. H. Syed; A. Neto;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
July 2012. - Development of lens-coupled LEKID detectors arrays for THz radiation
B. Blázquez; N. Llombart; J. Bueno; A. Neto;
In 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
March~26-30 2012. - Near field excitation of artificial dielectric layers: Field Distributions and Electrical Properties
W. H. Syed; A. Neto;
In 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
March~26-30 2012. - A Ku-band dual-polarization connected array of dipoles with wide-scan capability for inflight entertainment
D. Cavallo; G. Gerini; R. Bolt; R. Grooters; D. Deurloo; A. Neto; B. van Zalk; G. Toso; R. Midthassel;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Chicago, IL, USA, Jul. 8-14 2012. DOI: 10.1109/APS.2012.6349000 - Non dispersive antenna array architectures for THz sensing systems: connected leaky wave slots
A. Neto; D. Cavallo;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
Chicago, IL, USA, Jul. 8-14 2012. (invited paper). DOI: 10.1109/APS.2012.6348817 - A wideband (3 to 5 GHz) wide-scan connected array of dipoles with low cross polarization
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini;
In 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2012),
Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 3239-3242, March 26-30 2012. DOI: 10.1109/EuCAP.2012.6206015 - Mutual coupling reduction of Fabry-Perot SIW feeds using a double partially reflecting pin-made grid configuration
E. Gandini; M. Ettorre; R. Sauleau; A. Neto;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 10, pp. 647-650, June 2011.
document - Progress in antenna coupled kinetic inductance detectors
A. Baryshev; J.J.A. Baselmans; A. Freni; G. Gerini; H. Hoevers; A. Iacono; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on THz Science and Technology,
Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2011.
document - Edge-born waves in connected arrays: A finite x infinite analytical representation
A. Neto; D. Cavallo; G. Gerini;
IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 59, Issue 10, pp. 3646-3657, Oct. 2011. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2011.2163788 - Green's function based equivalent circuits for connected arrays in transmission and in reception
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini;
IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 59, Issue 5, pp. 1535-1545, May 2011. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2011.2123063 - Enhanced THz photoconductive lens antennas
N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
July 2011. - Newfocus Research Networking Program
R. Sauleau; O. Biro; J. Stiens; Z. Sipus; A.V. Raisanen; L. Schmidt; C.A. Fernandes; J. Mosig; V. Fusco; S. Maci; A. Neto; A.I. Nosich; A.V. Boriskin;
In 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2011. - In-line X-slot element focal plane array of kinetic inductance detectors
A. Iacono; A. Freni; A. Neto; G. Gerini;
In 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2011. - Enhanced bow tie feeds for dielectric lens antennas
A. Neto; N. Llombart;
In 6th ESA Workshop on Millimetre-Wave Technology and Applications and 4th Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves,
Espoo, Finland, May 2011. - Combination of leaky and CPW modes for leaky lens antennas with dual polarization
O. Quevedo-Teruel; A. Neto;
In 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2011. - Solving the dispersion problem for broad band imaging cameras
A. Neto;
In 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2011. - Newfocus research networking program
R. Sauleau; O. Biro; J. Stiens; Z. Sipus; A. V. R?is?nen; L.-P. Schmidt; C. A. Fernandes; J. Mosig; V. Fusco; S. Maci; A. Neto; A. I. Nosich; and A. V. Boriskin;
In 6th ESA Workshop on Millimetre-Wave Technology and Applications and 4th Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves,
May 2011. - Leaky lens feed for reflector antennas
A. Neto;
In SKA and UWB Antenna-LNA Technology Workshop,
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 2011. - Leaky wave enhanced feeds for multi-beam reflector systems
A. Neto; G. Gerini; N. Llombart; M. Ettorre; P.J.I. de Maagt;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium,
July 2011. - Progress inon the development of broad band focal plane arrays for THz imaging
A. Iacono; A. Freni; A. Neto; G. Gerini;
In 33rd ESA Antenna Workshop,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, October-20 2011. - Electromagnetic analysis of lens coupled LEKID detectors for THz astronomical applications
B. Blázquez; A. Neto; N. Llombart; J. Bueno;
In 36th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves,
October 2011. - Truncation effects in connected arrays: Analytical models to describe the edgeinduced wave phenomena
A. Neto; D. Cavallo; G. Gerini;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
pp. 1992-1995, July 2011. DOI: 10.1109/APS.2011.5996896 - Theoretical analysis and design of connected arrays of dipoles with inter-element capacitance
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini;
In IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting,
Spokane, Washington, USA, July 2011. - Connected array antennas
D. Cavallo; G. Gerini; A. Neto;
In 2011 Research Retreat Centre for Wireless Technology Eindhoven,
October 2011. - Finiteness effects in wideband connected arrays: Analytical models to highlight the effect of the loading impedances
A. Neto; D. Cavallo; G. Gerini;
In 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Rome, Italy, pp. 3934-3938, Apr. 11-15 2011. (convened paper).
