Openings at ME

Student Assistant : General TA Vacancy

Opening for: Student Assistant

Status details

Announced:15 Oct 2023
Closing date:15 Aug 2024

We made this general TA vacancy so we can collect the names of the interested students in being TA. Note that for some specific courses, we place a separate vacancy in this website.

Note that there are TA needs during the run of the courses or events during each quarter (that we need to quickly provide a TA). You can submit your interest, so if we will have any TA position available, we can email you (but there is No promise). In summary, please do not expect an email from us, if you submit the form here. We will contact you if we have a position available for you. 

General requirements and employment conditions

Bachelor or Master student
Active FlexDelft account (if you do not have one, you can ask for one at FlexDelft)
For non-european union international students, to have a valid working permit at least two weeks before the start of the first session (FlexDelft can arrange the working permit for you)
You have to assist all project days  
Remuneration is on basis of your study points (ECTS) achieved and conform to the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) of Dutch Universities


To apply please be sure you have read the requirements and use the following link to the application form 


dr. Seyedmahdi Izadkhast

Assistant Professor

Electrical Engineering Education Group

Department of Microelectronics