Ioan Lager
- Pulsed electromagnetic excitation of a narrow slot between two dielectric halfspaces
M. Štumpf; I.E. Lager; G. Antonini;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 72, Issue 1, pp. 123-130, Jan. 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2022.3226341 - Time-Domain Electromagnetic Leaky Waves
M. Štumpf; J. Gu; I. E. Lager;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 71, Issue 4, pp. 3382-3392, Apr. 2023. - Wave-front Behaviour of the Pulsed EM Field – Complexity and Implications
J. Gu; A. Neto; I. E. Lager; M. Štumpf;
In 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Florence, Italy, Mar. 27 - Apr. 1 2023. - Time-domain analysis of thin-wire structures based on the Cagniard-DeHoop method of moments
M. Štumpf; I.E. Lager; G. Antonini;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 70, Issue 6, pp. 4655-4662, Apr. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2022.3140782 - Evaluation of convolution integrals at late-times revisited
I.E. Lager; M. Štumpf; G.A.E. Vandenbosch; G. Antonini;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 70, Issue 10, pp. 9953-9958, Oct. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2022.3168347 - Excitation in time-domain analyses: A pivotal element for accurate simulations
J. Gu; R. van Krieken; M. Štumpf; I.E. Lager;
In Proc. 52nd European Microwave Conference - EuMC,
pp. 234-237, 2022. - Excitation in time-domain analyses: A pivotal element for accurate simulations
F. Loreto; G. Pettanice; D. Romano; M. M. Štumpf; I.E. Lager; G. Antonini;
In Proc. 52nd European Microwave Conference - EuMC,
pp. 452-455, 2022. - Preserving causality in time domain integral equation-based methods
F. Loreto; D. Romano; G. Antonini; M. Štumpf; I.E. Lager; G.A.E. Vandenbosch;
In Proc. 51th European Microwave Conference - EuMC,
pp. 474-477, 2022. - On the Excitation of Anomalous EM Transients Along the Surface of a Thin Highly Contrasting Sheet With Dielectric and Conductive Properties
M. Štumpf; I. E. Lager;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 20, Issue 1, pp. 58-62, Jan. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2020.3039510 - Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Signal Transfer Across a Thin Magneto-Dielectric Sheet
M. Štumpf; G. Antonini; I. E. Lager; G. A. E. Vandenbosch;
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility,
Volume 63, Issue 4, Aug. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TEMC.2021.3056484 - Causal excitation in antenna simulations
I.E. Lager;
Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 1-9, Apr. 2021. DOI: 10.13164/re.2021.0001 - Amplitude-modulated, cosine PE and WP pulses: Theory and applicability
I.E. Lager; M. Štumpf;
Volume 30, Issue 2, pp. 443-448, Jun. 2021. DOI: re.2021.0443 - A note on the convolution integrals entailed by the Cagniard-de Hoop analysis of layered configurations
I.E. Lager; M. Štumpf; G.A.E. Vandenbosch; G. Antonini;
In 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Düsseldorf , Germany, Mar. 22-26 2021. - Pulsed EM Field Scattering From a Narrow Superconducting Strip: A Solution Based on the Marching-On-In-Time Cagniard-DeHoop Method
M. Štumpf; I.E. Lager; G. Antonini; G.A.E Vandenbosch;
In 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Düsseldorf , Germany, Mar. 22-26 2021. - Sidelobe level suppression and scan-loss compensation in a wide-angular scanning linear array using subarrays amplitude control
F.S. Akbar; L.P. Ligthart; G. Hendrantoro; I.E. Lager;
In Proc. 50th European Microwave Conference - EuMC,
pp. 352-355, 2021. - Time-domain electromagnetic field transmission between small loop antennas on a half-space with conductive and dielectric properties
M. Štumpf; G. Antonini; I.E. Lager; G.A.E. Vandenbosch;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 68, Issue 2, pp. 938-946, Feb 2020.
