

7th Graph Signal Processing Workshop (GSP 2024)

Following a series of successful workshops since 2016, we are pleased to announce that the 7th Edition of the Graph Signal Processing Workshop will be held June 24-26, 2024 in Delft, The Netherlands (campus TU Delft). The workshop will provide a warm welcome to experts and practitioners from academia and industry in the field of graph signal processing (GSP). The goal of GSP is to generalize classical signal processing and statistical learning tools to signals on graphs (functions defined on a graph).

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Overview of Conferences


Microelectronics colloquium

Sten Vollebregt

A SiC-carbon nanotube composite for MEMS

Silicon carbide (SiC) is a promising material for MEMS devices, especially for those aiming at harsh environment applications. However, the lack of a proper bulk fabrication process is a factor that impedes the development of SiC MEMS.

PhD Thesis Defence

Tworit Dash

On Doppler Processing for Fast Scanning Weather Radars

PhD Thesis Defence

Xinrui Ji

Metallic Nanoparticles Sintering​ for High Density Interconnects​


Justin Dauwels

AI for applications in psychiatry

PhD Thesis Defence

Gandhika Wardhana

Microtechnology for in-vitro ultrasound neuromodulation studies

PhD Thesis Defence

Henry Martin

Prognostics and Thermal Management of Power Electronic Packages

PhD Thesis Defence

Nicolas Kruse

Radar-based Classification of Continuous Sequences of Human Activities

PhD Thesis Defence

Romina Sattari

Multi-domain reliability monitoring of semiconductor packaging in harsh environments

PhD Thesis Defence

Bruno Buijtendorp

Low-loss deposited dielectrics for superconducting integrated circuits