Specialization profile--Array processing

Array processing focuses on the processing, modelling and analysis of signals that are acquired by arrays of sensors. Although the application areas, the necessary domain knowledge and type of sensors (e.g., antennas, microphones, electrodes, etc.) can be rather diverse, the underlying fundamentals and methodology that forms the basis for the different applications shows many similarities. The different application areas that consider the use of array processing are therefore gathered in this profile called “array processing” and are therefore rather diverse. It includes, among other things:

  • Signal processing for communication (Prof. dr. ir. G.J.T. Leus)
  • Audio and acoustic signal processing (Dr. ir. R. C. Hendriks)
  • Biomedical signal processing and imaging (Dr. ir. R. C. Hendriks, Dr. B. Hunyadi and Dr. R. Remis)
  • Radio astronomy (Prof. dr. ir. A. J. van der Veen)
  • Array processing for radar (Prof. dr. ir. A. J. van der Veen & Prof.dr. A. Yarovoy)


Suggested courses

EE4530Applied convex optimization5 EC details
EE4540Distributed signal processing5 EC details
EE4595Wavefield imaging5 EC details
EE4685Machine learning, a Bayesian perspective5 EC details
EE4715Array processing5 EC details
EE4740Data compression: Entropy and sparsity perspectives5 EC details
EE4750Tensor networks for green AI and signal processing4 EC details
EE4760Probablistic sensor fusion3 EC details
EE4C12Machine learning for Electrical Engineering5 EC details
ET4358Fundamentals of wireless communications5 EC details
ET4386Estimation and detection5 EC details

MSc project proposals

Some examples of thesis topics (this list is not exhaustive):
SPSBrain-computer interfaces based on EEG recording of imagined speech
Analysis of electrophysiologic data acquired on PhysioHeartTM platform (ex-vivo beating heart)
Detecting Edge Changes in Networks via Graph Signal Processing
EEG-based Brain Signatures for Personalized Therapeutic Intervention in Chronic Pain
Detecting anomaly patterns in networks
Data reconstruction on networks
Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces
MIMO radar for automotive applications
Signal Design for Accurate Time-of-Arrival Estimation Using Sparse Subband Signals
Digital processing for large pixel array 3D-TOF systems
Internships Fleet Cleaner
Analyzing the characteristics of a leader in a diffusion network
Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Solar Irradiance/Weather Prediction
Acoustic transfer function estimation for beamforming applications
Decoding Emotions: Advanced Analysis of Vocal Expressions in Children With Hearing Impairment
Spectral Noise Estimation for Hearing Aids
In ear (with hearing aid) based Biomedical Signal Processing
Audio processing in wireless earbuds (Several assignments with the company Dopple)
Will High-Mobility Modulations Open Up the Ocean?
Cooperative relative navigation of anchorless network
Distributed formation control of swarms
Distributed relative PNT for Lunar surface missions
Occupancy mapping for automotive applications
Sparse Nonuniform Optical Phased Array Design
Design of sparse network control

Thesis examples

SPS 2024 Srikar ChagantiDistributed ADMM for Target Localization Using Radar Networks
Chang Ge3D Microscopy Deconvolution of Very Large Images with an Adaptive Resolution Scheme
Xi ChenMulti-feature-based Automatic Targetless Camera-LiDAR Extrinsic Calibration
2023 Yi WeijiaSparse Millimeter Wave Channel Estimation From Partially Coherent Measurements
Ban HanyuanMalleable Kernel Interpolation for Scalable Structured Gaussian Process
Haobo WangADS-B Based Trajectory Prediction for Aerial Vehicles
Vishakha MaratheIndoor in-network asset localization using Crownstone network
Xuchang ZhangDirection Finding and Localization with Bluetooth 5.2
Tianyi LiFinding Representative Sampling Subsets on Graphs:  leveraging submodularity
Chengen LiuSimplicial Unrolling ElasticNet for Edge Flow Signal Reconstruction
Kaan DemirCoherent integration for imaging and detection using active sonar
Edoardo FocantePhysics-informed Data Augmentation for Human Radar Signatures
2022 Siddhy Ganesh ShettyAutonomous Landing of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Xuzhou YangCooperative Localization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using ADS-B
Zhonggang LiRobust Formation Control against Observation Losses
Peiyuan ZhaiDistributed Gaussian Process for Multi-agent Systems
Rui TangDistributed Particle Filtering
Sebastian JordanDistributed Optimisation Using Stochastic PDMM
Mauries van HeterenLink adaptation and equalization for underwater acoustic communication using machine learning
Xiaoyao LuoMultiple Subbands Ranging Signals Design and Investigation on Frequency Dependence of the Subband Channel Impulse Responses within an Ultra-wideband Channel
Jelmer van der HoevenForecasting Models for Graph Processes
2021 David KesterA Decentralised Key Management System for the European Railway Signalling System
Calum TurnerTowards Sustainable Satellite Swarms
Bichi ZhangTargetless Camera-LiDAR Calibration for Autonomous Systems
Felix AbelTime Synchronization for Anchorless Satellite Networks
Elke SalzmannEnergy-Efficient Particle Filter SLAM for Autonomous Exploration
Stefanie BrackenhoffSPLITTER: A data model and algorithm for detecting spectral lines and continuum emission of high-redshift galaxies using DESHIMA 2.0
Daniel KappelleGNSS Chirp Interference Estimation and Mitigation
Ahmet GercekciogluGraph-aware anomalous network agent detection
2020 Bob DullaartModel-based localization using vertical line arrays
Yikai ZengDistributed Coordination for Multi-fleet Truck Platooning
Aitor García MansoAutomatic Depth Matching for Petrophysical Borehole Logs
Kaiwen ZhangOptimal Sensor Placement for Calibration-Involved Radio Astronomy Imaging Applications
Erik HagenaarsSingle-Pixel Thermopile Sensors for people counting
2019 Bishwadeep DasActive Semi-Supervised Learning For Diffusions on Graphs
Ye CuiIndoor Localization using Narrowband Radios and Switched Antennas in Indoor Environments
Yajie TangBayesian learning applied to radio astronomy image formation
Kostadin BiserkovSpoofing detection in a loosely coupled GNSS and IMU system via Synthetic Arrays
Yiting LuDevelopment of Data Processing Algorithms for UWB Radar-based Long-Term Health Monitoring
2018 Guillermo Ortiz JiménezMultidomain Graph Signal Processing
Bart CoonenDirection-of-Arrival Estimation using an Unsynchronized Array of Acoustic Vector Sensors
2017 Christos TzotzadinisPerformance and Complexity of Data Acquisition in Compressive-sensing Radar
2016 Nambur Ramamohan KrishnaprasadAcoustic Vector Sensor Based Source Localization

Contact person

For more information about the research group, possible thesis topics, and suggestions for your ISP:

prof.dr.ir. Geert Leus

Signal Processing Systems Group

Department of Microelectronics