document - Electromagnetism in the electrical engineering classroom
I.E. Lager; G.A.E. Vandenbosch; M. Štumpf;
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine,
Volume 62, Issue 2, pp. 14-23, Apr. 2020. - Wide-Angular Scanning Performance Enhancement in Linear Arrays via Combining Integrated In-line Subarrays and Amplitude Tapering
F.S. Akbar; G. Hendrantoro; L. Ligthart; I.E. Lager;
In 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2020. - Pulsed 2D Electro Magnetic Field Propagation in a Rectangular Waveguide
M. Štumpf; I.E. Lager; G.A.E. Vandenbosch;
In 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2020. - Use of subarrays in linear array for improving wide angular scanning performance
F.S. Akbar; L.P. Ligthart; G. Hendrantoro; I.E. Lager;
IEEE Access,
Volume 7, pp. 135290-135299, Sep. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2941398
document - Pulsed EM field transfer between a horizontal electric dipole and a transmission line – A closed-form model based on the Cagniard-DeHoop technique
M. Štumpf; G. Antonini; I.E. Lager;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 68, Issue 4, pp. 2911-2918, Apr. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2019.2935115
document - Pulsed photoconductive connected slot array operating at the sub-mm wavelength band
A. Garufo; P. Sberna; G. Carluccio; J.R. Freeman; D.R. Bacon; L. Li, J. Bueno; J.J.A. Baselmans; E.H. Linfield; A.G. Davies; I.E. Lager; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In Proc. 49th European Microwave Conference - EuMC,
pp. 820-823, 2019. - Nonuniform Array Antenna Design Incorporating the Mutual Coupling Between Rectangular Aperture Antennas
Z. Wang; I. Lager; M. Simeoni;
In 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
London, United Kingdom, April 2018. - A Complete Tool for Analyzing Mutual Couplings in Nonuniform Arrays of Rectangular Aperture Radiators
Z. Wang; M. Simeoni; I. E. Lager;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 16, pp. 3192-3195, November 2017. DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2017.2768225
document - Finite temporal support pulses for EM excitation
I. E. Lager; S. L. van Berkel;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 16, pp. 1659-1662, June 2017. DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2017.2662205
document - Grating lobes prediction in 3D array antennas
S. Bosma; W.P. Bruinsma; R.P. Hes; M.J. Bentum; I.E. Lager;
In 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Paris, France, March 2017. - A near-field setup with independent amplitude and phase control of the stimuli for phased antenna testing
C. De Martino; M. Spirito; I. E. Lager; M. Simeoni;
In 2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP),
pp. 2851-2855, March 2017. DOI: 10.23919/EuCAP.2017.7928515
Keywords: ...
antenna phased arrays;antenna testing;digital-analogue conversion;mixers (circuits);phase control;Cartesian modulation;broadband passive IQ-mixers;complex antenna array;delay mismatch compensation;far-field radiation pattern;high-resolution DAC;high-resolution digital-to-analogue converters;independent amplitude control;loss compensation;near-field antenna setup;phase coherent signals;phase control;phased antenna array testing;quadrature signal;Antenna arrays;Antenna measurements;Antenna radiation patterns;Calibration;Europe;Testing. - Analysis of photoconductive antennas power radiation by Norton equivalent circuit
A. Garufo; G. Carluccio; N. Llombart; A. Neto; I. E. Lager;
In European Microwave Week 2017,
Nüremberg, Germany, Oct. 8-13 2017. - Scan loss mitigation via subarrays. A full-scale concept demonstrator
F. S. Akbar; L. P. Ligthart; G. Hendrantoro; I. E. Lager;
In European Microwave Week 2017,
Nüremberg, Germany, pp. 156-159, Oct. 2017. - A near-field setup with independent amplitude and phase control of the stimuli for phased antenna testing
C. De Martino; M. Spirito; I. E. Lager; M. Simeoni;
In 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Paris, France, pp. 2862-2866, Mar. 19–24 2017. - Field quantities - a geometrical perspective
I. E. Lager;
In 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Paris, France, pp. 3211-3215, Mar. 19–24 2017. - Time-domain EM numerical modelling: A pulse shape causality and temporal support analysis
I. E. Lager; S. van Berkel; N. Llombart; A. Neto;
In Proc. 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Davos, Switzerland, 10-15 April 2016. 10.1109/EuCAP.2016.7481733.
document - On the Design of A Dual Polarized Leaky Lens Antenna for Wideband Applications
O. Yurduseven; N. Llombart; I.E. Lager; A. Neto;
In European Microwave Week (EuMW 2016),
London, UK, October 2016. - On the adequacy of the far-field conditions for pulsed radiated EM fields
I.E. Lager; A.B. Smolders;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 14, pp. 1561-1564, August 2015.
document - The time-domain optical theorem in antenna theory
M. Stumpf; I.E. Lager;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 14, pp. 895-897, April 2015.
document - TD radiation properties of array antennas composed of pulsed electric-current excited elements
I.E. Lager; A.T. de Hoop;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 14, pp. 715-718, March 2015.