document - Design of a low-profile printed array of loaded dipoles with inherent frequency selectivity properties
D. Cavallo; S. Savoia; G. Gerini; A. Neto; V. Galdi;
In 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
pp. 807-811, April 2011.
document - Frequency selective surfaces for extended bandwidth backing reflector functions
M. Pasian; S. Monni; A. Neto; M. Ettorre; G. Gerini;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 58, Issue 1, pp. 43-50, January 2010.
document - UWB, non dispersive radiation from the planarly fed leaky lens antenna. Part II: demonstrators and measurements
A. Neto; S. Monni; F. Nennie;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 58, Issue 7, pp. 2248-2258, July 2010.
document - UWB, non dispersive radiation from the planarly fed leaky lens antenna. Part I: theory and design"
A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 58, Issue 7, pp. 2238-2247, July 2010.
document - PCB slot based transformers to avoid common-mode resonances in connected arrays of dipoles
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini;
IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 58, Issue 8, pp. 2767-2771, Aug. 2010. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2010.2050430 - Study of the UWB leaky lens antenna for a THz time domain system
N. Llombart; A. Neto; P. H. Siegel;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
July 2010. - Non-dispersive, UWB leaky lens antenna for millimeter and submillimeter wave frequencies
A. Neto; I. E. Lager;
In 20th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications,
Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2010.
document - Non dispersive directive radiation for wide bandwidth, large focal plane feeds
A. Neto;
In ICECOM 2010 and COST ASSIST Workshop,
Dubrovnik, September 2010. - The enhanced leaky lens antenna: prototype demonstrators at mm-wave frequencies
A. Neto; S. Monni;
In 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2010. - Trade-offs in multi-element receiving antennas with superconducting feed lines
A. Iacono; T. J. Coenen; D. J. Bekers; A. Neto; G. Gerini;
In 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2010. - UWB front-end for SAR based imaging system
S. Monni; R. Grooters; A. Neto; F. A. Nennie;
In 3rd European Wireless Technology Conference,
September 2010. - UWB leaky lens antenna as an improved performance emitter in a THZ time domain system
N. Llombart; A. Neto; P. H. Siegel; D. Saeedkia;
In 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2010. - The UWB leaky lens antenna for time domain sensing in the THz regime
A. Neto; N. Llombart; P.H. Siegel; D. Saeedkia;
In 32nd ESA Antenna Workshop on Antenna for Space Applications,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, October 2010. - Physical optics characterization of a THz time domain system: UWB leaky lens antenna vs. Austin switch
N. Llombart; A. Neto; P. H. Siegel;
In 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves,
September 2010. - Overlapped EBG\ s as feed enhancers for multi beam reflector systems: demonstrator performances
A. Neto; G. Gerini; N. Llombart; M. Ettorre; P.J.I de Maagt;
In 32nd ESA Antenna Workshop on Antenna for Space Applications,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, October 2010. - Rigorous equivalent circuits for connected arrays and their exploitation in antenna matching characterization
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini;
In 32th ESA Antenna Workshop on Antennas for Space Applications,
ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, October 2010. - Connected arrays of dipoles for broad band, wide angle scanning, dual polarized applications: a novel solution to the common mode problem
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini; F. Smits;
In IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems & Technology,
Boston, MA, USA, pp. 906-910, October 2010. DOI: 10.1109/ARRAY.2010.5613253 - A 10.5-14.5 GHz wide-scanning connected array of dipoles with common-mode rejection loops to ensure polarization purity
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
July 2010. DOI: 10.1109/APS.2010.5561246 - Performance of wide band connected arrays in scanning: the equivalent circuit and its validation through a dual-band prototype demonstrator
A. Neto; D. Cavallo; G. Gerini;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
July 2010.
