prof.dr. A.G. Webb

Parttime Professor
Terahertz Sensing (THZ), Department of Microelectronics

Expertise: High field MRI and its clinical applications, Electromagnetism

Themes: Health and Wellbeing


Prof. Andrew Webb is a Professor in MRI Physics at LUMC, Leiden University, and part-time affiliated with TU Delft. He is also a Medical Delta professor at LUMC and TU Delft.

He received his Bachelors degree from the University of Bristol in 1986 and his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in 1989. He has held positions as Full Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA), the Department of Physics at the University of Wurzburg (Germany), and the Department of Bioengineering and Huck Institute for Life Sciences, Penn State University (USA). Since 2009 he has been Professor of MRI Physics at the LUMC.

He is an author of more than 260 scientific papers, five patents and two instructional textbooks on medical imaging. He serves on the Editorial Board of several journals involved with magnetic resonance imaging. He is a senior member of the IEEE and in 2004 he was elected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering,. In 2000 he was awarded a Wolfgang Paul Preis of the Alexander von Humboldt Stichung, the richest research award in Germany. He is also co-founder of Magnetic Resonance Microsensors in the USA, a global provider of integrated flow/nuclear magnetic resonance equipment for mass-limited samples.

EE4650 Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Principles of MRI starting from basic EM

Projects history

A Sustainable MRI System to Diagnose Hydrocephalus in Developing Countries

Development of a low-cost MRI scanner including processing

Dielectric enhanced MRI

Modeling and analyzing the effect of high permittivity pads in MRI imaging

  1. Characterization of Concomitant Gradient Fields and Their Effects on Image Distortions Using a Low-Field Point-of-Care Halbach-Cased MRI System
    B. de Vos; R.F. Remis; A.G. Webb;
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,
    Volume 91, Issue 2, pp. 828-841, Feb. 2024. DOI: doi: 10.1002/mrm.29879

  2. Segmented RF shield design to minimize eddy currents for low-field Halbach MRI systems
    Bart de Vos; Rob Remis; Andrew Webb;
    Journal of Magnetic Resonance,
    Volume 362, Issue 107669, pp. 1-9, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmr.2024.107669

  3. Radiofrequency Safety of High Permittivity Pads in MRI - Impact of Insulation Material
    W.M. Brink; R.F. Remis; A.G. Webb;
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,
    Volume 89, Issue 5, pp. 2109-2116, 2023. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.29580

  4. Personalized local SAR prediction for parallel transmit neuroimaging at 7T from a single T1‐weighted dataset
    W.M. Brink; S. Yousefi; P. Bhatnagar; R.F. Remis; M. Staring; A.G. Webb;
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,
    Volume 88, Issue 1, pp. 464-475, 2022. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.29215

  5. Deep learning-based single image super-resolution for low-field MR brain images
    M.L. de Leeuw den Bouter; G. Ippolito; T.P.A. O’Reilly; R.F. Remis; M.B. van Gijzen; A.G. Webb;
    Scientific Reports,
    Volume 12, Issue 6362, pp. 1-10, 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-10298-6

  6. Combining deep learning and 3D contrast source inversion in MR‐based electrical properties tomography
    R. Leijsen; C. van den Berg; A. Webb; R. Remis; S. Mandija;
    NMR in Biomedicine,
    Volume 35, Issue 4, 2022. DOI: 10.1002/nbm.4211

  7. Electrical properties tomography: A methodological review
    R. Leijsen; W. Brink; C. van den Berg; A. Webb; R.F. Remis;
    Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021. DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics11020176

  8. Effects of Simulated Error-Sources on Different 3-D CSI-EPT Strategies
    R.L. Leijsen; W.M. Brink; A.G. Webb; R.F. Remis;
    IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging,
    Volume 7, pp. 713-723, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TCI.2021.3094742

  9. Design, Characterisation and Performance of an Improved Portable and Sustainable Low-Field MRI System
    B. de Vos; J. Parsa; Z. Abdulrazaq; W. Teeuwisse; C. van Speybroeck; D.H. de Gans; R.F. Remis; T. O’Reilly; A.G. Webb;
    Frontiers in Physics,
    Volume 9, 2021. DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2021.701157

