
Swarming lab opened!

The TU Delft Swarming Lab is an interfaculty facility between Delft Robotics Institute (DRI), Faculty of EEMCS, Faculty of AE and MAVLab, established to foster research collaboration and community building on swarms. 

Although the lab has been operational since 2023,  it was formally opened on 20 June 2024 by Guido de Croon and Raj Rajan (co-directors). It is housed in the TU Delft Science Centre, which also gives it large visibility to the general public.

The opening presented the facilities as well as some of the amazing students and researchers who have contributed to the lab thus far.

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Dante Muratore gave an interview in La Republica

Dante Muratore gave an interview in La Republica about his research and experience at the TU Delft.
Dante Muratore: I said no to Elon Musk to create a chip that will help those who have lost their sight "to see the stars again" - la Repubblica

At last, a woman’s name on the nameplate

When Merel Verhoef, an Electrical Engineering student, heard last year that yet another area in her Faculty was going to be named after a man, she felt as though she had been slapped in the face.

A list of all 21 floors with their countless labs and lecture halls did not make her any happier – they all bore the names of men. She thought that it should not come as any surprise that so few women study or work in electrical engineering. Surely the open days do not help attract women if they do not recognise themselves in that environment?

Verhoef expressed her frustrations to llke Ercan,  Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering, who was on the point of claiming an as yet nameless space to set up her much desired Makerspace. This would be a space for extracurricular experiments and tryouts. Ercan says that it was perfect timing. “I was immediately able to do something about Merel’s frustrations.”

She came up with a plan to name a room in her building after a female scientist for the first time. The Computer Science building (building 28), also part of the faculty of EEMCS, already had a room named after Iranian mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani.

Read more; At last, a woman’s name on the nameplate - Delta (