EE4615 Digital IC design II
This course will consolidate the knowledge acquired in EE4610 by practicing the design of an advanced complex digital VLSI design, where high-level specifications are translated to transistor sizes, going through several abstraction levels. At each level, the opportunities and limitations of the physical implementation will be considered for finding better solutions and tradeoffs, by means optimization and the search of new topologies, while keeping complexity to a minimum to achieve the desired functionality. Parasitics and the other effects deriving from the analog behavior of digital circuits will be taken into account using four-corner analysis, Montecarlo analysis, as well as simplifications and modeling at each abstraction level and other semi-automatic tools.
dr. Masoud Babaie
RF circuits
dr. Morteza Alavi
RF Integrated Circuit
Last modified: 2023-11-04

Credits: | 3 EC |
Period: | 0/0/0/4 |
Contact: | Morteza Alavi |