  10. Transverse-EPT: A local first order electrical properties tomography approach not requiring estimation of the incident fields
    R. Leijsen; W. Brink; Xin An; A. Webb; R.F. Remis;
    Progress In Electromagnetics Research,
    Volume 102, pp. 137-148, 2021. DOI: 10.2528/PIERM21021006

  11. Gradient Coil Design and Realization for a Halbach-Based MRI System
    Bart de Vos; Patrick Fuchs; Thomas O'Reilly; Andrew Webb; Rob Remis;
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
    Volume 56, pp. 1-8, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2019.2958561

  12. Efficient Local SAR Prediction Based on Anatomical Differences and Model Order Reduction
    Wyger Brink; Jeroen van Gemert; Andrew Webb; Rob Remis;
    In Book of Abstracts ISMRM-Benelux: The 12th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter,
    Arnhem (The Netherlands), ISMRM-Benelux, pp. O54, January 2020.

  13. Transverse-EPT: a local first order electrical properties tomography approach free of incident fields
    Reijer Leijsen; Xin An; Wyger Brink; Andrew Webb; Rob Remis;
    In Book of Abstracts ISMRM-Benelux: The 12th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter,
    Arnhem (The Netherlands), ISMRM-Benelux, pp. O87, January 2020.

  14. Gradient Design for a Low-Field Halbach Array Using the Target Field Method
    Patrick Fuchs; Bart de Vos; Thomas O'Reilly; Andrew Webb; Rob Remis;
    In Book of Abstracts ISMRM-Benelux: The 12th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter,
    Arnhem (The Netherlands), ISMRM-Benelux, pp. O60, January 2020.

  15. Developments in Electrical Properties Tomography Based on the Contrast-Source Inversion Method
    R. Leijsen; P. Fuchs; W. Brink; A. Webb; Rob Remis;
    Journal of Imaging,
    Volume 5, 2019. DOI: 10.3390/jimaging5020025

  16. A Simulation Study on the Effect of Optimized High Permittivity Materials on Fetal Imaging at 3T
    J. van Gemert; W. Brink; R. Remis; A. Webb;
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,
    Volume 82, pp. 1822-1831, 2019. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.27849

  17. High-Permittivity Pad Design Tool for 7T Neuroimaging and 3T Body Imaging
    J. van Gemert; W. Brink; A. Webb; R. Remis;
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,
    Volume 81, pp. 3370-3378, 2019. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.27629

  18. Accelerating Compressed Sensing in Parallel Imaging Reconstructions Using an Efficient Circulant Preconditioner for Cartesian Trajectories
    K. Koolstra; J. van Gemert; P. Bornert; A. Webb; R. Remis;
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,
    Volume 81, pp. 670-681, 2019. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.27371

  19. Sensitivity of 3D CSI-EPT Reconstructions to Modelled EM Field Variations and Object Truncation
    R. Leijsen; W. Brink; R. Remis; A. Webb;
    In IMEP 2019: Second International Workshop on MR-Based Electrical Properties Tomography (proceedings),
    Utrecht (The Netherlands), pp. 74-75, March 2019.

  20. Accelerated SAR Computations by Exploiting Sparsity in the Anatomical Domain
    W. Brink; J. van Gemert; R. Remis; A. Webb;
    In ISMRM 2019: The 27th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM (book of abstracts),
    Montreal (Canada), pp. 0735, May 2019.

  21. Improving Tissue Electrical Properties Reconstructions by Exploiting the Benefits of Combining Deep Learning-EPT and 3D Contrast Source Inversion-EPT
    R. Leijsen; C.A.T. van den Berg; R. Remis; A. Webb; S. Mandija;
    In ISMRM 2019: The 27th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM (book of abstracts),
    Montreal (Canada), pp. 5050, May 2019.