document - Performance enhancement of 300 GHz on-chip double slot antenna by means of artificial dielectrics
W. H. Syed; G. Fiorentino; D. Cavallo; P. M. Sarro; A. Neto; I. E. Lager;
In 45th European Microwave Conference,
Paris, France, Sep. 6-11 2015. - Pulsed-field array performance: A TD analysis
I.E. Lager;
In 45th European Microwave Conference (EuMC),
Paris, France, pp. 1475-1478, September 2015. - Beamforming in sparse, random, 3D array antennas with fluctuating element locations
M.J. Bentum; I.E. Lager; S. Bosma; W.P. Bruinsma; R.P. Hes;
In European conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Lisbon, Portugal, April 2015. - Signal integrity in pulse-train excited array antennas in time and space - A full TD analysis
A.T de Hoop; I.E. Lager;
In European conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
Lisbon, Portugal, April 2015. - Performance enhancement of 300 GHz on-chip double slot antenna by means of artificial dielectrics
Syed, W. H.; Fiorentino, G.; Cavallo, D.; Sarro, P. M.; Neto, A.; Lager, I. E.;
In 45th European Microwave Conference,
2015. - Pulsed EM field, close-range signal transfer in layered configurations ? A time-domain analysis
I. E. Lager; V. Voogt; B. J. Kooij;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 62, Issue 5, pp. 2642-2651, May 2014.
document - Closed-form analytic expressions for the pulsed-source radiated electromagnetic field in a class of media with time-varying wave speed
A. T. de Hoop; I. E. Lager;
Wave Motion,
November 2013.
document - Equivalent Th?venin and Norton Kirchhoff circuits of a receiving antenna
A.T. de Hoop; M. Stoopman; W. A. Serdijn; I. E. Lager;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 12, Issue 1, pp. 1627-1629, December 2013.
document - Causal Pulses With Rectangular Spectral Content: A Tool for TD Analysis of UWB Antenna Performance
I. E. Lager; A. T. de Hoop;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 12, Issue 1, pp. 1488-1491, December 2013.
document - Equivalent Thevenin and Norton Kirchhoff circuits of a receiving antenna
De Hoop, A.; Stoopman, M.; Serdijn, W.; Lager, I.;
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Volume 12, pp. 1627-1629, 2013. Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/LAWP.2013.2293351.
document - Wireless digital information transfer: modelling, prediction and assessment
I. E. Lager; A. T. de Hoop; T. Kikkawa;
In Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Symposium,
Delft, Netherlands, March~18-19 2013. - Non-uniform array antennas -- the time-domain perspective
A. Shlivinski; I. E. Lager; E. Heyman;
In 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2013. - Leaky Lens Antennas and Kinetic Inductance Detectors - The Solution for THz Integration
A. Neto; N. Llombart; I. E. Lager; J. J. A. Baselmans; A. Baryshev; S. Yates;
In 43th European Microwave Conference,
October 2013. - Loop-to-loop pulsed electromagnetic field signal transfer in layered configurations -- application to inter-chip wireless communication
V. Voogt; I. E. Lager; B. J. Kooij;
In 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2013. - Model pulses for performance prediction of digital microlectronic systems
I. E. Lager; A. T. de Hoop; T. Kikkawa;
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology,
Volume 2, Issue 11, pp. 1859-1870, November 2012.
document - Architecture and Design Procedure of a Generic SWB Antenna with Superb Performances for Tactical Commands and Ubiquitous Communications
DP Tran; N Haider; SE Valavan; IE Lager; A Szilagyi; A Yarovoy; LP Ligthart;
MA Matin (Ed.);
Intech, , pp. 153--184, 2012. - Mutual coupling in non-uniform array antennas - An effective recipe
I. E. Lager; M. Simeoni;
In 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
March~26-30 2012. - Pulsed-field wireless interconnects in digital integrated circuits - A time-domain signal transfer and electromagnetic emission analysis
I. E. Lager; A. T. de Hoop; T. Kikkawa;
In 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
March~26-30 2012. - Radiation properties of non-uniform array antennas
I. E. Lager; M. Simeoni;
In 42nd European Microwave Conference,
October 2012. - Loop-to-loop pulsed electromagnetic field wireless signal transfer
I. E. Lager; A. T. de Hoop;
In 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
March~26-30 2012. - Pulsed-field EMI susceptibility analysis of microelectronic circuits - A full time-domain methodology
A. T. de Hoop; H. Blok; I. E. Lager; M. Stumpf; G. A. E. Vandenbosch;
In 42nd European Microwave Conference,
October 2012. - Pulsed electromagnetic field radiation from a wide slot antenna with a dielectric layer
M. Stumpf; A. T. de Hoop; I. E. Lager;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 59, Issue 8, pp. 2789-2798, August 2011.