document - Finiteness of connected arrays: how to control guided edge waves with proper loading impedances
A. Neto; D. Cavallo; G. Gerini;
In 32th ESA Antenna Workshop on Antennas for Space Applications,
ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, October 2010. - A novel printed-circuit-board feeding structure for common-mode rejection in wide-scanning connected arrays of dipoles
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini; A. Micco;
In 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2010.
document - A dual-band planar array of connected dipoles: experimental validation based on bistatic RCS measurements
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini; D. Morello;
In 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 12-16 2010. (convened paper).
document - Connected arrays of dipoles for telecom and radar applications: the solution for the common mode problem
G. Gerini; D. Cavallo; A. Neto; F. van den Bogaart;
In Wide Band Sparse Element Array Antennas (WiSE) End Symposium,
Wassenaar, Netherlands, Mar. 4 2010. (invited paper). - Frequency selective surface to prevent interference between radar and satcom antennas
S. Monni; A. Neto; G. Gerini; A. Tijhuis; F. Nennie;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 8, pp. 220-223, 2009.
document - Scanning performances of wideband connected arrays in the presence of a backing reflector
A. Neto; D. Cavallo; G. Gerini; G. Toso;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 57, Issue 10, pp. 3092-3102, Oct. 2009. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2009.2028631 - Leaky lens based UWB focal plane arrays for sub-mm wave imaging based on kinetic inductance detectors
A. Neto; A. Iacono; G. Gerini; J.Baselmans; S. Yates; H. Hoevers;
In 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
March~23-27 2009. - Protection of RF electronics using tunable frequency selective surfaces
S. Monni; D. Bekers; M. van Wanum; R. van Dijk; A. Neto; G. Gerini; F. van Vliet;
In 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
March~23-27 2009. - Planar circularly symmetric electromagnetic band-gap antennas for low cost high performance integrated antennas
A. Neto; N. Llombart; G. Gerini; P. de Maagt;
In 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
March~23-27 2009. - On the development of broad band focal plane arrays for THz imaging based on kinetic inductance detectors
A. Iacono; A. Neto; G. Gerini; J. Baselmans; S. Yates; A. Barishev; H. Hoevers;
In 5th ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications and 31st ESA Antenna Workshop,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, pp. 431-437, May 2009. - The planar UWB leaky lens antenna
A. Neto;
In 5th ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications and 31st ESA Antenna Workshop,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, May 2009. - Dual-layer optimized pill-box antenna for applications in the millimeter-wave range
M. Ettorre; R. Sauleau; A. Neto;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
June 2009. - A report on the cooperation between TNO and SRON toward THz focal plane imaging
A. Neto; A. Iacono; G. Gerini; J. Baselmans; S. Yates; A. Barishev; H. F. C. Hoevers;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
June 2009. - Planar implementation of the UWB leaky lens antenna
A. Neto;
In 11th Edition of the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications,
September 2009. - Kinetic inductance detectors based receiver array architectures for imaging at THz frequency
A. Iacono; A. Neto; G. Gerini; J. Baselmans; S. J. Yates; A. M. Baryshev; H. F. Hoevers;
In 39th European Microwave Conference,
September 2009. - Limiting frequency selective surfaces
S. Monni; D. Bekers; M. van Wanum; R. van Dijk; A. Neto; G. Gerini; F. E. van Vliet;
In 39th European Microwave Conference,
September 2009. - Common-mode resonances in ultra wide band connected arrays of dipoles: measurements from the demonstrator and exit strategy
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini;
In 11th Edition of the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications,
Turin, Italy, pp. 435-438, Sep. 14-18 2009. (invited paper).
document - Analysis of common-mode resonances in arrays of connected dipoles and possible solutions
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini;
In 6th European Radar Conference,
pp. 441-444, September 2009.
