dr. S.N. Haider

PhD student
Microwave Sensing, Signals and Systems (MS3), Department of Microelectronics

PhD thesis (Apr 2015): Antennas for Frequency Reconfigurable Phased Arrays
Promotor: Alexander Yarovoy

Expertise: antenna, active phased-array and microwave techniques

Themes: XG - Next Generation Sensing and Communication


Nadia Haider enrolled in Electrical Engineering at Saxion Hogeschool, Enschede, The Netherlands in 2003 and obtained her bachelor degree with distinction in 2007. During this period she worked as an intern at Bruco Integrated Circuit where she designed electronic loads for testing ASICs. The bachelor graduation project was completed at Nedap. The project contained a feasibility study of radio frequency identification (RFID) systems for the 24 GHz frequency band. At the end of this project the proto-type of a 24 GHz RFID transponder was constructed.

In 2010 she obtained her master degree in Electrical Engineering with distinction from Delft University of Technology. Her master graduation project focused on dual-polarized UWB antenna design for imaging radar.

Since 2010 she joined the Microwave Sensing, Signals and Systems group of Delft University of Technology as a Ph.D. student. Her main researches focuses on antenna, active phased-array and microwave technique as well as reconfigurable technologies. The PhD research is conducted as part of the STARS project (STARS: Sensor Technology Applied to Reconfigurable Systems for Sustainable Security). Throughout her research she has been collaborating with University of Twente, Thales, TNO and NXP.

ET-Mi-201 Electronics for Robotics


Projects history

Sensor Technology Applied in Reconfigurable Systems

reconfigurable sensors and sensor networks applied in the context of the security domain

  1. L/S-Band Frequency Reconfigurable Multiscale Phased Array Antenna With Wide Angle Scanning
    Haider, N.; Yarovoy, A. G.; Roederer, A. G.;
    IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
    Volume 65, Issue 9, pp. 4519-4528, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2017.2722685

  2. Frequency Reconfiguration of a Dual-Band Phased Array Antenna with Variable-Impedance Matching
    Haider, N.; Caratelli, D.; Yarovoy, A.G.;
    IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
    Volume 63, Issue 8, pp. 3477-3485, August 2015. doi: 10.1109/TAP.2015.2441120.

  3. Frequency reconfiguration of a dual-band phased array antenna with variable-impedance matching
    N Haider; D Caratelli; A Yarovoy;
    IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
    Volume 63, Issue 8, pp. 3477--3485, 2015. Harvest Date of publication 3-6-2015 Mail 6-1-2016.

  4. Antennas for Frequency Reconfigurable Phased Arrays
    Haider, S.N.;
    PhD thesis, TU Delft, Delft University of Technology, April 2015. ISBN 978-94-6259-625-2.

  5. Wideband electric-magnetic antenna for polarimetric applications
    N. Haider; D. Caratelli; D. Tran; A. Yarovoy;
    In The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014), The Hague, 2014,
    IEEE society, pp. 101--105, 2014. DOI: 10.1109/EuCAP.2014.6901702

  6. Circuital characteristics and radiation properties of an UWB electric-magnetic planar antenna for Ku-band applications
    N Haider; D Caratelli; A Yarovoy;
    Radio Science,
    Volume 48, Issue 1, pp. 13--22, 2013.

  7. Directive electric-magnetic antenna for ultra-wideband applications
    N Haider; D Caratelli; DP Tran; A Yarovoy;
    IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation,
    Volume 7, Issue 5, pp. 381--390, 2013.

  8. Recent developments in reconfigurable and multiband antenna technology
    N Haider; D Caratelli; A Yarovoy;
    International Journal of Antennas and Propagation,
    Volume 2013, pp. 1--14, 2013. Special issue on wideband , multiband, tunable and smart antenna systems for mobile and UWB wireless applications.

  9. A novel class of reconfigurable spherical fermat spiral multi port antenna's
    D Caratelli; A Yarovoy; N Haider;
    E.L. Mokole; F. Sabath (Ed.);
    Springer, , pp. 209--217, 2013.

  10. Analytically based extraction of Foster-like frequency-independent antenna equivalent circuits
    D Caratelli; N Haider; A Yarovoy;
    G Manara (Ed.);
    IEEE society, , pp. 506--509, 2013.

  11. Blind-via feeding for bandwidth enhancement of planar antenna's
    N Haider; D Caratelli; A Yarovoy;
    PS Kildal; {Ingvarson et al.}, P (Ed.);
    EurAAP, , pp. --, 2013.

  12. Dual-band E-slot microstrip antenna with frequency tuning capability
    N Haider; DP Tran; A Yarovoy;
    P-S Kildal; {Ingvarson et al.}, P (Ed.);
    EurAAP, , pp. --, 2013.

  13. Experimental verification of the frequency reconfigurable L?S band phased-array antenna
    N Haider; A Yarovoy; D Caratelli; WGMM Straver; JH Zijderveld; AG Roederer;
    M Paquay; {Salghetti Drioli et al.}, L (Ed.);
    ESA, , pp. --, 2013.

  14. Frequency switchable L/S -band antenna with frequency tuning capability
    N Haider; A Yarovoy; D Caratelli;
    P-S Kildal; {Ingvarson et al.}, P (Ed.);
    EurAAP, , pp. --, 2013.

  15. Architecture and Design Procedure of a Generic SWB Antenna with Superb Performances for Tactical Commands and Ubiquitous Communications
    DP Tran; N Haider; SE Valavan; IE Lager; A Szilagyi; A Yarovoy; LP Ligthart;
    MA Matin (Ed.);
    Intech, , pp. 153--184, 2012.

  16. Reconfigurable L/S band phased array
    N Haider; DP Tran; AG Roederer; A Yarovoy;
    Electronics Letters,
    Volume 47, Issue 23, pp. 1265--1266, 2011.

  17. A new concept for frequency reconfigurable phased-array element
    N Haider; DP Tran; A Yarovoy;
    C Luxey; I Craddock (Ed.);
    IEEE society, , pp. 1--4, 2011.

  18. A new concept for frequency reconfigurable phased-array element
    Haider, N.; Tran, D.P.; Yarovoy, A.G.;
    In Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC), 2011 Loughborough,
    pp. 1-4, Nov 2011.

  19. UWB antenna element for a full-polarimetric antenna array
    N Haider; YC Yang; DP Tran; A Yarovoy;
    s.n. (Ed.);
    IEEE society, , pp. 1--5, 2010. 12-16 April 2010, Barcelona, Spain, E-ISBN : 978-84-7653-472-4 Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-6431-9.

  20. UWB antenna element for a full-polarimetric antenna array
    Haider, N.; Yang, B.; Tran, D.P.; Yarovoy, A.G.;
    In Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2010 Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on,
    pp. 1-5, April 2010.

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Last updated: 26 Dec 2018

Nadia Haider

  • Left in 2015