document - On the array performance of printed, ultra wide-band 'Eared' antennas
F. M. Tanyer - Tigrek; I. E. Lager; L. P. Ligthart;
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine,
Volume 53, Issue 5, pp. 57-64, October 2011.
document - A super wideband antenna
DP Tran; A Szilagyi; IE Lager; PJ Aubry; LP Ligthart; A Yarovoy;
M Orefice (Ed.);
IEEE society, , pp. 2656--2660, 2011. - Time-domain receiving properties of a multimode cylindrical waveguide antenna
I. E. Lager; A. T. de Hoop;
In 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2011. - Electromagnetic focusing in biological tissues
W. M. Brink; I. E. Lager; B. J. Kooij;
In 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2011. - A super wideband antenna
D. P. Tran; A. Szilagyi; I. E. Lager; P. Aubry; L. P. Ligthart; A. G. Yarovoy;
In 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2011. - Puzzling radiators - Functionality enhancement by means of shared aperture antennas
I. E. Lager; M. Simeoni; C. I. Coman; C. Trampuz; L. P. Ligthart; P. van Genderen;
In 33rd ESA Antenna Workshop on Challenges for Space Antenna Systems,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, October 2011. - Pulsed fields EM interference analysis in digital signal wireless interconnects
A. T. de Hoop; I. E. Lager;
In 41st European Microwave Conference,
October 2011. - On the operating principles of UWB, CPW-fed printed antennas
F. M. Tanyer - Tigrek; A. Hizal; I. E. Lager; and L. P. Ligthart;
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine,
Volume 52, Issue 3, pp. 46-50, June 2010.
document - A CPW-fed printed loop antenna for ultra wideband applications, and its linear array performance
F. M. Tanyer - Tigrek; I. E. Lager; L. P. Ligthart;
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine,
Volume 52, Issue 4, pp. 31-40, August 2010.
document - Pulsed electromagnetic field radiation from a narrow slot antenna with a dielectric layer
M. Stumpf; A. T. de Hoop; I. E. Lager;
Radio Science,
Volume 45, October 2010.
document - Multicriteria optimization of antennas in time-domain
J. Láčk; I. E. Lager; Z. Raida;
Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 105-110, April 2010.
document - Experimental validation of a linear array consisting of CPW fed, UWB, printed, loop antennas
F. M. Tanyer - Tigrek; I. E. Lager; L. P. Ligthart;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 58, Issue 4, pp. 1411-1414, April 2010.
document - On the design of a super wide band antenna
DP Tran; PJ Aubry; A Szilayi; IE Lager; A Yarovoy; LP Ligthart;
B Lembrikov (Ed.);
Sciyo, , pp. 399--426, 2010. - Sparse antenna array for earth-coverage satellite applications
MC Vigano; G Toso; P Angeletti; IE Lager; A Yarovoy; D Caratelli;
s.n. (Ed.);
IEEE society, , pp. 1--4, 2010. - Experimental validation of the UWB 'Eared' antenna for impulse radio applications
F. M. Tanyer-Tigrek; I. E. Lager; L. P. Ligthart;
In 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2010. - Sunflower sparse array for space applications: from design to manufacturing
M. C. Vigano; G. Caille; C. Mangenot; I. E. Lager; G. Toso;
In 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2010. - Application of the shared aperture antenna concept to radar front-ends: advantages and limitations
I. E. Lager; C. Trampuz; M. Simeoni; C. I. Coman; L. P. Ligthart;
In 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2010. - Sparse antenna array for earth-coverage satellite applications
M.C. Vigano; G. Toso; P. Angeletti; I. E. Lager; A. G. Yarovoy; D. Caratelli;
In 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
April 2010. - Sparse planar array synthesis technique for satellite applications
M. C. Vigano; G. Caille; G. Toso; C. Mangenot; I. E. Lager;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium,
July 2010. - Interleaved array antennas design - (Almost) deterministic strategies
M. Simeoni; I. E. Lager; C. I. Coman; C. Trampuz;
In Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS 2010),
July 2010.