document - A wide-band dual-pol array of printed dipoles
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini; G. Toso;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
June 2009. - A wide-band dual-polarized array of connected dipoles
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini; G. Toso;
In 5th ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications and 31st ESA Antenna Workshop,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, May 2009. - Common mode, differential mode and baluns: the secrets
A. Neto; D. Cavallo; G. Gerini;
In 5th ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications and 31st ESA Antenna Workshop,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, May 2009.
document - Scanning performances of wide band connected arrays of dipoles
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini; G. Toso;
In 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
pp. 1222-1224, March~23-27 2009.
document - Array antenna feed structures
A. Neto; D. Cavallo; G. Gerini; R. Grooters; G. Toso;
Patent, US9865936B2, 2009.
document - Leaky wave enhanced feed arrays for the improvement of the edge of coverage gain in multi beam antennas
N. Llombart; A. Neto; G. Gerini; M. Bonnedal; P. de Maagt;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 56, Issue 5, pp. 1280-1291, May 2008.
document - Leaky-wave slot array antenna fed by a dual reflector system
M. Ettorre; A. Neto; G. Gerini; S. Maci;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 56, Issue 10, pp. 3143-3149, October 2008.
document - Impact of mutual coupling in leaky wave enhanced imaging arrays
N. Llombart; A. Neto; G. Gerini; M. Bonnedal; P. de Maagt;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 56, Issue 4, pp. 1201-1206, April 2008.
document - A 675 GHz flat lens antenna coupled to a superconducting kinetic inductance detector
J. Baselmans; S. Yates; Y. Lankwarden; A. Neto; A.; G. Gerini; D. Bekers; A. Baryshev; H. Hoevers;
In 30th ESA Workshop on Antennas for Earth Observation, Science, Telecommunication and Navigation Space Missions,
ESA Conference Bureau, May 2008. - Leaky-wave slot array antenna fed by a dual reflector system
M. Ettorre; A. Neto; G. Gerini; S. Maci;
In 30th ESA Workshop on Antennas for Earth Observation, Science, Telecommunication and Navigation Space Missions,
ESA Conference Bureau, May 2008. - EBG based dielectric lens antennas for sub-mm wave imaging
A. Neto; D. Beckers; G. Gerini; J. Baselmans; S. Yates; H. Hoevers;
In 30th ESA Workshop on Antennas for Earth Observation, Science, Telecommunication and Navigation Space Missions,
ESA Conference Bureau, May 2008. - Leaky-wave slot array antenna fed by a dual reflector system
M. Ettorre; A. Neto; G. Gerini; S. Maci;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
July 2008. - Leaky lens based UWB focal plane arrays for sub-mm wave imaging based on kinetic inductance detectors
A. Neto;
In 33th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves,
September 2008. - EBG enhanced reflector feeds for wide angle scanning applications
A. Neto; M. Ettorre; G. Gerini; P. J. De Maagt;
In 38th European Microwave Conference,
October 2008. - EBG enhanced dielectric lens antennas for the imaging at sub-mm waves
A. Neto; D. Bekers; G. Gerini; J. Baselmans; S. Yates; H. Hoevers;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
July 2008. - Impedance matching of a micromesh bolometer placed in a silicon parallel plate waveguide spectrometer
N. Llombart; C. M. Bradford; A. Neto; A.; G. Chattopadhyay;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
July 2008. - Leaky wave enhanced feeds for single aperture multi beam reflectors
A. Neto; M. Ettorre; G. Gerini; P. de Maagt;
In 38th European Microwave Conference,
October 2008. - Frequency selective surfaces for extended BW backing reflector functions
M. Pasian; A. Neto; S. Monni; M. Ettorre; G. Gerini;
In 38th European Microwave Conference,
October 2008. - EBG enhanced dielectric lens antennas for the imaging at sub-mm waves
J. Baselmans; S. Yates; A. Neto; D. Bekers; G. Gerini; A. Baryshev; J. Lankwarden; H. Hoevers;
In 38th European Microwave Conference,
October 2008. - Leaky-wave slot array antenna fed by a pin-made planar dual offset gregorian reflector system
M. Ettorre; A. Neto; G. Gerini; S. Maci;
In 38th European Microwave Conference,
October 2008. - Diagonal polarized pin-based cavity antenna array in planar technology
R. J. Bolt; S. Bruni; A. Neto; G. Gerini;
In 38th European Microwave Conference,
October 2008. - UWB, wide angle scanning, planar arrays based on connected dipoles concept
A. Neto; D. Cavallo; G. Gerini;
In Sensors & Electronics Technology Panel Specialist Meeting,
October 2008. - A comparison between the green's functions of connected slots and dipoles in the presence of a backing reflector
A. Neto; D. Cavallo; G. Gerini; G. Toso; F. E. van Vliet;
In 38th European Microwave Conference,
pp. 508-510, October 2008.
