IN4341 Performance analysis of communication networks and systems

Topics: Design and performance evaluation of complex networks such as telecommunication, computer and embedded networks and biological networks

This course applies probability theory and the theory of stochastic processes to the design and performance evaluation of complex networks such as man-made networks as telecommunication, computer and embedded networks and biological networks. The computation with random variables is reviewed. Markov processes and queuing theory will be introduced to the current important concept of "Quality of Service (QoS)" provisioning and to the computation of the blocking probabilities in telephony (both fixed as mobile). Several applications (e.g. the robustness of networks, epidemics in networks, the Internet shortest path routing) are also included.

The course provides students with mathematical techniques, in particular probabilistic methods and graph theory, to compare the performance of different network designs and protocols.

Teachers Piet Van Mieghem (NAS)

Modelling and analysis of complex networks; new Internet-like architectures and algorithms for future communications networks.

Last modified: 2023-11-03


Credits: 5 EC
Period: 0/2/0/0
Contact: Piet Van Mieghem