document - The relativity of bandwidth - the pursuit of truly ultra wideband radiators for communication applications
I. E. Lager; L. P. Ligthart; D. P. Tran; F. M. Tanyer-Tigrek; M. Simeoni; P. van Genderen; A. Szilagyi; C. I. Coman;
In 8th International Conference on Communications,
June 2010. - Experimental characterization of channel crosstalk in interleaved array antennas for FMCW radar
C. Trampuz; I. E. Lager; M. Simeoni; L. P. Ligthart;
In 7th European Radar Conference,
September 2010. - Inter-chip and intra-chip pulsed signal transfer between transmitting and receiving loops in wireless interconnect configurations
I. E. Lager; A. T. de Hoop;
In 40th European Microwave Conference,
September 2010. - Non-dispersive, UWB leaky lens antenna for millimeter and submillimeter wave frequencies
A. Neto; I. E. Lager;
In 20th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications,
Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2010.
document - Closed-form time-domain expressions for the 2D pulsed EM field radiated by an array of slot antennas of finite width
M. Stumpf; A. T. de Hoop; I. E. Lager;
In 20th URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory,
Berlin, Germany, pp. 703-706, August 2010.
document - Interleaved array antennas for FMCW radar applications
I. E. Lager; C. Trampuz; M. Simeoni; L.P. Ligthart;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 57, Issue 8, pp. 2486-2490, August 2009.
document - Implementation of polarization agility in planar phased-array antennas by means of interleaved sub-arrays
M. Simeoni; I. E. Lager; C. I. Coman; A.G. Roederer;
Radio Science,
Volume 44, Issue 5, October 2009.
document - CPW-fed, quasi-magnetic, printed antenna for ultra wide-band applications
F. M. Tanyer-Tigrek; D. P. Tran; I. E. Lager; L.P. Ligthart;
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine,
Volume 51, Issue 2, pp. 61-70, April 2009.
document - Sunflower array antenna with adjustable density taper
M. C. Vigano; G. Toso; G. Caille; C. Mangenot; I. E. Lager;
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation,
January 2009.
document - The pulsed-field multiport antenna system reciprocity relation and its applications - A time-domain approach
A. T. de Hoop; I. E. Lager; V. Tomassetti;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 57, Issue 3, pp. 594-605, March 2009.
document - A novel unidirectional radiator with superb UWB characteristics for X-band phased array applications
D. P. Tran; F. M. Tanyer - Tigrek; I. E. Lager; L. P. Ligthart;
In 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
March~23-27 2009. - Design of an AMC plane for a unidirectional, low profile Tulip antenna
F. M. Tanyer - Tigrek; R. M. Mateos; C. Craeye; I. E. Lager;
In 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
March~23-27 2009. - Channel crosstalk analysis in interleaved array antennas for FMCW radar
C. Trampuz; I. E. Lager; M. Simeoni; L. P. Ligthart;
In 39th European Microwave Conference,
September 2009. - Low sidelobe interleaved transmit-receive antennas for FMCW radar applications
C. Trampuz; M. Simeoni; I. E. Lager; L. P. Ligthart;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium,
June 2009. - Spatial density tapered sunflower antenna array
M. C. Vigano; G. Toso; G. Caille; C. Mangenot; I. E. Lager;
In 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
March~23-27 2009. - Wideband tulip loop antenna
F. M. Tanyer-Tigrek; D. P. Tran; I. E. Lager; L. P. Ligthart;
In 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
March~23-27 2009. - Efficient and accurate investigation of linear arrays consisting of UWB radiators
F. M. Tanyer-Tigrek; I. E. Lager; L. P. Ligthart;
In 39th European Microwave Conference,
September 2009. - Radiation properties of array antennas deployed on hexagonal lattices
M. C. Vigano; M. Simeoni; I. E. Lager;
In 30th ESA Antenna Workshop on Antennas for Earth Observation, Science, Telecommunication and Navigation Space Missions,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, pp. 118-121, May 2008. - Over 150% bandwidth, quasi-magnetic, printed antenna
F. M. Tanyer - Tigrek; D. P. Tran; I. E. Lager; and L. P. Ligthart;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
July 2008. - Open-ended triangular waveguide antenna
M. Simeoni; M. C. Vigano; I. E. Lager;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,
July 2008. - Projection based methodology for designing non-periodic, planar arrays
M.C. Vigano; I. E. Lager; G. Toso; C. Mangenot; G. Caille;
In 38th European Microwave Conference,
October 2008. - A novel uni-directional, off-axis CPW-Fed, matched by unbalanced fork-stub, UWB ring slot antenna printed on single layer PCB with back plane
D. P. Tran; F. M. Tanyer - Tigrek; I. E. Lager; L. P. Ligthart;
In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium,
July 2008. - Complementarity based design of antenna systems for FMCW radar
C. Trampuz; M. Simeoni; I. E. Lager; L .P. Ligthart;
In 5th European Radar Conference,
October 2008. - Measurement of electrically large array antennas in small anechoic chambers
M. Simeoni; I. E. Lager; C. I. Coman;
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine,
Volume 49, Issue 2, pp. 100-106, April 2007.