document - On the potentials of connected array technology for wide band, wide scanning, dual polarized applications
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini; G. Toso;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
July 2008. - Connected phased array antennas for ultrawide band radar applications
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini;
In IEEE Conference on Microwave, Communication, Antennas and Electronic Systems,
May 2008.
document - On the potentials of connected slots and dipoles in the presence of a backing reflector
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini; G. Toso;
In 30th ESA Workshop on Antennas for Earth Observation, Science, Telecommunication and Navigation Space Missions,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, May 2008. - Toward the design of a wide-scan, wide-band, low-cross-pol printed array
D. Cavallo; A. Neto; G. Gerini;
In URSI Forum 2008,
Brussels, Belgium, May 2008. - Sector PCS-EBG antenna for low-cost high-directivity applications
M. Ettorre; S. Bruni; N. Llombart; A. Neto; G. Gerini; S. Maci;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 6, pp. 537-539, 2007.
document - The ultrawideband leaky lens antenna
S. Bruni; A. Neto; F. Marliani;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 55, Issue 10, pp. 2462-2653, October 2007.
document - Multimode equivalent networks for the design and analysis of frequency selective surfaces
S. Monni; G. Gerini; A. Neto; A. Tihuis;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 55, Issue 10, pp. 2824-2835, October 2007.
document - 1D scanning arrays on dense dielectrics using PCS-EBG technology
N. Llombart; A. Neto; G. Gerini; P. De Maagt;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
January 2007.
document - EBG enhanced feeds for high aperture efficiency reflector antennas
A. Neto; N. Llombart; G. Gerini; M. Bonnedal; P. de Maagt;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 55, Issue 7, pp. 1-5, August 2007.
document - Wideband localization of the dominant leaky wave poles in dielectric covered antennas
A. Neto; N. Llombart;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 549-551, December 2006.
document - Ultrawide-band properties of long slot arrays
A. Neto; JJ.Lee;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 54, Issue 2, pp. 534-543, February 2006.
document - On the optimal radiation bandwidth of printed slot antennas surrounded by EBGs
A. Neto; N. Llombart; G. Gerini; P.J. de Maagt;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 54, Issue 4, April 2006.
document - Infinite bandwidth long slot array antenna
A. Neto; J.J. Lee;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 4, pp. 75-78, 2005.
document - Comments and reply on \"Infinite bandwidth long slot array antenna\"
A. Neto; J.J. Lee;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 4, Issue 1, pp. 497, 2005.
document - Design guidelines for terahertz mixers and detectors
P. Focardi; R. Mc Grath; A. Neto;
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Volume 53, Issue 5, pp. 1653-1661, May 2005.
document - The leaky lens: a broad-band, fixed-beam leaky-wave antenna
A. Neto; S. Bruni; G. Gerini; M. Sabbadini;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 53, Issue 10, pp. 3240-3246, October 2005.
document - Problem-matched basis functions for microstrip coupled slot antennas based on transmission line Green\s functions"
S. Bruni; N. Llombart; A. Neto; G. Gerini; S. Maci;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 53, Issue 11, pp. 4060-4063, November 2005.
document - Planar circularly symmetric EBG structures for reducing surface waves in printed antennas
N. Llombart; A. Neto; G. Gerini; P.J. de Maagt;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 53, Issue 10, pp. 3210-3218, October 2005.
document - Input impedance of small-width slots fed by very small-gap printed between two dielectric media
A. Neto; S. Maci;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 113-116, December 2004.
document - Green\s function of an infinite slot printed between two homogeneous dielectrics. Part II: uniform asymptotic solution
A. Neto; S. Maci;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 52, Issue 3, pp. 666-676, March 2004.
document - Green\s function of an infinite slot printed between two homogeneous dielectrics. Part I: magnetic currents
A. Neto; S. Maci;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 51, Issue 7, pp. 1572-1581, July 2003.
document - Entire domain basis functions for the full wave analysis of coplanar waveguide excited slot antennas
A. Neto; P.J.I. de Maagt; S. Maci;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 51, Issue 7, pp. 1638-1646, July 2003.