  22. A Fast and Easy-to-Use Tool for designing High-Permittivity Pads for 3T Body and 7T Neuroimaging Applications
    J. van Gemert; W. Brink; A. Webb; R. Remis;
    In ISMRM 2019: The 27th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM (book of abstracts),
    Montreal (Canada), pp. 0276, May 2019. ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Award.

  23. Optimized High-Permittivity Pads Can Reduce SAR and Increase Transmit Field Homogeneity in Fetal Imaging at 3T
    J. van Gemert; W. Brink; R. Remis; A. Webb;
    In ISMRM 2019: The 27th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM (book of abstracts),
    Montreal (Canada), pp. 4066, May 2019.

  24. Joint Iterative Image Reconstruction and Field Map Estimation In Low Field MRI
    K. Koolstra; M. de Leeuw den Bouter; T. O'Reilly; P. Bornert; R. Remis; M. van Gijzen; A. Webb;
    In ISMRM 2019: The 27th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM (book of abstracts),
    Montreal (Canada), pp. 2445, May 2019.

  25. Massively Accelerated Simulations of High-Permittivity Materials in Multi-Channel Receive Arrays
    W. Brink; J. van Gemert; P. Bornert; R. Remis; A. Webb;
    In ISMRM 2019: The 27th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM (book of abstracts),
    Montreal (Canada), pp. 1577, May 2019.

  26. Joint Iterative Reconstruction and Field Map Estimation in Low Field MRI
    M.L. de Leeuw den Bouter; K. Koolstra; T.P.A. O'Reilly; P. Bornert; A. Webb; R.F. Remis; M.B. van Gijzen;
    In ISMRM-Benelux 2019: The 21th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter (book of abstracts),
    Leiden (The Netherlands), pp. O27, January 2019.

  27. Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based on High Permittivity Pad Optimization
    R. Remis; J. van Gemert; W. Brink; A. Webb;
    In ICIAM 2019: International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (book of abstracts),
    Valencia (Spain), pp. 266, July 2019.

  28. Accelerating compressed sensing in parallel imaging reconstructions using an efficient circulant preconditioner for cartesian trajectories
    K. Koolstra; J. van Gemert; P. Bornert; A. Webb; R.F. Remis;
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,
    pp. 1-16, 2018. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.27371

  29. 3-D Contrast Source Inversion-Electrical Properties Tomography
    R. L. Leijsen; W. M. Brink; C. A. T. van den Berg; A. G. Webb; R. F. Remis;
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
    Volume 37, Issue 9, pp. 2080-2089, September 2018. ISSN: 0278-0062. DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2018.2816125

  30. High-Permittivity Pad Design for Dielectric Shimming in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Projection-Based Model Reduction and a Nonlinear Optimization Scheme
    J. H. F. van Gemert; W. M. Brink; A. G. Webb; R. F. Remis;
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
    Volume 37, Issue 4, pp. 1035-1044, April 2018. ISSN: 0278-0062. DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2018.2791179

  31. High‐permittivity pad design tool for 7T neuroimaging and 3T body imaging
    J. van Gemert; W. Brink; A. Webb; R. Remis;
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,
    pp. 1-9, December 2018. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.27629

  32. Super Resolution Image Reconstruction for Inexpensive MRI
    M. de Leeuw den Bouter; M. van Gijzen; R. Remis; A. Webb;
    In SIAM Conference on Imaging Science,
    Bologna (Italy), pp. 164, June 2018.

  33. 3D CSI-Electrical Properties Tomography
    R. Leijsen; W. Brink; C. van den Berg; A. Webb; R. Remis;
    In ISMRM18 – International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 26th Annual Meeting and Exhibition,
    Paris (France), June 2018.

  34. Acellerating Compressed Sensing in Cartesian Parallel Imaging Reconstructions Using an Efficient and Effective Circulant Preconditioner
    J. van Gemert; K. Koolstra; P. Bornert; A. Webb; R. Remis;
    In ISMRM18 – International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 26th Annual Meeting and Exhibition,
    Paris (France), June 2018.