document - The design of shared aperture antennas consisting of differently sized elements
C. I. Coman; I. E. Lager; L.P. Ligthart;
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Volume 54, Issue 2, pp. 376-383, February 2006.
document - Patch end-launchers - A family of compact colinear coaxial-to-rectangular waveguide transitions
M. Simeoni; C. I. Coman; I. E. Lager;
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Volume 54, Issue 4, pp. 1503-1511, April 2006.
document - Activities in ace wp 2.3-1 on wideband and multiband radiators
M Bonnedal; E Angelopoulos; E Antonio; P Balling; K Chan; R Erickson; IE Lager; W Sorgel; E Ubeda; A Yarovoy;
H Lacoste; L Ouwehand (Ed.);
ESA, , pp. 1--6, 2006. - WGEMLab - A simulation platform for the analysis of rectangular waveguide aperture radiation
I. E. Lager; C. I. Coman; A.T. de Hoop;
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
Volume 39, Issue 3, pp. 1697-1700, May 2003.
document - Application of the domain-integrated field relations method to the solution of large scale static and stationary magnetic field problems
I. E. Lager; G. Mur;
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
Volume 38, Issue 2, pp. 465-468, March 2003.
document - Finite formulation and domainintegrated field relations in electromagnetics - A synthesis
I. E. Lager; E. Tonti; A. T. de Hoop; G. Mur; M. Marrone;
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
Volume 39, Issue 3, pp. 1199-1202, May 2003.
document - On the causes of spurious solutions in electromagnetics
G. Mur; I. E. Lager;
Volume 22, Issue 4, pp. 357-367, May 2002.
document - The space-time integrated model of electromagnetic field computation
A. T. de Hoop; I. E. Lager; P. Jorna;
Volume 22, Issue 5, pp. 371-379, May 2002.
document - Domain-integrated field equations approach to static magnetic field computation - Application to some two-dimensional configurations
A. T. de Hoop; I. E. Lager;
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
Volume 36, Issue 4, pp. 654-658, July 2000.
document - A finite-element method for modeling of electromagnetic fields using generalized cartesian elements
G. Mur; I. E. Lager;
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
Volume 35, Issue 3, pp. 1376-1379, May 1999.
document - A note on the uniqueness of a class of non-linear electrostatic field problems
A. T. de Hoop; I. E. Lager;
IEE Proceedings Science, Measurement and Technology,
Volume 146, Issue 4, pp. 175-181, July 1999.
document - Static magnetic field computation - An approach based on the domain-integrated field equations
A. T. de Hoop; I. E. Lager;
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
Volume 34, Issue 5, pp. 3355-3358, September 1998.
document - Least-squares minimising finite-element formulation for static and stationary electric and magnetic fields
I. E. Lager; G. Mur;
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
Volume 34, Issue 5, pp. 2419-2424, September 1998.
document - Generalized Cartesian finite elements
I. E. Lager; G. Mur;
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
Volume 34, Issue 4, pp. 2220-2227, July 1998.
document - Finite element method for stationary and static electromagnetic fields
I. E. Lager; G. Mur;
Journal of Applied Physics,
Volume 81, Issue 8, pp. 4079-4081, April 1997. - The finite element modeling of static and stationary electric and magnetic fields
I. E. Lager; G. Mur;
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
Volume 32, Issue 3, pp. 631-634, July 1996.
document - Compatibility relations for time-domain and static electromagnetic field problems
I. E. Lager; G. Mur;
Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal,
Volume 9, Issue 2, pp. 25-29, July 1994.
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