Nikhil Gupta


  1. Low-Noise Integrated Potentiostat for Affinity-Free Protein Detection With 12 nV/rt-Hz at 30 Hz and 1.8 pArms Resolution
    S. Fischer; D. Muratore; S. Weinreich; A. Peña-Perez; R.M. Walker; C. Gupta; R.T. Howe; B. Murmann;
    IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters,
    Volume 2, Issue 6, pp. 41-44, June 2019. DOI: 10.1109/LSSC.2019.2926644

  2. A New CMOS Current Conveyors based Translinear Loop for Log-Domain Circuit Design and its Applications
    D. Dutta; W.A. Serdijn; S. Banerjee; S. Gupta;
    In Proc. International Conference on VLSI Design,
    pp. 850-853, Jan. 3-7 2005.

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