  35. Image Reconstruction in Low-Field MRI: A Super Resolution Approach
    M. de Leeuw den Bouter; M. van Gijzen; A. Webb; R. Remis;
    In ISMRM18 – International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 26th Annual Meeting and Exhibition,
    Paris (France), June 2018.

  36. An Efficient Methodology for the Analysis of Dielectric Shimming Materials in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    J. Van Gemert; W. Brink; A. Webb; R. Remis;
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
    Volume 36, Issue 2, pp. 666-673, February 2017. ISSN 0278-0062. DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2016.2624507

  37. Dielectric enhanced dipoles for MRI - Approaching the ideal current pattern
    W. M. Brink; J. Paska; J. Dai; J. H. F. van Gemert; G. Chen; G. C. Wiggins; R. F. Remis; C. M. Collins; A. G. Webb;
    In 2017 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA),
    (Verona, Italy), pp. 1220-1223, September 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ICEAA.2017.8065489

  38. Designing High-Permittivity Pads for Dielectric Shimming in MRI using Model Order Reduction and Gauss-Newton Optimization
    J. H. F. van Gemert; W. M. Brink; A. G. Webb; R. F. Remis;
    In 2017 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA),
    (Verona, Italy), pp. 417-420, September 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ICEAA.2017.8065266

  39. Efficient analysis of dielectric materials in coupled RF coil configurations
    W. Brink; J. Paska; J. Dai; J. van Gemert; G. Chen; G. Wiggens; R. Remis; C. Collins; A. Webb;
    In Proc. 9th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter,
    Tilburg, The Netherlands, pp. P-071, January 2017.

  40. Fast 3D design of high-permittivity pads for dielectric shimming using model order reduction and nonlinear optimization
    J. van Gemert; W. Brink; A. Webb; R. Remis;
    In Proc. 9th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter,
    Tilburg, The Netherlands, pp. O-033, January 2017.

  41. Fast 3D design of high-permittivity pads for dielectric shimming using model order reduction and nonlinear optimization
    J. van Gemert; W. Brink; A. Webb; R. Remis;
    In Proc. 25th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM,
    Honolulu, USA, April 2017.

  42. An Efficient Methodology for the Analysis of Dielectric Shimming Materials in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    J. van Gemert; W. Brink; A. Webb; R. Remis;
    preprint; IEEE Tr. Medical Imaging,
    November 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2016.2624507

  43. Automated Design Approach for Dielectric Shimming in High Field MRI
    W. Brink; J. van Gemert; R. Remis; A. Webb;
    In ISMRM UHF 2016 – International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Workshop on Ultra High Field MRI: Technological Advances and Clinical Applications (book of abstracts),
    Heidelberg (Germany), March 2016.

  44. An Efficient 3D RF Simulation Tool for Dielectric Shimming Optimization
    J. van Gemert; W. Brink; A. Webb; R.F. Remis;
    In ISMRM16 – International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 24rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, (book of abstracts),
    Singapore, pp. 1148, May 2016.

  45. Dielectric Shimtool for Automated Design of Dielectric Pads
    W. Brink; J. van Gemert; R. Remis; A. Webb;
    In ISMRM16 – International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 24rd Annual Meeting \& Exhibition (book of abstracts),
    Singapore, pp. 2148, May 2016.

  46. An Efficient 3D RF Simulation Tool for Dielectric Shimming Optimization
    J. van Gemert; W. Brink; A. Webb; R. Remis;
    In ISMRM16 - Benelux – The 8th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter (book of abstracts),
    Eindhoven (The Netherlands), pp. 4, January 2016.

  47. A Theoretical Approach Based on Electromagnetic Scattering for Analysing Dielectric Shimming in High Field MRI
    W. Brink; R. Remis; A. Webb;
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,
    pp. 1-10, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.25783

  48. Determination of the density of states in amorphous silicon-carbon alloys using a Fourier transformation of transient photocurrent data
    P. A. Bayley; J. M. Marshall; C. Main; D. P. Webb; R.A.C.M.M. van Swaaij; J. Bezemer;
    J. Non-Cryst. Solids,
    Volume 161, 1996.

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Last updated: 8 Jan 2025