MSc Keyvan Yari Digesara

PhD student
Electronic Components, Technology and Materials (ECTM), Department of Microelectronics


Keyvan Yari Digesara graduated from the University of Guilan with his bachelor's and master's degrees (both in Electrical Engineering) in 2012 and 2015, respectively. His bachelor's degree project was finding a sound source using a microphone array.

During his master's degree, he worked on DC-DC converter topologies and switching. Hence, he developed several new structures of DC-DC converters employing hard and soft switching techniques. After his master's graduation, he continued his research in the field and proposed various DC-DC converters for a wide range of renewable energy-based and industrial applications.

He is also a frequent reviewer of the following journals: IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, IET Power Electronics, Nature, etc.

In February 2024, Keyvan joined TU Delft's Electronics Components Technology and Materials (ECTM) group in the Department of Microelectronics. He is working on power semiconductor packaging technologies and topologies for specific EV applications that will contribute to the next generation of power modules for heavy-duty applications.

Last updated: 20 Jun 2024