
ME colloquium

Electronics for Brain-Computer Interfaces

Dante Muratore

Advancements in neurosciences and neurotechnology are enabling brain-computer interfaces capable of restoring neural function worthy of a science fiction movie. They can help deaf people to hear and blind people to see again, directly convert thoughts into speech, and even allow paralyzed people to play videogames. Eventually, this technology will be so close to our consciousness that it will be hard to differentiate us from robots. Many technological challenges need to be solved before we can reach this (apocalyptic/bright?) future. In this colloquium, I will describe what brain-computer interfaces can do today and show our work on the next-generation implantable chips. When designing these chips, it is crucial to co-optimize the entire system to meet the strict power and area constraints inside the human body. So, I will describe solutions in wireless power transfer, sensor interfaces, and on-chip signal processing – there should be something for everyone in the audience. After the colloquium, we can discuss what it even means to be humans…

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