document - Distributed sources on coplanar waveguides: application to photomixer based THz local oscillators
D. Pasqualini; A. Neto; R. Wyss;
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,
Volume 33, Issue 6, pp. 430-435, June 2002.
document - Coplanar-waveguide-based terahertz hot-electron-bolometer mixers: improved embedding circuit description
P. Focardi; A. Neto; R. Mc. Grath;
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Volume 50, Issue 10, pp. 2374-2383, October 2002.
document - Effect of the internal reflections on the radiation properties and input impedance of integrated lens antennas: comparison between theory and measurements
M. Van der Vorst; P.J.I. de Maagt; A. Neto; A. Reynolds; W. Luinge; R. Heres; M Herben;
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Volume 49, Issue 6, pp. 1118-1125, June 2001.
document - A truncated floquet waves diffraction method for the full wave analysis of large phased arrays: Part I formulation for 2D cases
A. Neto; S. Maci; G. Vecchi; M. Sabbadini;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 48, Issue 4, pp. 594-600, April 2000.
document - A truncated floquet waves diffraction method for the full wave analysis of large phased arrays: Part II generalization to 3D cases
A. Neto; S. Maci; G. Vecchi; M. Sabbadini;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 48, Issue 4, pp. 601-611, April 2000.
document - On wafer determination of impedance of planar 100GHz double slot antenna
I.G. Thayne; D.L.Edgar; K.Elgaid; H. McLelland; S. Ferguson; A Ross; J.M. Arnold. R.M. Heeres; N. Whyborn; W. Luinge; M.J.M. van der Vorst; A. Neto; P.J.I. de Maagt;
Electronic Letters,
Volume 35, Issue 16, pp. 1291-1292, August 1999.
document - Input impedance of integrated elliptical lens antennas
A. Neto; L. Borselli; S. Maci; P.J. de Maagt;
IEE Proceedings Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 146, Issue 3, pp. 181-186, June 1999.
document - Mutual coupling between slots under an elliptical dielectric lens
A. Neto; D. Pasqualini; A. Toccafondi; S. Maci;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 47, Issue 10, pp. 1504-1507, October 1999.
document - Reflections inside an elliptical dielectric lens antenna
A. Neto; S. Maci; P.J. de Maagt;
IEE Proceedings Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 145, Issue 3, pp. 243-247, June 1998.
BibTeX support
Last updated: 28 Jun 2022

Andrea Neto
- +31-15-27 88641
- Room: HB.18.320
- List of publications
PhD students
- Laurens Beijnen
- Nina Beschoor Plug
- Martijn Huiskes
- Dunja Lončarević
- Erik Speksnijder
- Alexander van Katwijk (2024)
- Riccardo Ozzola (2024)
- Huasheng Zhang (2024)
- Sjoerd Bosma (2023)
- Arturo Fiorellini Bernardis (2022)
- Alejandro Pascual Laguna (2022)
- Ralph van Schelven (2022)
- Marta Arias Campo (2021)
- Sven van Berkel (2020)
- Shahab Oddin Dabironezare (2020)
- Harshitha Thippur Shivamurthy (2020)
- Harshitha Thippur Shivamurthy (2020)
- Cristina Yepes (2020)
- Alessandro Garufo (2017)
- Ozan Yurduseven (2016)
- Beatriz Blázquez (2015)
- Waqas Syed (2015)
MSc students
- Petar Peshev (THZ) (2025)
- Cesare Tadolini (THZ) (2024)
- Yanwen Chen (THZ) (2023)
- Erik Speksnijder (THZ) (2023)
- Laurens Beijnen (THZ) (2023)
- Roderick Tapia Barroso (THZ) (2023)
- Martijn Huiskes (THZ) (2022)
- Jinglin Geng (THZ) (2022)
- Dunja Lončarević (THZ) (2022)
- Saurabh Nerkar (THZ) (2021)
- Antonios Pelekanidis (THZ) (2020)
- Andrea Degasperi (THZ) (2019)